import math import random import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scipy import statistics as st import os import numpy as np from sklearn.base import TransformerMixin from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler, RobustScaler, MinMaxScaler, LabelEncoder class NDStandardScaler(TransformerMixin): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._scaler = StandardScaler(copy=True, **kwargs) self._orig_shape = None def fit(self, X, **kwargs): X = np.array(X) # Save the original shape to reshape the flattened X later # back to its original shape if len(X.shape) > 1: self._orig_shape = X.shape[1:] X = self._flatten(X) # reshape data into two-dimensioal format suitable for standardScaler, **kwargs) return self def transform(self, X, **kwargs): X = np.array(X) # convert X to numpy array X = self._flatten(X) # shape data into the same format used during fit X = self._scaler.transform(X, **kwargs) X = self._reshape(X) # reshape in original shape return X def _flatten(self, X): # Reshape X to <= 2 dimensions -> [10, 28, 28, 3] to [10, 28*28*3] if len(X.shape) > 2: n_dims = # calculates the number of elements in original shape X = X.reshape(-1, n_dims) # reshapes the data into two dimensions return X def _reshape(self, X): # Reshape X back to it's original shape if len(X.shape) >= 2: X = X.reshape(-1, *self._orig_shape) return X # substraction of mean of each column from the data: reduce bias, normalization def mean_sub(data): EPSILON = 1e-12 for i in range(data.shape[1]): data[:, i] = data[:, i] - np.mean(data[:, i]) # / np.std(data[subject][action]['imu_signals'][:,i,c]) return data def degree_to_radians(signals): return np.array(list(map(lambda signal: np.array(list(map(math.radians, signal))), signals))) def get_start_indices(n_timesteps, window_len, step_size): n_timesteps_valid = n_timesteps - window_len + 1 if step_size <= 0: step_size = 1 start_indices = np.arange(0, n_timesteps_valid, step_size, dtype=int) return start_indices def get_data(data): window_len = 243 step_size = 1 X = [] print("data shape: ",data.shape) start_indices = get_start_indices(data.shape[0], window_len=window_len, step_size=step_size) for k in start_indices: this_window_data = data[k:k + window_len, :] this_window_data = mean_sub(this_window_data) X.append(this_window_data) print("data shape after: ",np.array(X).shape) return X def select_random_samples(X, sample_percent): num_samples = len(X) num_samples_to_select = int(num_samples * sample_percent) selected_indices = random.sample(range(num_samples), num_samples_to_select) selected_indices.sort() selected_samplesX = [X[i] for i in selected_indices] return selected_samplesX def load_imu(data_array): test_data = [] X = get_data(data_array) print("X shape: ",np.array(X).shape) samplesX = select_random_samples(X, 1) print("samplesX shape: ",np.array(samplesX).shape) test_data.extend(samplesX) test_data = np.array(test_data) print('') print(len(test_data)) return test_data