# Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Rules to verbalize numbers into Chinese characters. https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/中文数字#現代中文 """ import re from collections import OrderedDict from typing import List DIGITS = {str(i): tran for i, tran in enumerate("零一二三四五六七八九")} UNITS = OrderedDict( { 1: "十", 2: "百", 3: "千", 4: "万", 8: "亿", } ) COM_QUANTIFIERS = "(封|艘|把|目|套|段|人|所|朵|匹|张|座|回|场|尾|条|个|首|阙|阵|网|炮|顶|丘|棵|只|支|袭|辆|挑|担|颗|壳|窠|曲|墙|群|腔|砣|座|客|贯|扎|捆|刀|令|打|手|罗|坡|山|岭|江|溪|钟|队|单|双|对|出|口|头|脚|板|跳|枝|件|贴|针|线|管|名|位|身|堂|课|本|页|家|户|层|丝|毫|厘|分|钱|两|斤|担|铢|石|钧|锱|忽|(千|毫|微)克|毫|厘|(公)分|分|寸|尺|丈|里|寻|常|铺|程|(千|分|厘|毫|微)米|米|撮|勺|合|升|斗|石|盘|碗|碟|叠|桶|笼|盆|盒|杯|钟|斛|锅|簋|篮|盘|桶|罐|瓶|壶|卮|盏|箩|箱|煲|啖|袋|钵|年|月|日|季|刻|时|周|天|秒|分|小时|旬|纪|岁|世|更|夜|春|夏|秋|冬|代|伏|辈|丸|泡|粒|颗|幢|堆|条|根|支|道|面|片|张|颗|块|元|(亿|千万|百万|万|千|百)|(亿|千万|百万|万|千|百|美|)元|(亿|千万|百万|万|千|百|十|)吨|(亿|千万|百万|万|千|百|)块|角|毛|分)" # 分数表达式 RE_FRAC = re.compile(r"(-?)(\d+)/(\d+)") def replace_frac(match) -> str: """ Args: match (re.Match) Returns: str """ sign = match.group(1) nominator = match.group(2) denominator = match.group(3) sign: str = "负" if sign else "" nominator: str = num2str(nominator) denominator: str = num2str(denominator) result = f"{sign}{denominator}分之{nominator}" return result # 百分数表达式 RE_PERCENTAGE = re.compile(r"(-?)(\d+(\.\d+)?)(%|%)") def replace_percentage(match) -> str: """ Args: match (re.Match) Returns: str """ sign = match.group(1) percent = match.group(2) sign: str = "负" if sign else "" percent: str = num2str(percent) result = f"{sign}百分之{percent}" return result # 整数表达式 # 带负号的整数 -10 RE_INTEGER = re.compile(r"(-)" r"(\d+)") def replace_negative_num(match) -> str: """ Args: match (re.Match) Returns: str """ sign = match.group(1) number = match.group(2) sign: str = "负" if sign else "" number: str = num2str(number) result = f"{sign}{number}" return result # 编号-无符号整形 # 00078 RE_DEFAULT_NUM = re.compile(r"\d{3}\d*") def replace_default_num(match): """ Args: match (re.Match) Returns: str """ number = match.group(0) return verbalize_digit(number, alt_one=True) # 数字表达式 # 纯小数 RE_DECIMAL_NUM = re.compile(r"(-?)((\d+)(\.\d+))" r"|(\.(\d+))") # 正整数 + 量词 RE_POSITIVE_QUANTIFIERS = re.compile(r"(\d+)([多余几\+])?" + COM_QUANTIFIERS) RE_NUMBER = re.compile(r"(-?)((\d+)(\.\d+)?)" r"|(\.(\d+))") def replace_positive_quantifier(match) -> str: """ Args: match (re.Match) Returns: str """ number = match.group(1) match_2 = match.group(2) if match_2 == "+": match_2 = "多" match_2: str = match_2 if match_2 else "" quantifiers: str = match.group(3) number: str = num2str(number) result = f"{number}{match_2}{quantifiers}" return result def replace_number(match) -> str: """ Args: match (re.Match) Returns: str """ sign = match.group(1) number = match.group(2) pure_decimal = match.group(5) # TODO 也许可以把 num2str 完全替换成 cn2an import cn2an text = pure_decimal if pure_decimal else f"{sign}{number}" try: result = cn2an.an2cn(text, "low") except ValueError: if pure_decimal: result = num2str(pure_decimal) else: sign: str = "负" if sign else "" number: str = num2str(number) result = f"{sign}{number}" return result # 范围表达式 # match.group(1) and match.group(8) are copy from RE_NUMBER RE_RANGE = re.compile( r"((-?)((\d+)(\.\d+)?)|(\.(\d+)))[-~]((-?)((\d+)(\.\d+)?)|(\.(\d+)))" ) def replace_range(match) -> str: """ Args: match (re.Match) Returns: str """ first, second = match.group(1), match.group(8) first = RE_NUMBER.sub(replace_number, first) second = RE_NUMBER.sub(replace_number, second) result = f"{first}到{second}" return result def _get_value(value_string: str, use_zero: bool = True) -> List[str]: stripped = value_string.lstrip("0") if len(stripped) == 0: return [] elif len(stripped) == 1: if use_zero and len(stripped) < len(value_string): return [DIGITS["0"], DIGITS[stripped]] else: return [DIGITS[stripped]] else: largest_unit = next( power for power in reversed(UNITS.keys()) if power < len(stripped) ) first_part = value_string[:-largest_unit] second_part = value_string[-largest_unit:] return _get_value(first_part) + [UNITS[largest_unit]] + _get_value(second_part) def verbalize_cardinal(value_string: str) -> str: if not value_string: return "" # 000 -> '零' , 0 -> '零' value_string = value_string.lstrip("0") if len(value_string) == 0: return DIGITS["0"] result_symbols = _get_value(value_string) # verbalized number starting with '一十*' is abbreviated as `十*` if ( len(result_symbols) >= 2 and result_symbols[0] == DIGITS["1"] and result_symbols[1] == UNITS[1] ): result_symbols = result_symbols[1:] return "".join(result_symbols) def verbalize_digit(value_string: str, alt_one=False) -> str: result_symbols = [DIGITS[digit] for digit in value_string] result = "".join(result_symbols) if alt_one: result = result.replace("一", "幺") return result def num2str(value_string: str) -> str: integer_decimal = value_string.split(".") if len(integer_decimal) == 1: integer = integer_decimal[0] decimal = "" elif len(integer_decimal) == 2: integer, decimal = integer_decimal else: raise ValueError( f"The value string: '${value_string}' has more than one point in it." ) result = verbalize_cardinal(integer) decimal = decimal.rstrip("0") if decimal: # '.22' is verbalized as '零点二二' # '3.20' is verbalized as '三点二 result = result if result else "零" result += "点" + verbalize_digit(decimal) return result