import gradio as gr from plotting import create_yolobench_plots, get_pareto_table from utils import DEEPLITE_DARK_BLUE_GRADIO def get_hw_description(hw_name): HW_URLS = { 'Jetson Nano (GPU, ONNX Runtime, FP32)': '', 'Raspberry Pi 4 Model B (CPU, TFLite, FP32)': '', 'Intel® Core™i7-10875H (CPU, OpenVINO, FP32)': '', 'Khadas VIM3 (NPU, INT16)': '', 'Orange Pi 5 (NPU, FP16)': '', } hw_url = HW_URLS[hw_name] DESC = f""" 🔸 Click [here]({hw_url}) for more information on the selected hardware platform. 🔸 Refer to the [Deeplite Torch Zoo]( for details about latency measurement experiments. """ return DESC with gr.Blocks(theme=gr.themes.Default(secondary_hue=DEEPLITE_DARK_BLUE_GRADIO), css="table { width: 100%; }", analytics_enabled=True) as demo: gr.HTML( """
""" ) # switch to light theme by default demo.load( None, _js=""" () => { let mediaQueryObj = window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)'); let systemDarkTheme = window.location.href.includes("theme=system") && mediaQueryObj.matches; if (window.location.href.includes("theme=dark") || systemDarkTheme){ document.body.classList.toggle('dark'); document.querySelector('gradio-app').style.backgroundColor = 'var(--color-background-primary)' } } """, ) demo.load( None, _js=""" () => { const script2 = document.createElement("script"); script2.src = ""; script2.async = true; document.head.appendChild(script2); window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'G-01G83VTHE0', { 'page_path': "/spaces/deepliteai/yolobench", 'page_title': 'yolobench', 'cookie_flags': 'SameSite=None;Secure', 'debug_mode':true, }); } """, ) with gr.Row(): gr.Markdown( """ 🚀 YOLOBench 🚀 is a latency-accuracy benchmark of popular single-stage detectors from the YOLO series. Major highlights of this work are: 🔸 includes architectures from YOLOv3 to YOLOv8,
🔸 trained on four popular object detection datasets (COCO, VOC, WIDER FACE, SKU-110k),
🔸 latency measured on five embedded hardware platforms (Jetson Nano GPU, ARM CPU, Intel CPU, Khadas VIM3 NPU, Orange Pi NPU),
🔸 all models are trained with the same training loop and hyperparameters (as implemented in the [Ultralytics YOLOv8 codebase](,
🔸 both the detection head structure and the loss function used are that of YOLOv8, giving a chance to isolate the contribution of the backbone/neck architecture on the latency-accuracy trade-off of YOLO models.
In particular, we show that older backbone/neck structures like those of YOLOv3 and YOLOv4 are still competitive compared to more recent architectures in a controlled environment. For more details, please refer to the [arXiv preprint]( and the [codebase]( #
# """ ) with gr.Row(equal_height=True): with gr.Column(): hardware_name = gr.Dropdown( choices=[ 'Jetson Nano (GPU, ONNX Runtime, FP32)', 'Raspberry Pi 4 Model B (CPU, TFLite, FP32)', 'Intel® Core™i7-10875H (CPU, OpenVINO, FP32)', 'Khadas VIM3 (NPU, INT16)', 'Orange Pi 5 (NPU, FP16)', ], value='Jetson Nano (GPU, ONNX Runtime, FP32)', label='Hardware', ) with gr.Column(): dataset_name = gr.Dropdown( choices=['COCO', 'PASCAL VOC', 'SKU-110K', 'WIDERFACE'], value='COCO', label='Dataset', ) with gr.Row(equal_height=True): with gr.Column(): hardware_desc = gr.Markdown(get_hw_description(hardware_name.value)) with gr.Column(): metric_name = gr.Radio( ['mAP@0.5:0.95', 'mAP@0.5', 'Precision', 'Recall'], value='mAP@0.5:0.95', label='Accuracy metric to plot', ) with gr.Row(equal_height=True): with gr.Column(): gr.Markdown(""" 🚀 Want to add your own hardware benchmarks to YOLOBench? 🚀 Contact us [here]( for your benchmarking kit and we'll set you up! """) with gr.Column(): vis_options = gr.CheckboxGroup( [ 'Model family', 'Highlight Pareto', 'Show Pareto only', 'Log x-axis' ], value=['Model family',], label='Visualization options', ) with gr.Row(): upper_panel_fig = gr.Plot(show_label=False) gr.Markdown( """ ## Models from this benchmark can be loaded using [Deeplite Torch Zoo]( as follows: ## ```python from deeplite_torch_zoo import get_model model = get_model( model_name='yolo4n', # create a YOLOv4n model for the COCO dataset dataset_name='coco', # (`n` corresponds to width factor 0.25, depth factor 0.33) pretrained=False, # custom_head='v8' # attach a YOLOv8 detection head to YOLOv4n backbone+neck ) ``` To train a model, run ```python from deeplite_torch_zoo.trainer import Detector model = Detector(torch_model=model) # previously created YOLOv4n model model.train(data='VOC.yaml', epochs=100, imgsz=480) # same arguments as the Ultralytics trainer object ``` ##
Model naming conventions ## The model naming convention is that a model named `yolo8d67w25` is a YOLOv8 model with a depth factor of 0.67 and width factor of 0.25. Conventional depth/width factor value namings (n, s, m, l models) are used where possible. YOLOv6(s, m, l) models are considered to be different architectures due to differences other than the depth/width factor value. For every architecture, there are 3 variations in depth factor (0.33, 0.67, 1.0) and 4 variations in width factor (0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0), except for YOLOv7 models, for which only width factor variations are considered while depth is fixed.
## Pareto-optimal models ## COCO pre-trained models are ready for download. Other models coming soon! """ ) table_mode = gr.Radio( ['Show top-10 models', 'Show all'], value='Show top-10 models', label='Pareto model table' ) with gr.Row(): # pareto_table = gr.DataFrame(interactive=False) pareto_table = gr.HTML() gr.Markdown( """ ## Citation ``` Accepted at ICCV 2023 Workshop on Resource-Efficient Deep Learning for Computer Vision (RCV'23) @article{lazarevich2023yolobench, title={YOLOBench: Benchmarking Efficient Object Detectors on Embedded Systems}, author={Lazarevich, Ivan and Grimaldi, Matteo and Kumar, Ravish and Mitra, Saptarshi and Khan, Shahrukh and Sah, Sudhakar}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.13901}, year={2023} } ``` """ ) inputs = [dataset_name, hardware_name, metric_name, vis_options, table_mode] # plot by default (VOC, Raspi4) demo.load( fn=create_yolobench_plots, inputs=inputs, outputs=[upper_panel_fig, pareto_table], ) demo.load( fn=get_pareto_table, inputs=[dataset_name, hardware_name, metric_name], outputs=[pareto_table], ) # update in case of dataset selection dataset_name.change( fn=create_yolobench_plots, inputs=inputs, outputs=[upper_panel_fig, pareto_table], ) # update in case of metric selection metric_name.change( fn=create_yolobench_plots, inputs=inputs, outputs=[upper_panel_fig, pareto_table], ) vis_options.change( fn=create_yolobench_plots, inputs=inputs, outputs=[upper_panel_fig, pareto_table], ) table_mode.change( fn=create_yolobench_plots, inputs=inputs, outputs=[upper_panel_fig, pareto_table], ) # update in case of device selection hardware_name.change( fn=create_yolobench_plots, inputs=inputs, outputs=[upper_panel_fig, pareto_table], ) hardware_name.change( fn=get_hw_description, inputs=[hardware_name], outputs=[hardware_desc], ) if __name__ == "__main__": demo.launch()