import gradio as gr import base64 import requests import uuid import os title = """

🌊 Welcome to LaVague

This space provides a managed instance of LaVague, an open-source Large Action Model (LAM) framework allowing users to write queries in natural language to interact with a website by automatically generating Selenium code.

⚠️Update 03/30/2024: After a few days of activity, we have decided to close this Space. We noticed several prompt injection attempts on our server that could crash this space. Though we provided an initial sandboxing, the effort to have a usable and safe environment for users would be too much


However, you can easily run for free LaVague on a Google Colab or run in on your machine with our Quick Tour

""" with gr.Blocks() as demo: with gr.Tab("LaVague"): with gr.Row(): gr.HTML(title) demo.launch()