import gradio as gr from contents import IMAGE, INDEX_PAGE, INTRO_PAGE, FINDING_PAGE, BUILDING_PAGE, EXTRAS_PAGE demo = gr.Blocks() space = gr.load("leaderboards/LeaderboardsExplorer", src="spaces") with demo: with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale = 1) as side_bar: index_button = gr.Markdown(IMAGE) intro_button = gr.Button("Introduction to leaderboards") finding_button = gr.Button("Finding a leaderboard") building_button = gr.Button("Building your leaderboard") extra_button = gr.Button("Extras") with gr.Column(scale = 10) as main_page: text_field = gr.Markdown(INDEX_PAGE) with gr.Row(visible=False) as finder: with gr.Column(): space.render() # Change text displayed on click _: INTRO_PAGE, outputs=text_field) _: FINDING_PAGE, outputs=text_field) _: BUILDING_PAGE, outputs=text_field) _: EXTRAS_PAGE, outputs=text_field) # If the text is for the finding page, we display the LeaderboardExplorer viewer. text_field.change( lambda contents: gr.update(visible=(contents.strip() == FINDING_PAGE.strip())), inputs=text_field, outputs=finder ) demo.queue(default_concurrency_limit=40).launch()