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proteinStyle = { cartoon: { colorscheme: "Jmol" } }; pocketStyle = { clicksphere: { radius: 1.5 } }; pocketSurfaceStyle = { opacity: 0.854, color: "aquamarine" }; selectedElements = { "atoms": [], "ligand": {name: null, resn: null, chain: null, resi: null}, "pocket": {name: null, id: null} } } """ # function handleMessage(event) { # if (event.data.name == "atom_selection") { # console.log("New message: ", event.data) # let atom = event.data.data["atom"]; # let add = event.data.data["add"]; # console.log("add: ", add, " atom: ", atom); # window.selected_elements["atom_selection"][atom] = add; # } # if (event.data.name == "ligand_selection") { # console.log("New message: ", event.data) # let residue_info = event.data.data["residue"]; # let add = event.data.data["add"]; # residue = residue_info.resi + ":" + residue_info.resn + ":" + residue_info.chain; # console.log("add: ", add, " residue: ", residue); # window.selected_elements["ligand_selection"][residue] = add; # } # if (event.data.name == "pocket_selection") { # let pocket = event.data.data["pocket"]; # console.log("add: ", add, " pocket: ", pocket); # window.selected_elements["pocket_selection"][pocket] = add; # } # } # # window.addEventListener("message", handleMessage); # console.log("Listener Added"); # console.log(window.selected_elements); RETURN_LIGAND_SELECTION_JS = """ (prot_file, selected_ligand) => { const selectedElements = window.selected_elements || {}; // Handle potential undefined if ("ligand_selection" in selectedElements) { ligandElements = selectedElements["ligand_selection"]; for (const [residue, add] of Object.entries(ligandElements)) { if (add) { selectedLigand = residue console.log("Selecting ligand ", selectedLigand); } } } console.log("Finished parsing selection."); window.selected_elements["ligand_selection"] = {} return [prot_file, selectedLigand]; } """ RETURN_SELECTION = """ (selected_ligand, selected_pocket) => { selectedAtoms = selectedElements.atoms; selectedLigand = selectedElements.ligand.name; console.log("Selected Ligand:", selectedLigand); selectedPocket = selectedElements.pocket.name; console.log("Selected Pocket:", selectedPocket); return [selectedLigand, selectedPocket]; } """ RETURN_POCKET_SELECTION_JS = """ (prot_file, selected_pocket) => { const selectedElements = window.selected_elements || {}; // Handle potential undefined if ("pocket_selection" in selectedElements) { pocketElements = selectedElements["pocket_selection"]; for (const [pocket, add] of Object.entries(pocketElements)) { if (add) { console.log("Selecting pocket ", pocket); selected_pocket = pocket; } } } console.log("Finished parsing selection."); window.selected_elements["pocket_selection"] = {} return [prot_file, selected_pocket]; } """ RETURN_ATOM_SELECTION_JS = """ (input_file, selected_atoms) => { let selectedAtoms = []; if ("atom_selection" in selectedElements) { atomElements = selectedElements["atom_selection"]; for (const [atom, add] of Object.entries(atomElements)) { if (add) { console.log("Adding atom ", atom); selectedAtoms.push(String(atom)); } } } const selectedAtomsString = selectedAtoms.join(","); console.log("Finished parsing selection."); window.selected_elements["atom_selection"] = {} return [input_file, selectedAtomsString]; } """ CREATE_INPUT_MOL_VIEW = """ (mol_file, view_html) => { try { let viewer; // Get element id of the view_html string with error handling const idMatch = view_html.match(/id="(\w+)"/); if (!idMatch || !idMatch[1]) { console.error("Invalid view_html: No ID found."); return; // Exit the function if no ID is found } const element_id = idMatch[1]; const element = document.getElementById(element_id); if (!element.querySelector('canvas')) { viewer = $3Dmol.createViewer(element, viewerConfig); } else { viewer = element.querySelector('canvas')._3dmol_viewer; viewer.clear(); selectedElements = { "atoms": [], "ligand": {name: null, resn: null, chain: null, resi: null}, "pocket": {name: null, id: null} } } if (mol_file == null) { return; } $.get(mol_file.url, function(molContent) { fmt = mol_file.path.split('.').pop(); model = viewer.addModel(molContent, fmt); model.setStyle({ hetflag: false }, proteinStyle); model.setStyle({ hetflag: true }, ligandStyle); selectedLigand = selectedElements.ligand.name; model.setClickable( { hetflag: true, byres: true }, true, function (_atom, _viewer, _event, _container) { let selectedLigand = selectedElements.ligand; let currentLigand = { resn: _atom.resn, chain: _atom.chain, resi: _atom.resi }; currentLigand.name = currentLigand.resi + ":" + currentLigand.resn + ":" + currentLigand.chain; if (selectedLigand.name == currentLigand.name) { // Deselect ligand _viewer.setStyle( { resn: currentLigand.resn, chain: currentLigand.chain, resi: currentLigand.resi }, ligandStyle ); console.log("Deselected Ligand:", currentLigand); selectedElements.ligand = {name: null, resn: null, chain: null, resi: null}; } else { // Select ligand and deselect previous if (selectedLigand.name) { _viewer.setStyle( { resn: selectedLigand.resn, chain: selectedLigand.chain, resi: selectedLigand.resi }, ligandStyle ); } selectedElements.ligand = currentLigand; _viewer.setStyle( { resn: currentLigand.resn, chain: currentLigand.chain, resi: currentLigand.resi }, { stick: { color: "red", radius: "0.4"} } ); console.log("Selected Ligand:", currentLigand); } _viewer.render(); } ); viewer.zoomTo(); viewer.render(); }).fail(function(error) { console.error("Error loading molecule:", error); }); } catch (error) { console.error("An error occurred:", error); } } """ UPDATE_MOL_VIEW = """ (mol_files, view_html) => { try { let viewer; // Get element id of the view_html string with error handling const idMatch = view_html.match(/id="(\w+)"/); if (!idMatch || !idMatch[1]) { console.error("Invalid view_html: No ID found."); return; // Exit the function if no ID is found } const element_id = idMatch[1]; const element = document.getElementById(element_id); if (element.querySelector('canvas')) { viewer = element.querySelector('canvas')._3dmol_viewer; for (let i = 1; i < viewer.models.length; i++) { viewer.removeModel(i); } viewer.removeAllSurfaces(); } else { console.error("Invalid view_html: No canvas found."); return; } for (var mol_file of mol_files) { // Get the file format const fmt = mol_file.orig_name.split('.').pop(); const filename = mol_file.orig_name; console.log("File:", mol_file.orig_name, "Format:", fmt); // Check values $.get(mol_file.url, function(molContent) { model = viewer.addModel(molContent, fmt); if (fmt == "pqr") { model.setStyle(pocketStyle); surface = viewer.addSurface('VDW', pocketSurfaceStyle, {model: model}, {model: model}); const surface_id = surface.surfid; const pocket_name = filename.replace("_vert.pqr", ""); model.setClickable( { byres: true }, true, function (_atom, _viewer, _event, _container) { let selectedPocket = selectedElements.pocket; let currentPocket = { name: pocket_name, id: _atom.model, surface: surface_id }; if (currentPocket.name == selectedPocket.name) { // Deselect pocket // _viewer.setStyle({model: currentPocket.id}, pocketStyle); _viewer.setSurfaceMaterialStyle(currentPocket.surface, pocketSurfaceStyle); console.log("Deselected Pocket:", currentPocket); selectedElements.pocket = {name: null, id: null}; } else { // Select pocket and deselect previous if (selectedPocket.name) { console.log("Deselected Pocket:", selectedPocket); //_viewer.setStyle({model: selectedPocket.id}, pocketStyle); _viewer.setSurfaceMaterialStyle(selectedPocket.surface, pocketSurfaceStyle); } selectedElements.pocket = currentPocket; //_viewer.setStyle({model: currentPocket.id}, {sphere: {color: "red", opacity: 0.944} }); _viewer.setSurfaceMaterialStyle(currentPocket.surface, { opacity: 0.944, color: "red" }); console.log("Selected Pocket:", currentPocket); } _viewer.render(); } ); } else { model.setStyle({ hetflag: false }, proteinStyle); model.setStyle({ hetflag: true }, ligandStyle); } viewer.render(); }).fail(function(error) { console.error("Error loading molecule:", error); }) } console.log("Rendering protein view."); viewer.zoomTo(); viewer.render(); selectedElements = { "atoms": [], "ligand": {name: null, resn: null, chain: null, resi: null}, "pocket": {name: null, id: null} } } catch (error) { console.error("An error occurred:", error); } } """ CREATE_OUTPUT_MOL_VIEW = """ (mol_file, view_html) => { try { let viewer; const idMatch = view_html.match(/id="(\w+)"/); if (!idMatch || !idMatch[1]) { console.error("Invalid view_html: No ID found."); return; } const element_id = idMatch[1]; const element = document.getElementById(element_id); fmt = mol_file.path.split('.').pop(); $.get(mol_file.url, function(molContent) { if (!element.querySelector('canvas')) { viewer = $3Dmol.createViewer(element, viewerConfig); } else { viewer = element.querySelector('canvas')._3dmol_viewer; viewer.clear(); } model = viewer.addModel(molContent, fmt); model.setStyle({ hetflag: false }, proteinStyle); model.setStyle({ hetflag: true }, ligandStyle); viewer.zoomTo(); viewer.render(); let container = element.parentElement.querySelector(".gr-btn-grp"); if (!container) { container = document.createElement("div"); container.classList.add("gr-btn-grp"); element.parentElement.appendChild(container); } // Molecule Button let toggleMoleculeButton = container.querySelector("#toggleMoleculeButton"); if (!toggleMoleculeButton) { toggleMoleculeButton = document.createElement("button"); toggleMoleculeButton.id = "toggleMoleculeButton"; // Add an ID toggleMoleculeButton.textContent = "Hide Generated Molecule"; let moleculeIsHidden = false; toggleMoleculeButton.onclick = function() { if (viewer.models.length === 2) { moleculeIsHidden = !moleculeIsHidden; viewer.addStyle({model: 1}, {stick: {hidden: moleculeIsHidden} }); toggleMoleculeButton.textContent = moleculeIsHidden ? "Show Generated Molecule" : "Hide Generated Molecule"; viewer.render(); } }; container.appendChild(toggleMoleculeButton); } // Ligand Button const ligandButtonId = "toggleLigandButton"; let toggleLigandButton = container.querySelector("#" + ligandButtonId); // Check for ligands and existing button const hasLigands = viewer.getAtomsFromSel({model: 0, hetflag : true}).length > 0; if (hasLigands && !toggleLigandButton) { // Create button if ligands exist and it doesn't exist yet toggleLigandButton = document.createElement("button"); toggleLigandButton.id = ligandButtonId; toggleLigandButton.textContent = "Hide Co-Crystallized Ligand"; let ligandIsHidden = false; toggleLigandButton.onclick = function() { ligandIsHidden = !ligandIsHidden; viewer.addStyle({model: 0, hetflag: true}, {stick: {hidden: ligandIsHidden} }); toggleLigandButton.textContent = ligandIsHidden ? "Show Co-Crystallized Ligand" : "Hide Co-Crystallized Ligand"; viewer.render(); }; container.appendChild(toggleLigandButton); } else if (!hasLigands && toggleLigandButton) { // Remove button if no ligands exist and it already exists container.removeChild(toggleLigandButton); } // Protein Button let toggleProteinButton = container.querySelector("#toggleProteinButton"); if (!toggleProteinButton) { toggleProteinButton = document.createElement("button"); toggleProteinButton.id = "toggleProteinButton"; toggleProteinButton.textContent = "Hide Target Protein"; let proteinIsHidden = false; toggleProteinButton.onclick = function() { proteinIsHidden = !proteinIsHidden; viewer.addStyle({model: 0, hetflag: false}, {cartoon: {hidden: proteinIsHidden} }); toggleProteinButton.textContent = proteinIsHidden ? "Show Target Protein" : "Hide Target Protein"; viewer.render(); }; container.appendChild(toggleProteinButton); } }).fail(function(error) { console.error("Error loading molecule:", error); }); } catch (error) { console.error("An error occurred:", error); } } """