"""Interface for implementing a source.""" import abc from typing import ClassVar, Iterable, Optional import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pyarrow as pa from pydantic import BaseModel, validator from ..schema import ( Field, ImageInfo, Item, Schema, arrow_dtype_to_dtype, arrow_schema_to_schema, field, ) class SourceSchema(BaseModel): """The schema of a source.""" fields: dict[str, Field] num_items: Optional[int] = None class SourceProcessResult(BaseModel): """The result after processing all the shards of a source dataset.""" filepaths: list[str] data_schema: Schema num_items: int images: Optional[list[ImageInfo]] = None class Source(abc.ABC, BaseModel): """Interface for sources to implement. A source processes a set of shards and writes files.""" # ClassVars do not get serialized with pydantic. name: ClassVar[str] # The source_name will get populated in init automatically from the class name so it gets # serialized and the source author doesn't have to define both the static property and the field. source_name: Optional[str] = None class Config: underscore_attrs_are_private = True @validator('source_name', always=True) def validate_source_name(cls, source_name: str) -> str: """Return the static name when the source_name name hasn't yet been set.""" # When it's already been set from JSON, just return it. if source_name: return source_name if 'name' not in cls.__dict__: raise ValueError('Source attribute "name" must be defined.') return cls.name @abc.abstractmethod def source_schema(self) -> SourceSchema: """Return the source schema for this source. Returns A SourceSchema with fields: mapping top-level columns to fields that describes the schema of the source. num_items: the number of items in the source, used for progress. """ pass def setup(self) -> None: """Prepare the source for processing. This allows the source to do setup outside the constructor, but before its processed. This avoids potentially expensive computation the pydantic model is deserialized. """ pass def teardown(self) -> None: """Tears down the source after processing.""" pass @abc.abstractmethod def process(self) -> Iterable[Item]: """Process the source upload request. Args: task_step_id: The TaskManager `task_step_id` for this process run. This is used to update the progress of the task. """ pass def schema_from_df(df: pd.DataFrame, index_colname: str) -> SourceSchema: """Create a source schema from a dataframe.""" index_np_dtype = df.index.dtype # String index dtypes are stored as objects. if index_np_dtype == np.dtype(object): index_np_dtype = np.dtype(str) index_dtype = arrow_dtype_to_dtype(pa.from_numpy_dtype(index_np_dtype)) schema = arrow_schema_to_schema(pa.Schema.from_pandas(df, preserve_index=False)) return SourceSchema( fields={ **schema.fields, index_colname: field(dtype=index_dtype) }, num_items=len(df)) def normalize_column_name(name: str) -> str: """Normalize a column name.""" return name #return name.replace(' ', '_').replace(':', '_').replace('.', '_')