# Make sure you have git-lfs installed (https://git-lfs.com) git lfs install git clone https://huggingface.co/s2w-ai/DarkBERT # if you want to clone without large files – just their pointers # prepend your git clone with the following env var: GIT_LFS_SKIP_SMUDGE=1 🐳 Get started with your docker Space! Your new space has been created, follow these steps to get started (or read our full documentation ) Start by cloning this repo by using: git clone https://huggingface.co/spaces/l3aalteshuva/eviI-Bert Create your Dockerfile file: # read the doc: https://huggingface.co/docs/hub/spaces-sdks-docker # you will also find guides on how best to write your Dockerfile FROM python:3.9 WORKDIR /code COPY ./requirements.txt /code/requirements.txt RUN pip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade -r /code/requirements.txt COPY . . CMD ["uvicorn", "app.main:app", "--host", "", "--port", "7860"] Then commit and push: git add Dockerfile git commit -m masta git push (Hint: Create the Dockerfile file right in your browser alternatively) 🤗 Your app should be running on this page after a few moments ! App port Your Docker Space needs to listen on port 7860 Documentation Check out the full documentation of docker Spaces here