import streamlit as st import datetime def main(): # Creating the Contract Creation Workflow Screen st.title("1 - Contract Creation Workflow") # Contract Details Section st.header("Contract Details") contract_type = st.selectbox("Contract Type", ["","Type 1", "Type 2", "Type 3"]) start_date = st.date_input("Start Date", end_date = st.date_input("End Date", parties_involved = st.text_input("Parties Involved", help="Separate multiple parties with commas") # Rich Text Editor for Contract Terms and Conditions st.header("Contract Terms and Conditions") contract_terms = st.text_area("Terms and Conditions") # Supporting Documents Section st.header("Supporting Documents") uploaded_files = st.file_uploader("Attach Supporting Documents", accept_multiple_files=True) # Displaying Contract Details st.header("Contract Details Summary") st.write(f"Contract Number:") st.write(f"Contract Type: {contract_type}") st.write(f"Start Date: {start_date}") st.write(f"End Date: {end_date}") st.write(f"Parties Involved: {parties_involved}") # Displaying Contract Terms and Conditions st.header("Contract Terms and Conditions Summary") st.write(contract_terms) # Displaying Attached Supporting Documents if uploaded_files: st.header("Attached Documents") for file in uploaded_files: st.write( # Contract Approval Screen st.title("2 - Contract Approval") user_role ="User Role", ("Contract Approver", "Manager")) contract_details = { "Contract Type": contract_type, "Start Date": start_date, "End Date": end_date, "Parties Involved": parties_involved, } st.header("Contract Details") for key, value in contract_details.items(): st.write(f"{key}: {value}") # Highlight pending approvals with color coding if user_role == "Contract Approver": st.error("Pending Approval: Contract Approver action required!") elif user_role == "Manager": st.warning("Pending Approval: Manager action required!") # Comments Section st.header("Comments Section") comments = st.text_area("Comments") # Screen for searching and retrieving contracts st.title("3 - Contract Search and Retrieval") # Search Criteria Fields st.header("Search Criteria") contract_number = st.text_input("Contract Number (Exact Match)") vendor = st.text_input("Vendor", help="Enter vendor name or id") contract_status = st.selectbox("Contract Status", ["","Approved", "Approval in process", "On hold"]) start_date_range = st.date_input("Start Date Range", help="Select the start date") end_date_range = st.date_input("End Date Range", help="Select the end date") # Export Options for Search Results st.header("Export Options") export_format = st.selectbox("Export Format", ["CSV", "PDF"]) # Simulated Search Results st.header("Search Results") # ... (Add simulated search results here) # Exporting Search Results if st.button("Export Results"): if export_format == "CSV": # ... (Add CSV export functionality here) st.write("Exporting to CSV...") elif export_format == "PDF": # ... (Add PDF export functionality here) st.write("Exporting to PDF...") # Contract Amendment Workflow st.title("4 - Contract Amendment Workflow") # Trigger Condition - Change in Contract Scope st.header("Trigger") change_in_scope = st.checkbox("Change in Contract Scope") # Display fields if change_in_scope is True if change_in_scope: # Fields for Describing Proposed Amendments st.header("Proposed Amendments") description = st.text_area("Description", "Enter the description of the proposed amendments here.") reason = st.text_area("Reason", "Enter the reason for the proposed amendments here.") # Approval Process for Amendments st.header("Amendment Approval Process") amendment_roles = ["Amendment Initiator", "Contract Approver", "Manager"] current_role_index = amendment_roles.index(st.selectbox("Current Role", amendment_roles)) st.write(f"Current Role: {amendment_roles[current_role_index]}") # Version Control to Track Changes st.header("Version Control") st.write("Implement version control to track changes during the approval process.") # Contract renewal management st.title("5 - Contract Renewal Management") # Renewal Triggers - Time-based Alerts st.header("Renewal Triggers") days_before_expiration = st.slider("Days Before Expiration", min_value=0, max_value=365, step=1, value=30) # Dashboard for Contracts Approaching Expiration st.header("Contracts Approaching Expiration") # Simulated display of contracts approaching expiration contracts = [ {"Contract Type": "Type 1", "Parties Involved": "Party 1, Party 2", "Renewal Status": "Pending"}, {"Contract Type": "Type 2", "Parties Involved": "Party 3, Party 4", "Renewal Status": "Negotiation"}, ] for i, contract in enumerate(contracts): st.write(f"Contract Type: {contract['Contract Type']}") st.write(f"Parties Involved: {contract['Parties Involved']}") st.write(f"Renewal Status: {contract['Renewal Status']}") st.button(f"Renew_{i}") # Tracking Renewal History st.header("Renewal History") st.write("Track renewal history and view details for each contract renewal.") st.button("View History") if __name__ == "__main__": main()