#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Hive Appier Framework # Copyright (c) 2008-2024 Hive Solutions Lda. # # This file is part of Hive Appier Framework. # # Hive Appier Framework is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the Apache License as published by the Apache # Foundation, either version 2.0 of the License, or (at your option) any # later version. # # Hive Appier Framework is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # Apache License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the Apache License along with # Hive Appier Framework. If not, see . __author__ = "João Magalhães " """ The author(s) of the module """ __copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2008-2024 Hive Solutions Lda." """ The copyright for the module """ __license__ = "Apache License, Version 2.0" """ The license for the module """ import time import heapq import calendar import datetime import logging import threading import traceback from . import config from . import legacy LOOP_TIMEOUT = 60.0 """ The time value to be used to sleep the main sequence loop between ticks, this value should not be too small to spend many resources or to high to create a long set of time between external interactions """ class Scheduler(threading.Thread): """ Scheduler class that handles timeout based async tasks within the context of an Appier application. The architecture of the logic for the class should be modular in the sense that new task may be added to it through a queue or other external system. For that a proper preemption mechanism should exist allowing the scheduler to be stopped and started again. """ def __init__(self, owner, timeout=LOOP_TIMEOUT, daemon=True): threading.Thread.__init__(self, name="Scheduler") self.owner = owner self.timeout = config.conf("SCHEDULER_TIMEOUT", timeout, cast=float) self.daemon = config.conf("SCHEDULER_DAEMON", daemon, cast=bool) self._condition = threading.Condition() def run(self): self.running = True self.load() while self.running: try: self.tick() except Exception as exception: self.logger.critical("Unhandled scheduler exception raised") self.logger.error(exception) lines = traceback.format_exc().splitlines() for line in lines: self.logger.warning(line) self._condition.acquire() self._condition.wait(self.timeout) self._condition.release() def stop(self, awake=True): self.running = False if awake: self.awake() def tick(self): pass def load(self): pass def awake(self): self._condition.acquire() self._condition.notify() self._condition.release() @property def logger(self): if self.owner: return self.owner.logger else: return logging.getLogger() class CronScheduler(Scheduler): """ Specialized version of the scheduler that runs tasks based on a cron like configuration. The tasks are defined in a cron like format and are executed based on the current time. """ def __init__(self, owner, timeout=LOOP_TIMEOUT, daemon=True): Scheduler.__init__(self, owner, timeout=timeout, daemon=daemon) self._tasks = [] def tick(self, now_ts=None): current_ts = lambda: now_ts if now_ts else time.time() current_dt = lambda: ( legacy.to_datetime(now_ts) if now_ts else legacy.utc_now() ) timestamp = current_ts() + 5.0 while True: if not self._tasks: break timestamp, task = self._tasks[0] if timestamp > current_ts(): break heapq.heappop(self._tasks) if task.enabled: task.job() heapq.heappush( self._tasks, (task.next_timestamp(now=current_dt()), task) ) self.timeout = max(0, timestamp - current_ts()) def schedule(self, job, cron, now=None): """ Schedules the provided job function for execution according to the provided cron string. The optional now parameter may be used to provide the current time reference for the scheduling operation, meaning that the next timestamp will be calculated using this value as reference. :type job: Function :param job: The function to be executed as the job. :type cron: String/SchedulerDate :param cron: The cron like string defining the schedule. :type now: datetime :param now: Optional time reference for the job scheduling. :rtype: SchedulerTask :return: The task object that was created for the job. """ task = SchedulerTask(job, cron) heapq.heappush(self._tasks, (task.next_timestamp(now=now), task)) self.awake() return task def next_run(self): timestamp = self.next_timestamp() if not timestamp: return None return legacy.to_datetime(timestamp) def next_timestamp(self): if not self._tasks: return None return self._tasks[0][0] class SchedulerTask(object): def __init__(self, job, cron): self.job = job self.date = SchedulerDate.from_cron(cron) self._enabled = True def enable(self): self._enabled = True def disable(self): self._enabled = False def next_run(self, now=None): return self.date.next_run(now=now) def next_timestamp(self, now=None): return self.date.next_timestamp(now=now) @property def enabled(self): return self._enabled class SchedulerDate(object): def __init__( self, minutes="*", hours="*", days_of_month="*", months="*", days_of_week="*" ): self.minutes = self._parse_field(minutes, 0, 59) self.hours = self._parse_field(hours, 0, 23) self.days_of_month = self._parse_field(days_of_month, 1, 31) self.months = self._parse_field(months, 1, 12) self.days_of_week = self._parse_field(days_of_week, 0, 6) @classmethod def from_cron(cls, cron): if isinstance(cron, cls): return cron values = (value.strip().split(",") for value in cron.split(" ")) return cls(*values) def next_timestamp(self, now=None): date = self.next_run(now=now) return legacy.to_timestamp(date) def next_run(self, now=None): """ Calculate the next run time starting from the current time. This operation is done respecting Cron rules. :type now: datetime :param now: Optional date time to be used as the current time. :rtype: datetime :return: The next run time respecting Cron rules. """ now = now or legacy.utc_now() now_day = datetime.datetime(now.year, now.month, now.day) now_hour = datetime.datetime(now.year, now.month, now.day, hour=now.hour) now_minute = datetime.datetime( now.year, now.month, now.day, hour=now.hour, minute=now.minute ) year = now.year while True: for month in sorted(self.months): if month < now.month and year < now.year: continue for day in sorted(self.days_of_month): try: date = datetime.datetime(year, month, day) except ValueError: continue if self.days_of_week and not date.weekday() in self.days_of_week: continue if date < now_day: continue for hour in sorted(self.hours): if date.replace(hour=hour) < now_hour: continue for minute in sorted(self.minutes): _date = date.replace( hour=hour, minute=minute, second=0, microsecond=0 ) if _date > now_minute: return _date year += 1 def _parse_field(self, field, min_value, max_value): if field in ("*", ["*"], ("*",)): return set(range(min_value, max_value + 1)) elif isinstance(field, (list, tuple)): return set(int(v) for v in field) else: return set((int(field),)) class Cron(object): pass