import sqlite3 ## Connectt to SQlite connection=sqlite3.connect("student.db") # Create a cursor object to insert record,create table cursor=connection.cursor() ## create the table table_info=""" Create table if not exists STUDENT(NAME VARCHAR(25),CLASS VARCHAR(25), SECTION VARCHAR(25),MARKS INT); """ cursor.execute(table_info) ## Insert Some more records cursor.execute('''Insert Into STUDENT values('Vijay','Data Science','A',90)''') cursor.execute('''Insert Into STUDENT values('Vaish','Data Science','B',100)''') cursor.execute('''Insert Into STUDENT values('Piyush','Data Science','A',86)''') cursor.execute('''Insert Into STUDENT values('Anas','DEVOPS','A',50)''') cursor.execute('''Insert Into STUDENT values('Rana','DEVOPS','A',35)''') ## Disspaly ALl the records print("The isnerted records are") data=cursor.execute('''Select * from STUDENT''') for row in data: print(row) ## Commit your changes int he databse connection.commit() connection.close()