import logging import os import sys from modules.api.api_setup import ( process_api_args, process_model_args, setup_api_args, setup_model_args, ) from modules.ffmpeg_env import setup_ffmpeg_path try: setup_ffmpeg_path() logging.basicConfig( level=os.getenv("LOG_LEVEL", "INFO"), format="%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s", ) except BaseException: pass import argparse from modules import config from modules.api.app_config import app_description, app_title, app_version from modules.gradio_dcls_fix import dcls_patch from modules.utils.env import get_and_update_env from modules.utils.torch_opt import configure_torch_optimizations from modules.webui import webui_config from import create_interface, webui_init dcls_patch() def setup_webui_args(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser): parser.add_argument("--server_name", type=str, help="server name") parser.add_argument("--server_port", type=int, help="server port") parser.add_argument( "--share", action="store_true", help="share the gradio interface" ) parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true", help="enable debug mode") parser.add_argument("--auth", type=str, help="username:password for authentication") parser.add_argument( "--tts_max_len", type=int, help="Max length of text for TTS", ) parser.add_argument( "--ssml_max_len", type=int, help="Max length of text for SSML", ) parser.add_argument( "--max_batch_size", type=int, help="Max batch size for TTS", ) # webui_Experimental parser.add_argument( "--webui_experimental", action="store_true", help="Enable webui_experimental features", ) parser.add_argument( "--language", type=str, help="Set the default language for the webui", ) parser.add_argument( "--api", action="store_true", help="use api=True to launch the API together with the webui (run for only API server)", ) def process_webui_args(args): server_name = get_and_update_env(args, "server_name", "", str) server_port = get_and_update_env(args, "server_port", 7860, int) share = get_and_update_env(args, "share", False, bool) debug = get_and_update_env(args, "debug", False, bool) auth = get_and_update_env(args, "auth", None, str) language = get_and_update_env(args, "language", "zh-CN", str) api = get_and_update_env(args, "api", False, bool) webui_config.experimental = get_and_update_env( args, "webui_experimental", False, bool ) webui_config.tts_max = get_and_update_env(args, "tts_max_len", 1000, int) webui_config.ssml_max = get_and_update_env(args, "ssml_max_len", 5000, int) webui_config.max_batch_size = get_and_update_env(args, "max_batch_size", 8, int) webui_config.experimental = get_and_update_env( args, "webui_experimental", False, bool ) webui_config.tts_max = get_and_update_env(args, "tts_max_len", 1000, int) webui_config.ssml_max = get_and_update_env(args, "ssml_max_len", 5000, int) webui_config.max_batch_size = get_and_update_env(args, "max_batch_size", 8, int) configure_torch_optimizations() webui_init() demo = create_interface() if auth: auth = tuple(auth.split(":")) app, local_url, share_url = demo.queue().launch( server_name=server_name, server_port=server_port, share=share, debug=debug, auth=auth, show_api=False, prevent_thread_lock=True, inbrowser=sys.platform == "win32", app_kwargs={ "title": app_title, "description": app_description, "version": app_version, "redoc_url": ( None if api is False else None if config.runtime_env_vars.no_docs else "/redoc" ), "docs_url": ( None if api is False else None if config.runtime_env_vars.no_docs else "/docs" ), }, ) # gradio uses a very open CORS policy via app.user_middleware, which makes it possible for # an attacker to trick the user into opening a malicious HTML page, which makes a request to the # running web ui and do whatever the attacker wants, including installing an extension and # running its code. We disable this here. Suggested by RyotaK. app.user_middleware = [ x for x in app.user_middleware if x.cls.__name__ != "CustomCORSMiddleware" ] if api: process_api_args(args, app) demo.block_thread() if __name__ == "__main__": import dotenv dotenv.load_dotenv( dotenv_path=os.getenv("ENV_FILE", ".env.webui"), ) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Gradio App") setup_webui_args(parser) setup_model_args(parser) setup_api_args(parser) args = parser.parse_args() process_model_args(args) process_webui_args(args)