import streamlit as st import os, glob, pydub, time from pytube import YouTube import torch, torchaudio import yaml import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from import Dataset, DataLoader from torchvision import transforms import torchaudio.transforms as T from src.models import models from st_audiorec import st_audiorec from pathlib import Path import numpy as np import subprocess # 명령어 실행 command = "apt-get update" process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # 명령어 실행 결과 출력 stdout, stderr = process.communicate() print(stdout, stderr) command = "apt-get install sox libsox-dev -y" process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # 명령어 실행 결과 출력 stdout, stderr = process.communicate() print(stdout, stderr) from twilio.base.exceptions import TwilioRestException from import Client import queue def get_ice_servers(): """Use Twilio's TURN server because Streamlit Community Cloud has changed its infrastructure and WebRTC connection cannot be established without TURN server now. # noqa: E501 We considered Open Relay Project ( too, but it is not stable and hardly works as some people reported like # noqa: E501 See """ # Ref: try: account_sid = os.environ["TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID"] auth_token = os.environ["TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN"] except KeyError: return [{"urls": [""]}] client = Client(account_sid, auth_token) try: token = client.tokens.create() except TwilioRestException as e: st.warning( f"Error occurred while accessing Twilio API. Fallback to a free STUN server from Google. ({e})" # noqa: E501 ) return [{"urls": [""]}] return token.ice_servers from streamlit_webrtc import webrtc_streamer from streamlit_webrtc import WebRtcMode, webrtc_streamer import subprocess from pydub import AudioSegment from import Pipeline import soundfile as sf device = torch.device('cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') # Replace with your actual Hugging Face API token huggingface_token = os.environ["key"] pipeline = Pipeline.from_pretrained("pyannote/speaker-diarization@2.1", use_auth_token=huggingface_token).to(device) output_directory = '/content/MP3_Split' os.makedirs(output_directory, exist_ok=True) def split_by_speaker(file_path, output_dir): # Load the MP3 file audio = AudioSegment.from_mp3(file_path) # Convert audio to wav format (PyAnnote requires wav format) wav_path = file_path.replace('.mp3', '.wav') audio.export(wav_path, format="wav") # Perform speaker diarization diarization = pipeline(wav_path) audio_0_2_4 = AudioSegment.silent(duration=5) audio_1_3_5 = AudioSegment.silent(duration=5) # Split the audio based on diarization results base_filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_path))[0] for i, (segment, _, speaker) in enumerate(diarization.itertracks(yield_label=True)): # Extract segment start_time = segment.start * 1000 # PyAnnote uses seconds, pydub uses milliseconds end_time = segment.end * 1000 audio_segment = audio[start_time:end_time] # Save segment as a separate MP3 file if i == 0: audio_0_2_4 += audio_segment elif i == 5: audio_1_3_5 += audio_segment os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) audio_0_2_4.export(os.path.join(output_dir, f"{0}_speaker.mp3"), format="mp3") audio_1_3_5.export(os.path.join(output_dir, f"{1}_speaker.mp3"), format="mp3") def clear_files_in_directory(directory): if os.path.exists(directory): for filename in os.listdir(directory): file_path = os.path.join(directory, filename) try: if os.path.isfile(file_path) or os.path.islink(file_path): os.unlink(file_path) elif os.path.isdir(file_path): clear_files_in_directory(file_path) os.rmdir(file_path) # 하위 디렉토리를 비운 후 삭제 except Exception as e: print(f'파일 {file_path} 삭제 중 에러 발생: {e}') else: print(f'디렉토리 {directory}가 존재하지 않습니다.') # 전처리 함수 SAMPLING_RATE = 16_000 def apply_preprocessing( waveform, sample_rate, ): if sample_rate != SAMPLING_RATE and SAMPLING_RATE != -1: waveform, sample_rate = resample_wave(waveform, sample_rate, SAMPLING_RATE) # Stereo to mono if waveform.dim() > 1 and waveform.shape[0] > 1: waveform = waveform[:1, ...] waveform, sample_rate = apply_trim(waveform, sample_rate) waveform = apply_pad(waveform, 480_000) return waveform, sample_rate def resample_wave(waveform, sample_rate, target_sample_rate): waveform, sample_rate = torchaudio.sox_effects.apply_effects_tensor( waveform, sample_rate, [["rate", f"{target_sample_rate}"]] ) return waveform, sample_rate def apply_trim(waveform, sample_rate): ( waveform_trimmed, sample_rate_trimmed, ) = torchaudio.sox_effects.apply_effects_tensor(waveform, sample_rate, [["silence", "1", "0.2", "1%", "-1", "0.2", "1%"]]) if waveform_trimmed.size()[1] > 0: waveform = waveform_trimmed sample_rate = sample_rate_trimmed return waveform, sample_rate def apply_pad(waveform, cut): """Pad wave by repeating signal until `cut` length is achieved.""" waveform = waveform.squeeze(0) waveform_len = waveform.shape[0] if waveform_len >= cut: return waveform[:cut] # need to pad num_repeats = int(cut / waveform_len) + 1 padded_waveform = torch.tile(waveform, (1, num_repeats))[:, :cut][0] return padded_waveform # # # # 모델 설정 및 로딩 device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" with open('/content/drive/MyDrive/2024_1학기_캡스톤디자인/whisper_DF/augmentation_ko_whisper_frontend_lcnn_mfcc.yaml', 'r') as f: model_config = yaml.safe_load(f) model_paths = model_config["checkpoint"]["path"] model_name, model_parameters = model_config["model"]["name"], model_config["model"]["parameters"] model = models.get_model( model_name=model_name, config=model_parameters, device=device, ) model.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_paths, map_location=torch.device('cpu'))) model = model.eval() # YouTube 비디오 다운로드 및 오디오 추출 함수 def download_youtube_audio(youtube_url, output_path="temp"): yt = YouTube(youtube_url) audio_stream = yt.streams.get_audio_only() output_file = title = audio_stream.default_filename return output_file, title # URL로부터 예측 def pred_from_url(youtube_url, segment_length=30): global model audio_path, title = download_youtube_audio(youtube_url) print(f"- [{title}]에 대해 실행\n\n") waveform, sample_rate = torchaudio.load(audio_path, normalize=True) waveform = torchaudio.functional.resample(waveform, orig_freq=48000, new_freq=SAMPLING_RATE) if waveform.size(0) > 1: waveform = waveform.mean(dim=0, keepdim=True) num_samples_per_segment = int(segment_length * sample_rate) total_samples = waveform.size(1) if total_samples <= num_samples_per_segment: num_samples_per_segment = total_samples num_segments = 1 else: num_segments = total_samples // num_samples_per_segment preds = [] print("오디오 chunk 분할 수 :", num_segments) for i in range(num_segments): start_sample = i * num_samples_per_segment end_sample = start_sample + num_samples_per_segment segment = waveform[:, start_sample:end_sample] segment, sample_rate = apply_preprocessing(segment, sample_rate) pred = model(segment.unsqueeze(0).to(device)) pred = torch.sigmoid(pred) preds.append(pred.item()) avg_pred = torch.tensor(preds).mean().item() os.remove(audio_path) output = "" if int(avg_pred+0.5): output = "fake" else: output = "real" return f"""예측:{output} {(avg_pred*100):.2f}% 확률로 fake입니다.""" # 파일로부터 예측 def pred_from_file(file_path, segment_length=30): global model clear_files_in_directory(output_directory) split_by_speaker(file_path, output_directory) output = "" for p in list(Path(output_directory).glob("*.mp3")): waveform, sample_rate = torchaudio.load(p, normalize=True) waveform = torchaudio.functional.resample(waveform, orig_freq=48000, new_freq=sample_rate) if waveform.size(0) > 1: waveform = waveform.mean(dim=0, keepdim=True) num_samples_per_segment = int(segment_length * sample_rate) total_samples = waveform.size(1) if total_samples <= num_samples_per_segment: num_samples_per_segment = total_samples num_segments = 1 else: num_segments = total_samples // num_samples_per_segment preds = [] print(f"화자 {}의 오디오 chunk 분할 수 : {num_segments}") for i in range(num_segments): # 각 구간에 대한 추론 진행 start_sample = i * num_samples_per_segment end_sample = start_sample + num_samples_per_segment segment = waveform[:, start_sample:end_sample] segment, sample_rate = apply_preprocessing(segment, sample_rate) pred = model(segment.unsqueeze(0).to(device)) pred = torch.sigmoid(pred) preds.append(pred.item()) avg_pred = torch.tensor(preds).mean().item() output += f"화자 {} : {(avg_pred*100):.2f}% 확률로 fake입니다.\n\n" return output def pred_from_realtime_audio(data): global model data = torch.tensor(data, dtype=torch.float32) data = data.unsqueeze(0) data = torchaudio.functional.resample(data, orig_freq=48000, new_freq=SAMPLING_RATE) data = data / torch.max(torch.abs(data)) mean = torch.mean(data) std = torch.std(data) data = (data - mean) / std data, sample_rate = apply_preprocessing(data, SAMPLING_RATE) pred = model(torch.tensor(data).unsqueeze(0).to(device)) pred = torch.sigmoid(pred) return pred.item() # Streamlit UI st.title("DeepFake Detection Demo") st.markdown("whisper-LCNN (using MLAAD, MAILABS, aihub 감성 및 발화스타일 동시 고려 음성합성 데이터, 자체 수집 및 생성한 KoAAD)") st.markdown("github :") tab1, tab2, tab3 = st.tabs(["YouTube URL", "파일 업로드", "실시간 오디오 입력"]) example_urls_fake = [ "", "", "", "" ] example_urls_real = [ "", "", ] if 'youtube_url' not in st.session_state: st.session_state['youtube_url'] = '' with tab1: st.markdown("""example >fake: """) for url in example_urls_fake: if st.button(url, key=url): st.session_state.youtube_url = url st.markdown(""">real: """) for url in example_urls_real: if st.button(url, key=url): st.session_state.youtube_url = url youtube_url = st.text_input("YouTube URL", value=st.session_state.youtube_url) if youtube_url: result = pred_from_url(youtube_url) # 여기에 pred_from_url 함수 정의가 필요합니다. st.text_area("결과", value=result, height=150) with tab2: file = st.file_uploader("오디오 파일 업로드", type=['mp3', 'wav']) if file is not None and st.button("RUN 파일"): # 임시 파일 저장 with open(, "wb") as f: f.write(file.getbuffer()) result = pred_from_file( st.text_area("결과", value=result, height=150) os.remove( # 임시 파일 삭제 with tab3: p = st.empty() preds = [] fig, [ax_time, ax_freq] = plt.subplots(2, 1, gridspec_kw={"top": 1.5, "bottom": 0.2}) sound_window_len = 2000 # 5s sound_window_buffer = None webrtc_ctx = webrtc_streamer( key="sendonly-audio", mode=WebRtcMode.SENDONLY, audio_receiver_size=1024, rtc_configuration={"iceServers": get_ice_servers()}, media_stream_constraints={"audio": True}, ) while True: if webrtc_ctx.audio_receiver: try: audio_frames = webrtc_ctx.audio_receiver.get_frames(timeout=1) except queue.Empty: break sound_chunk = pydub.AudioSegment.empty() for audio_frame in audio_frames: sound = pydub.AudioSegment( data=audio_frame.to_ndarray().tobytes(), sample_width=audio_frame.format.bytes, frame_rate=audio_frame.sample_rate, channels=len(audio_frame.layout.channels), ) sound_chunk += sound if len(sound_chunk) > 0: if sound_window_buffer is None: sound_window_buffer = pydub.AudioSegment.silent( duration=sound_window_len ) sound_window_buffer += sound_chunk if len(sound_window_buffer) > sound_window_len: sound_window_buffer = sound_window_buffer[-sound_window_len:] if sound_window_buffer: # Ref: # noqa sound_window_buffer = sound_window_buffer.set_channels(1) # Stereo to mono sample = np.array(sound_window_buffer.get_array_of_samples()) preds.append(pred_from_realtime_audio(sample)) if len(preds) > 100: preds = preds[-100:] p.write(f"pred : {np.mean(preds)*100:.2f}%") else: break