''' Abstraction for saving data to db ''' import pandas as pd import table_schema as ts from sqlalchemy import create_engine db_url = 'sqlite:///instance/local.db' def _validate_schema(df, schema): ''' validate df has the same columns and data types as schema Parameters ---------- df: pd.DataFrame schema: dict {column_name: data_type} Returns ------- bool True if df has the same columns and data types as schema False otherwise ''' # check if the DataFrame has the same columns as the schema if set(df.columns) != set(schema.keys()): return False # check if the data types of the columns match the schema # TODO: ignoring type check for now # for col, dtype in schema.items(): # if df[col].dtype != dtype: # return False return True # def append_benchmark_profile(df): # '''append new entry to benchmark profile table''' # with create_engine(db_url).connect() as conn: # df.to_sql(ts.BENCHMARK_PROFILE_TABLE, con=conn, if_exists='append', index=False) def get_most_recent_profile(type): table_name = 'benchmark_profile' if type == 'benchmark' else 'portfolio_profile' query = f"SELECT * FROM {table_name} WHERE date = (SELECT MAX(date) FROM {table_name})" with create_engine(db_url).connect() as conn: df = pd.read_sql(query, con=conn) # convert date to datetime object df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date']) return df def _get_oldest(table_name, ts_column='date'): query = f"SELECT * FROM {table_name} WHERE {ts_column} = (SELECT MIN({ts_column}) FROM {table_name})" with create_engine(db_url).connect() as conn: df = pd.read_sql(query, con=conn) df[ts_column] = pd.to_datetime(df[ts_column]) return df def get_oldest_stocks_price(): df = _get_oldest(ts.STOCKS_PRICE_TABLE, ts_column='time') return df def get_oldest_portfolio_profile(): df = _get_oldest(ts.PORTFOLIO_TABLE) return df def get_oldest_stocks_proce(): df = _get_oldest(ts.STOCKS_PRICE_TABLE, ts_column='time') return df def get_oldest_benchmark_profile(): df = _get_oldest(ts.BENCHMARK_TABLE) return df def _get_most_recent(table_name, ts_column='date'): '''return the most recent entry in the table''' query = f"SELECT * FROM {table_name} WHERE {ts_column} = (SELECT MAX({ts_column}) FROM {table_name})" with create_engine(db_url).connect() as conn: df = pd.read_sql(query, con=conn) # convert date to datetime object df[ts_column] = pd.to_datetime(df[ts_column]) return df def get_all_portfolio_profile(): df = _get_all_row(ts.PORTFOLIO_TABLE) # df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date']) return df def get_most_recent_portfolio_profile(): df = _get_most_recent(ts.PORTFOLIO_TABLE) return df def get_most_recent_stocks_price(): df = _get_most_recent(ts.STOCKS_PRICE_TABLE, ts_column='time') return df def _append_df_to_db(df, table_name, schema): # validation if not _validate_schema(df, schema): raise Exception(f'VALIDATION_ERROR: df does not have the same schema as the table {table_name}') with create_engine(db_url).connect() as conn: df.to_sql(table_name, con=conn, if_exists='append', index=False) def append_to_stocks_price_table(df): '''append new entry to stocks price table''' _append_df_to_db(df, ts.STOCKS_PRICE_TABLE, ts.STOCKS_PRICE_TABLE_SCHEMA) def get_all_stocks(): with create_engine(db_url).connect() as conn: all_stocks = pd.read_sql(ts.STOCKS_DETAILS_TABLE, con=conn) return all_stocks def _get_all_row(table_name): with create_engine(db_url).connect() as conn: df = pd.read_sql(table_name, con=conn) return df def get_all_stocks_price(): ''' return all entries in stocks price table ''' return _get_all_row(ts.STOCKS_PRICE_TABLE) def get_stocks_price(tickers: list[str]): ''' return df of stock price within ticker in stocks price table ''' query = f"SELECT * FROM {ts.STOCKS_PRICE_TABLE} WHERE ticker IN {tuple(tickers)}" with create_engine(db_url).connect() as conn: df = pd.read_sql(query, con=conn) df.time = pd.to_datetime(df.time) return df