from enum import Enum from dataclasses import dataclass @dataclass class Tag: key: str name: str # for display usage: str # explains usage icon: str class SubmissionType(Enum): automatic = Tag( key="submission:automatic", name="Automatic", usage="users can submit their models as such to the leaderboard, and evaluation is run automatically without human intervention", icon="" ) semiautomatic = Tag( key="submission:semiautomatic", name="Semi Automatic", usage="the leaderboard requires the model owner to run evaluations on his side and submit the results", icon="" ) manual = Tag( key="submission:manual", name="Manual", usage="the leaderboard requires the leaderboard owner to run evaluations for new submissions", icon="" ) closed = Tag( key="submission:closed", name="Closed", usage="the leaderboard does not accept submissions at the moment", icon="" ) class TestSetStatus(Enum): public = Tag( key="test:public", name="Public", usage="all the test sets used are public, the evaluations are completely reproducible", icon="" ) mix = Tag( key="test:mix", name="Mix", usage="some test sets are public and some private", icon="" ) private = Tag( key="test:private", name="Private", usage="all the test sets used are private, the evaluations are hard to game", icon="" ) rolling = Tag( key="test:rolling", name="Rolling", usage="the test sets used change regularly through time and evaluation scores are refreshed", icon="" ) class Judge(Enum): public = Tag( key="judge:auto", name="Automatic metric", usage="evaluations are run automatically, using an evaluation suite such as `lm_eval` or `lighteval`", icon="" ) model = Tag( key="judge:model", name="Model", usage="evaluations are run using a model as a judge approach to rate answer", icon="" ) humans = Tag( key="judge:humans", name="Human", usage="evaluations are done by humans to rate answer - this is an arena", icon="" ) vibe_check = Tag( key="judge:vibe_check", name="Vibe check", usage="evaluations are done manually by one or several humans", icon="" ) class Modality(Enum): text = Tag( key="modality:text", name="Text", usage="", icon="" ) image = Tag( key="modality:image", name="Image", usage="", icon="" ) audio = Tag( key="modality:audio", name="Audio", usage="", icon="" ) video = Tag( key="modality:video", name="Video", usage="", icon="" ) tools = Tag( key="modality:tools", name="Tools", usage="requires added tool usage - mostly for assistant models (a bit outside of usual modalities)", icon="" ) artefacts = Tag( key="modality:artefacts", name="Artefacts", usage="the leaderboard concerns itself with machine learning artefacts as themselves, for example, quality evaluation of text embeddings (a bit outside of usual modalities)", icon="" ) class EvaluationCategory(Enum): generation = Tag( key="eval:generation", name="Generation", usage="the evaluation looks at generation capabilities specifically (can be image generation, text generation, ...) ", icon="" ) math = Tag( key="eval:math", name="Math", usage="the evaluation tests math abilities", icon="" ) code = Tag( key="eval:code", name="Code", usage="the evaluation tests coding capabilities", icon="" ) performance = Tag( key="eval:performance", name="Performance", usage="model performance (speed, energy consumption, ...)", icon="" ) safety = Tag( key="eval:safety", name="Safety", usage="the evaluation considers safety, toxicity, bias", icon="" )