#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Hive Appier Framework # Copyright (c) 2008-2024 Hive Solutions Lda. # # This file is part of Hive Appier Framework. # # Hive Appier Framework is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the Apache License as published by the Apache # Foundation, either version 2.0 of the License, or (at your option) any # later version. # # Hive Appier Framework is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # Apache License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the Apache License along with # Hive Appier Framework. If not, see . __copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2008-2024 Hive Solutions Lda." """ The copyright for the module """ __license__ = "Apache License, Version 2.0" """ The license for the module """ from . import amqp from . import api from . import asynchronous from . import base from . import bus from . import cache from . import component from . import compress from . import config from . import controller from . import crypt from . import data from . import defines from . import exceptions from . import execution from . import export from . import extra from . import geo from . import git from . import graph from . import http from . import legacy from . import log from . import meta from . import mock from . import model from . import mongo from . import observer from . import part from . import preferences from . import queuing from . import redisdb from . import request from . import scheduler from . import serialize from . import session from . import settings from . import smtp from . import storage from . import structures from . import typesf from . import util from . import validation from .amqp import AMQP from .api import API, OAuthAPI, OAuth1API, OAuth2API from .asynchronous import ( ASYNC_HEADER, AsyncManager, SimpleManager, QueueManager, AwaitWrapper, CoroutineWrapper, AyncgenWrapper, await_wrap, await_yield, ensure_generator, is_coroutine, is_coroutine_object, is_coroutine_native, to_coroutine, wrap_silent, unavailable, is_neo, Future, coroutine, wakeup, sleep, wait, notify, build_future, ensure_async, header_a, ensure_a, ) from .base import ( APP, LEVEL, NAME, VERSION, PLATFORM, IDENTIFIER_SHORT, IDENTIFIER_LONG, IDENTIFIER, API_VERSION, BUFFER_SIZE, MAX_LOG_SIZE, MAX_LOG_COUNT, App, APIApp, WebApp, Template, get_app, get_name, get_base_path, get_cache, get_preferences, get_bus, get_request, get_session, get_model, get_controller, get_part, get_adapter, get_manager, get_logger, get_level, is_loaded, is_devel, is_safe, to_locale, on_exit, build_asgi, build_asgi_i, ) from .bus import Bus, MemoryBus, RedisBus from .cache import Cache, MemoryCache, FileCache, RedisCache, SerializedCache from .component import Component from .compress import Compress from .config import conf, conf_prefix, conf_suffix, conf_s, conf_r, conf_d, conf_ctx from .controller import Controller from .crypt import Cipher, RC4, Spritz from .data import ( DataAdapter, MongoAdapter, TinyAdapter, Collection, MongoCollection, TinyCollection, ) from .defines import ( ITERABLES, MOBILE_REGEX, TABLET_REGEX, MOBILE_PREFIX_REGEX, BODY_REGEX, TAG_REGEX, EMAIL_REGEX, BROWSER_INFO, OS_INFO, WINDOWS_LOCALE, SLUG_PERMUTATIONS, ) from .exceptions import ( AppierException, OperationalError, SecurityError, AssertionError, ValidationError, NotFoundError, NotImplementedError, BaseInternalError, ValidationInternalError, ValidationMultipleError, HTTPError, APIError, APIAccessError, OAuthAccessError, ) from .execution import ( ExecutionThread, background, insert_work, interval_work, seconds_work, minutes_work, hourly_work, daily_work, weekly_work, monthly_work, seconds_eval, minutes_eval, hourly_eval, daily_eval, weekly_eval, monthly_eval, ) from .export import ExportManager from .extra import ( get_a, post_a, put_a, delete_a, patch_a, get_w, post_w, put_w, delete_w, patch_w, ) from .geo import GeoResolver from .git import Git from .graph import Graph from .http import file_g, get_f, get, post, put, delete, patch, basic_auth, HTTPResponse from .log import ( MemoryHandler, BaseFormatter, ThreadFormatter, DummyLogger, reload_format, rotating_handler, smtp_handler, in_signature, ) from .meta import Ordered, Indexed from .mock import MockObject, MockResponse, MockApp from .model import ( Model, LocalModel, Field, link, operation, view, field, type_d, is_unset, ) from .mongo import ( Mongo, MongoAsync, MongoEncoder, get_connection, get_connection_a, reset_connection, reset_connection_a, get_db, get_db_a, drop_db, drop_db_a, object_id, dumps, ) from .observer import Observable from .part import Part from .preferences import ( Preferences, MemoryPreferences, FilePreferences, RedisPreferences, ) from .queuing import Queue, MemoryQueue, MultiprocessQueue, AMQPQueue from .redisdb import Redis from .request import CODE_STRINGS, Request, MockRequest from .scheduler import Scheduler, CronScheduler, SchedulerTask, SchedulerDate, Cron from .serialize import serialize_csv, serialize_ics, build_encoder from .session import ( Session, MockSession, MemorySession, FileSession, RedisSession, ClientSession, ) from .settings import DEBUG, USERNAME, PASSWORD from .smtp import ( message, message_base, message_netius, smtp_engine, multipart, plain, html, application, header, ) from .storage import StorageEngine, BaseEngine, FsEngine from .structures import OrderedDict, LazyDict, LazyValue, GeneratorFile, lazy_dict, lazy from .typesf import ( AbstractType, Type, File, Files, ImageFile, ImageFiles, image, images, Reference, reference, References, references, Encrypted, encrypted, secure, ) from .util import ( to_limit, to_find, to_sort, is_iterable, is_mobile, is_tablet, is_browser, is_bot, browser_info, email_parts, email_mime, email_name, email_base, date_to_timestamp, obfuscate, import_pip, ensure_pip, install_pip, install_pip_s, request_json, get_context, get_object, resolve_alias, page_types, find_types, norm_object, set_object, leafs, gather_errors, gen_token, html_to_text, camel_to_underscore, camel_to_readable, underscore_to_camel, underscore_to_readable, quote, unquote, escape, unescape, count_unescape, split_unescape, call_safe, base_name, base_name_m, is_content_type, parse_content_type, parse_cookie, parse_multipart, decode_params, load_form, check_login, check_user, check_token, check_tokens, ensure_login, get_tokens_m, to_tokens_m, dict_merge, deprecated, cached, private, ensure, delayed, route, error_handler, exception_handler, before_request, after_request, is_detached, sanitize, verify, verify_equal, verify_not_equal, verify_type, verify_many, execute, ctx_locale, ctx_request, FileTuple, BaseThread, JSONEncoder, ) from .validation import ( validate, validate_b, validate_e, safe, eq, gt, gte, lt, lte, not_null, not_empty, not_false, is_in, is_upper, is_lower, is_simple, is_email, is_url, is_regex, field_eq, field_gt, field_gte, field_lt, field_lte, string_gt, string_lt, string_eq, equals, not_past, not_duplicate, all_different, no_self, ) from .amqp import get_connection as get_amqp from .amqp import properties as properties_amqp from .mongo import get_connection as get_mongo from .mongo import get_db as get_mongo_db from .mongo import drop_db as drop_mongo_db from .mongo import object_id as object_id_mongo from .mongo import dumps as dumps_mongo from .mongo import serialize as serialize_mongo from .mongo import directions as directions_mongo from .redisdb import get_connection as get_redis from .redisdb import dumps as dumps_redis HTTPError = exceptions.HTTPError