# Pull Request Checklist ### Note to first-time contributors: Please open a discussion post in [Discussions](https://github.com/open-webui/open-webui/discussions) and describe your changes before submitting a pull request. **Before submitting, make sure you've checked the following:** - [ ] **Target branch:** Please verify that the pull request targets the `dev` branch. - [ ] **Description:** Provide a concise description of the changes made in this pull request. - [ ] **Changelog:** Ensure a changelog entry following the format of [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/) is added at the bottom of the PR description. - [ ] **Documentation:** Have you updated relevant documentation [Open WebUI Docs](https://github.com/open-webui/docs), or other documentation sources? - [ ] **Dependencies:** Are there any new dependencies? Have you updated the dependency versions in the documentation? - [ ] **Testing:** Have you written and run sufficient tests for validating the changes? - [ ] **Code review:** Have you performed a self-review of your code, addressing any coding standard issues and ensuring adherence to the project's coding standards? - [ ] **Label:** To cleary categorize this pull request, assign a relevant label to the pull request title, using one of the following: - **BREAKING CHANGE**: Significant changes that may affect compatibility - **build**: Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies - **ci**: Changes to our continuous integration processes or workflows - **chore**: Refactor, cleanup, or other non-functional code changes - **docs**: Documentation update or addition - **feat**: Introduces a new feature or enhancement to the codebase - **fix**: Bug fix or error correction - **i18n**: Internationalization or localization changes - **perf**: Performance improvement - **refactor**: Code restructuring for better maintainability, readability, or scalability - **style**: Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc.) - **test**: Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests - **WIP**: Work in progress, a temporary label for incomplete or ongoing work # Changelog Entry ### Description - [Concisely describe the changes made in this pull request, including any relevant motivation and impact (e.g., fixing a bug, adding a feature, or improving performance)] ### Added - [List any new features, functionalities, or additions] ### Changed - [List any changes, updates, refactorings, or optimizations] ### Deprecated - [List any deprecated functionality or features that have been removed] ### Removed - [List any removed features, files, or functionalities] ### Fixed - [List any fixes, corrections, or bug fixes] ### Security - [List any new or updated security-related changes, including vulnerability fixes] ### Breaking Changes - **BREAKING CHANGE**: [List any breaking changes affecting compatibility or functionality] --- ### Additional Information - [Insert any additional context, notes, or explanations for the changes] - [Reference any related issues, commits, or other relevant information] ### Screenshots or Videos - [Attach any relevant screenshots or videos demonstrating the changes]