from ast import Str import streamlit as st import numpy as np import pandas as pd from PIL import Image import ujson as json from plotnine import * import streamlit_toggle as tog import gc import gzip # -- Set page config apptitle = "PhenIEI" st.set_page_config(page_title=apptitle, page_icon=":genie:", layout="wide") # -- Set Sidebar image_pg ="img/pheniei.png") st.sidebar.image(image_pg, caption=None, width=100) st.sidebar.title("PhenIEI") st.sidebar.header("Exploring knowledge on Inborn Errors of Immunity") st.sidebar.markdown( """ This webapp browses knowledge on genetic diseases in inborn errors of immunity (IEI) based on [2022 IUIS classification](, [GenIA database]( and [HPO]( If any questions or suggestions, please contact: []( Code source is available in GitHub: []( PhenIEI is an initiative from: """ ) image_univ ="img/logosfacmontpellier.png") st.sidebar.image(image_univ, caption=None, width=190) image_chu ="img/CHU-montpellier.png") st.sidebar.image(image_chu, caption=None, width=95,) st.sidebar.markdown( """ PhenIEI is partner with: """ ) image_genia ="img/GenIA_logo_long_5Mpx.png") st.sidebar.image(image_genia, caption=None, width=100) @st.cache_data(max_entries=5, ttl=3600) def convert_df(df): return df.to_csv(sep="\t").encode("utf-8") @st.cache_resource(max_entries=5, ttl=3600) def load_data(): matrix = pd.read_csv( "data/ohe_matrix_2023_monarch,iei,genia.tsv.gz", sep="\t", compression="gzip", index_col=0, ) matrix.index = matrix.index.astype(str) return matrix @st.cache_resource(max_entries=5, ttl=3600) def load_specific_symptoms_info(): matrix = pd.read_csv( "data/specific_symptoms.tsv", sep="\t", # compression="gzip", index_col=0, ) return matrix @st.cache_resource(max_entries=5, ttl=3600) def load_iei_info(): matrix = pd.read_csv( "data/iei_hpo_2022.tsv", sep="\t", # compression="gzip", index_col=0, ) return matrix @st.cache_resource(max_entries=5, ttl=3600) def load_monarch_info(): matrix = pd.read_csv( "data/monarch_disease.tsv", sep="\t", # compression="gzip", index_col=0, ) return matrix @st.cache_resource(max_entries=5, ttl=3600) def add_microdel_to_dict(ncbi_dict): new_d = {str(key): str(value) for key, value in ncbi_dict.items()} new_d["Del10p13-p14"] = "Del10p13-p14" new_d["11q23del"] = "11q23del" new_d["14q32"] = "14q32" new_d["22q11.2"] = "22q11.2" return new_d @st.cache_resource(max_entries=5, ttl=3600) def symbol_to_id_to_dict(): # from NCBI ncbi_df = pd.read_csv("data/Homo_sapiens.gene_info.gz", sep="\t") ncbi_df = ncbi_df[ncbi_df["#tax_id"] == 9606] ncbi_df_ncbi = ncbi_df.set_index("Symbol") ncbi_to_dict_ncbi = ncbi_df_ncbi["GeneID"].to_dict() ncbi_df = ncbi_df.set_index("GeneID") ncbi_to_dict = ncbi_df["Symbol"].to_dict() del ncbi_df return add_microdel_to_dict(ncbi_to_dict_ncbi), add_microdel_to_dict(ncbi_to_dict) @st.cache_resource(max_entries=5, ttl=3600) def load_hp_ontology(): with"data/hpo_obo_2023.json.gz") as json_data: data_dict = json.load(json_data) return data_dict @st.cache_resource(max_entries=5, ttl=3600) def hpo_description_to_id(): data_dict = {} for key, value in hp_onto.items(): data_dict[value["name"]] = key if len(value["synonyms"]) > 0: for synonym in value["synonyms"]: data_dict[synonym] = key return data_dict @st.cache_data(max_entries=5, ttl=3600) def get_symbol(gene): if gene in symbol.keys(): return symbol[gene] @st.cache_data(max_entries=5, ttl=3600) def get_hpo_name(hpo): names = {} if hpo in hp_onto.keys(): names[hpo] = hp_onto[hpo]["name"] return names @st.cache_data(max_entries=5, ttl=3600) def get_hpo_name_only(hpo): if hpo in hp_onto.keys(): return hp_onto[hpo]["name"] else: return None @st.cache_data(max_entries=5, ttl=3600) def get_hpo_name_list(hpo_list, hp_onto): names = {} for hpo in hpo_list: if hpo in hp_onto.keys(): names[hpo] = hp_onto[hpo]["name"] return dict(sorted(names.items())) @st.cache_data(max_entries=5, ttl=3600) def score(hpo_list, matrix): matrix_filter = matrix[hpo_list] matrix_filter["sum"] = matrix_filter.sum(axis=1) matrix_filter["gene_symbol"] = matrix_filter.index.to_series().apply(get_symbol) return matrix_filter.sort_values("sum", ascending=False) @st.cache_data(max_entries=5, ttl=3600) def get_phenotype_specificity(gene_diag, data_patient): rank = data_patient.loc[ncbi[gene_diag], "rank"] max_rank = data_patient["rank"].max() if rank == max_rank: return "D - the reported phenotype is NOT consistent with what is expected for the gene/genomic region or not consistent in general." elif rank < 23: return "A - the reported phenotype is highly specific and relatively unique to the gene (top 16, 50 perc of diagnosis in Simuluk et al. cohort)." elif rank < 151: return "B - the reported phenotype is consistent with the gene, is highly specific, but not necessarily unique to the gene (top 100, 75 perc of diagnosis in Simuluk et al. cohort)." else: return "C - the phenotype is reported with limited association with the gene, not highly specific and/or with high genetic heterogeneity." @st.cache_data(max_entries=5, ttl=3600) def get_relatives_list(hpo_list, hp_onto): all_list = [] for hpo in hpo_list: all_list.append(hpo) if hpo in hp_onto.keys(): for parent in hp_onto[hpo]["parents"]: all_list.append(parent) for children in hp_onto[hpo]["childrens"]: all_list.append(children) return list(set(all_list)) @st.cache_data(max_entries=5, ttl=3600) def get_hpo_id(hpo_list): hpo_id = [] for description in hpo_list: hpo_id.append(hp_desc_id[description]) return ",".join(hpo_id) @st.cache_data(max_entries=5, ttl=3600) def add_direct_parents(hpo_list): hpo_list_return = [] for element in hpo_list: hpo_list_return.append(element) for i in hp_onto[element]["direct_parent"]: if hp_onto[i]["distance_to_root"] > 3: hpo_list_return.append(i) return list(set(hpo_list_return)) hp_onto = load_hp_ontology() hp_desc_id = hpo_description_to_id() ncbi, symbol = symbol_to_id_to_dict() iei_info = load_iei_info() specific_symptoms = load_specific_symptoms_info() monarch_info = load_monarch_info() data = load_data() gene_list = list(data.index) symbol_list = [symbol[i] for i in gene_list if i in symbol.keys()] symbol_list_iuis = list(set(iei_info["UpdatedGene"].to_list())) symbol_list_monarch = list(set(monarch_info["gene_symbol"].to_list())) with st.form("my_form"): c1, c2 = st.columns(2) with c1: hpo_raw = st.multiselect( "Select interactively your HPOs or...", list(hp_desc_id.keys()), ["Polyarticular arthritis", "Crohn's disease", "Recurrent fever"], # [ # "Recurrent pneumonia", # "Atopic dermatitis", # "Oligoarthritis", # "Acute hepatitis", # "Recurrent aphthous stomatitis", # "Malar rash", # "Acrocyanosis", # "Increased circulating IgE level", # ], ) with c2: hpo = st.text_input( "copy/paste your HPOs, separated with comma", "HP:0001954,HP:0005764,HP:0100280", ) gene_diag_input = st.multiselect( "Optional: provide HGNC gene symbol to be tested", options=symbol_list, # options=list(ncbi.keys()), # default=["STAT3"], default=["MEFV"], max_selections=1, ) submit_button = st.form_submit_button( label="Submit", ) switch = tog.st_toggle_switch( label="Add direct parents of symptoms in HPO", key="Key1", default_value=False, label_after=True, inactive_color="#f8f9fb", active_color="#ff4b4b", track_color="#ffcccc", ) if submit_button: if hpo_raw != ["Polyarticular arthritis", "Crohn's disease", "Recurrent fever"] and len(hpo_raw) > 0: hpo = get_hpo_id(hpo_raw) hpo_list_ini = hpo.replace(' ', '').replace('\'','').split(",") if gene_diag_input: if gene_diag_input[0] in ncbi.keys(): gene_diag = gene_diag_input[0] else: st.write( gene_diag_input + " gene are not in our database. Please check gene name (need to be in CAPITAL format)." ) gene_diag = None else: gene_diag = None hpo_list_up = [] for hpo in hpo_list_ini: if hpo in ["HP:0000001"]: pass elif len(hpo) != 10: st.write( "Incorrect HPO format: " + hpo + ". Please check (7-digits terms with prefix HP:, and separed by commas)." ) pass elif hpo not in data.columns: pass st.write(hpo + " not available in current database. Please modify.") else: if data[hpo].astype(bool).sum(axis=0) != 0: hpo_list_up.append(hpo) else: hpo_to_test = hp_onto[hpo]["direct_parent"][0] while data[hpo_to_test].astype(bool).sum( axis=0 ) == 0 and hpo_to_test not in ["HP:0000001"]: hpo_to_test = hp_onto[hpo_to_test]["direct_parent"][0] if hpo_to_test in ["HP:0000001"]: st.write( "No gene-HPO associations was found for " + hpo + " and parents." ) else: hpo_list_up.append(hpo_to_test) st.write( "We replaced: ", hpo, " by ", hp_onto[hpo]["direct_parent"][0], "-", get_hpo_name(hpo_to_test), ) if switch == True: hpo_list = add_direct_parents(hpo_list_up) else: hpo_list = list(set(hpo_list_up)) if hpo_list: del hpo_list_up specific_symptoms_check = False specific_symptoms_list = [] for hpo in hpo_list: if hpo in specific_symptoms.index: specific_symptoms_check = True specific_symptoms_list.append(hpo) with st.expander("See HPO inputs"): st.write(get_hpo_name_list(hpo_list, hp_onto)) if specific_symptoms_check == True: st.write('Presence of most specific IEI symptoms:') st.write(specific_symptoms[specific_symptoms.index.isin(specific_symptoms_list)].rename(columns={'count': 'Count of associated genes'}).drop(['pvalue'],axis=1)) st.header("Phenotype matching") results_sum = score(hpo_list, data).dropna() results_sum["matchs"] = results_sum[hpo_list].astype(bool).sum(axis=1) results_sum["perc_matchs"] = round(results_sum["matchs"] / len(hpo_list), 2) #results_sum["score"] = results_sum["matchs"] + results_sum["sum"] results_sum["rank"] = ( results_sum["matchs"].rank(ascending=False, method="min").astype(int) ) results_sum.loc[results_sum["matchs"] == 0, "rank"] = 5235 cols = results_sum.columns.tolist() cols = cols[-5:] + sorted(cols[:-5]) match = results_sum[cols].sort_values(by=["matchs"], ascending=False) top20 = match[match.matchs > 0]["gene_symbol"].to_list()[0:20] top_iuis = [x for x in top20 if x in symbol_list_iuis] top_monarch = [x for x in top20 if x in symbol_list_monarch] match_iuis = [ x for x in match[match.matchs > 0]["gene_symbol"].to_list() if x in symbol_list_iuis ] st.dataframe(match[match["matchs"] > 0].drop(columns=["sum"])) # st.write( # "Number of genes with at least one match: ", len(match[match["matchs"] > 0]) # ) st.write("Number of IUIS genes with at least one match: ", len(match_iuis)) st.write( "Number of genes with at least one match: ", len(match[match["matchs"] > 0]) ) match_csv = convert_df(match) st.download_button( "Download matching results", match_csv, "match.tsv", "text/csv", key="download-csv-match", ) if gene_diag: if ncbi[gene_diag] in results_sum.index: st.header( "Gene of interest: " + gene_diag, ) p = ( ggplot(match, aes("matchs")) + geom_histogram() + geom_vline( xintercept=results_sum.loc[ncbi[gene_diag], "matchs"], linetype="dashed", color="red", size=1.5, ) + ggtitle("Matching distribution") + xlab("Gene matching count") + ylab("Number of genes") + theme_bw() + theme( text=element_text(size=12), figure_size=(5, 5), axis_ticks=element_line(colour="black", size=4), axis_line=element_line(colour="black", size=2), axis_text_x=element_text(angle=45, hjust=1), axis_text_y=element_text(angle=60, hjust=1), subplots_adjust={"wspace": 0.1}, legend_position=(0.7, 0.35), ) ) col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3) with col1: st.pyplot(ggplot.draw(p)) st.write( "Gene ID rank:", results_sum.loc[ncbi[gene_diag], "rank"], " | ", "Gene ID percentage match:", round(results_sum.loc[ncbi[gene_diag], "perc_matchs"] * 100, 2), ) st.write(pd.DataFrame(match.loc[ncbi[gene_diag]]).T) st.write( "Gene ID phenotype specificity:", get_phenotype_specificity(gene_diag, results_sum), ) del p else: st.write("Gene ID rank:", " Gene not ranked by PhenoIEI") if gene_diag in symbol_list_iuis: st.subheader(gene_diag + " IUIS descriptions") st.write("Disease category") st.write( iei_info[iei_info["UpdatedGene"] == gene_diag][ [ "Major category", "Subcategory", "Inheritance", ] ] ) st.write("Clinical features") st.write( iei_info[iei_info["UpdatedGene"] == gene_diag][ [ "Associated features", ] ] ) st.write("Biological features") st.write( iei_info[iei_info["UpdatedGene"] == gene_diag][ [ "T cell count", "B cell count", "Immunoglobulin levels", "Neutrophil count", "Other affected cells", ] ] ) st.write("Known therapies and pathways") st.write( iei_info[iei_info["UpdatedGene"] == gene_diag][ [ "KEGG_drug", "KEGG_pathway", ] ] ) if gene_diag in symbol_list_monarch: st.subheader(gene_diag + " monarch descriptions") st.write( monarch_info.reset_index() .set_index("gene_symbol") .loc[gene_diag] .reset_index() ) st.header("Top 20 descriptions") st.subheader("IUIS descriptions") st.write( iei_info.reset_index() .set_index("UpdatedGene") .loc[top_iuis] .reset_index() .set_index("index")[ [ "Major category", "Subcategory", "Inheritance", "Associated features", ] ] ) st.subheader("Monarch descriptions") st.write( monarch_info.reset_index() .set_index("gene_symbol") .loc[top_monarch] .reset_index() # .set_index("index")[ # [ # "Major category", # "Subcategory", # "Inheritance", # "Associated features", # ] # ] ) del results_sum del top_monarch del top_iuis del match del top20 del match_iuis del specific_symptoms_list gc.collect() else: st.write( "No HPO terms provided in correct format.", )