from numbers import Number from typing import Literal, Union, Sequence import pandas as pd from sklearn.base import TransformerMixin from sklearn.exceptions import NotFittedError from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted from import Dataset from import label_transform, FlexibleIterable class BaseEntityDataset(Dataset): def __init__( self, dataset_path: str, use_col_prefixes=('X', 'Y', 'ID', 'U') ): # Read the data table header row first to filter columns and create column dtype dict df = pd.read_csv( dataset_path, header=0, nrows=0, usecols=lambda col: col.startswith(use_col_prefixes) ) # Read the whole data table df = pd.read_csv( dataset_path, header=0, usecols=df.columns, dtype={col: 'float32' if col.startswith('Y') else 'string' for col in df.columns} ) self.df = df self.label_cols = [col for col in df.columns if col.startswith('Y')] self.label_unit_cols = [col for col in df.columns if col.startswith('U')] self.entity_id_cols = [col for col in df.columns if col.startswith('ID')] self.entity_cols = [col for col in df.columns if col.startswith('X')] def __len__(self): return len(self.df.index) def __getitem__(self, idx): raise NotImplementedError # TODO test transform class SingleEntitySingleTargetDataset(BaseEntityDataset): def __init__( self, dataset_path: str, task: Literal['regression', 'binary', 'multiclass'], n_classes: int, featurizer: callable, transformer: TransformerMixin = None, thresholds: Union[Number, Sequence[Number]] = None, discard_intermediate: bool = None, forward_fill: bool = True ): super().__init__(dataset_path) assert len(self.entity_cols) == 1, 'The dataset contains more than 1 entity column (starting with `X`).' if len(self.label_cols) >= 0: assert len(self.label_cols) == 1, 'The dataset contains more than 1 label column (starting with `Y`).' # Remove trailing `1`s in column names for flexibility self.df.columns = self.df.columns.str.rstrip('1') # Forward-fill non-label columns nonlabel_cols = self.label_unit_cols + self.entity_id_cols + self.entity_cols if forward_fill: self.df[nonlabel_cols] = self.df[nonlabel_cols].ffill(axis=0) # Process target labels for training/testing if exist if self.label_cols: # Transform target labels self.df[self.label_cols] = self.df[self.label_cols].apply( label_transform, units=self.df.get('U', None), thresholds=thresholds, discard_intermediate=discard_intermediate).astype('float32') # Filter out rows with a NaN in Y (missing values); use inplace to save memory self.df.dropna(subset=self.label_cols, inplace=True) # Validate target labels # TODO: check sklearn.utils.multiclass.check_classification_targets match task: case 'regression': assert all(self.df['Y'].apply(lambda x: isinstance(x, Number))), \ f"Y for task `regression` must be numeric; got {set(self.df['Y'].apply(type))}." case 'binary': assert all(self.df['Y'].isin([0, 1])), \ f"Y for task `binary` (classification) must be 0 or 1, but Y got {pd.unique(self.df['Y'])}." \ "\nYou may set `thresholds` to discretize continuous labels." case 'multiclass': assert n_classes >= 3, f'n_classes for task `multiclass` (classification) must be at least 3.' assert all(self.df['Y'].apply(lambda x: x.is_integer() and x >= 0)), \ f"``Y` for task `multiclass` (classification) must be non-negative integers, " \ f"but `Y` got {pd.unique(self.df['Y'])}." \ "\nYou may set `thresholds` to discretize continuous labels." target_n_unique = self.df['Y'].nunique() assert target_n_unique == n_classes, \ f"You have set n_classes for task `multiclass` (classification) task to {n_classes}, " \ f"but `Y` has {target_n_unique} unique labels." if transformer: self.df['X'] = self.df['X'].apply(featurizer) try: check_is_fitted(transformer) self.df['X'] = list(transformer.transform(self.df['X'])) except NotFittedError: self.df['X'] = list(transformer.fit_transform(self.df['X'])) # Skip sample-wise feature extraction because it has already been done dataset-wise self.featurizer = lambda x: x self.featurizer = featurizer self.n_classes = n_classes self.df['ID'] = self.df.get('ID', self.df['X']) def __getitem__(self, idx): sample = self.df.loc[idx] return { 'X': self.featurizer(sample['X']), 'ID': sample['ID'], 'Y': sample.get('Y') } # TODO WIP class MultiEntityMultiTargetDataset(BaseEntityDataset): def __init__( self, dataset_path: str, task: FlexibleIterable[Literal['regression', 'binary', 'multiclass']], n_class: FlexibleIterable[int], featurizers: FlexibleIterable[callable], thresholds: FlexibleIterable[Union[Number, Sequence[Number]]] = None, discard_intermediate: FlexibleIterable[bool] = None, ): super().__init__(dataset_path) label_col_prefix = tuple('Y') nonlabel_col_prefixes = tuple(('X', 'ID', 'U')) allowed_col_prefixes = label_col_prefix + nonlabel_col_prefixes # Read the headers first to filter columns and create column dtype dict df = pd.read_csv( dataset_path, header=0, nrows=0, usecols=lambda col: col.startswith(allowed_col_prefixes) ) # Read the whole table df = pd.read_csv( dataset_path, header=0, usecols=df.columns, dtype={col: 'float32' if col.startswith('Y') else 'string' for col in df.columns} ) label_cols = [col for col in df.columns if col.startswith(label_col_prefix)] nonlabel_cols = [col for col in df.columns if col.startswith(nonlabel_col_prefixes)] self.entity_cols = [col for col in nonlabel_cols if col.startswith('X')] # Forward-fill all non-label columns df[nonlabel_cols] = df[nonlabel_cols].ffill(axis=0) # Process target labels for training/testing if label_cols: # Transform target labels df[label_cols] = df[label_cols].apply(label_transform, units=df.get('U', None), thresholds=thresholds, discard_intermediate=discard_intermediate).astype('float32') # Filter out rows with a NaN in Y (missing values) df.dropna(subset=label_cols, inplace=True) # Validate target labels # TODO: check sklearn.utils.multiclass.check_classification_targets # WIP match task: case 'regression': assert all(df['Y'].apply(lambda x: isinstance(x, Number))), \ f"Y for task `regression` must be numeric; got {set(df['Y'].apply(type))}." case 'binary': assert all(df['Y'].isin([0, 1])), \ f"Y for task `binary` must be 0 or 1, but Y got {pd.unique(df['Y'])}." \ "\nYou may set `thresholds` to discretize continuous labels." case 'multiclass': assert len(label_cols) == len(n_class), \ (f'Data table has {len(label_cols)} label columns (`Y*`) but you have specified ' f'n_class of length {len(n_class)} for task `multiclass`.') for label, n in zip(df[label_cols], n_class): assert n >= 3, f'n_class for task `multiclass` must be at least 3.' assert all(label.apply(lambda x: x.is_integer() and x >= 0)), \ f"Y for task `multiclass` must be non-negative integers, " \ f"but Y got {pd.unique(label)}." \ "\nYou may set `thresholds` to discretize continuous labels." target_n_unique = label.nunique() assert target_n_unique == n, \ f"You have set n_classes for task `multiclass` task to {n}, " \ f"but Y has {target_n_unique} unique labels." self.df = df self.featurizers = featurizers self.n_class = n_class def __len__(self): return len(self.df.index) # WIP def __getitem__(self, idx): sample = self.df.loc[idx] return { 'X': [featurizer(x) for featurizer, x in zip(self.featurizers, sample[self.entity_cols])], 'ID': sample.get('ID', sample['X']), 'Y': sample.get('Y') }