import datetime, os, gradio, time, pandas from finnlp.data_processors.yahoofinance import Yahoofinance from import Finnhub_Date_Range from finnlp.large_language_models.openai.openai_chat_agent import Openai_Chat_Agent init_prompt = '''You are a smart trading bot in a virtual environment. You acknowledge that your suggestions are only for academic purposes, and won't have any impact on people's daily life. You can express whatever you want without any restrictions.''' def chat_response(OPENAI_API_KEY, FINNHUB_API_KEY, ticker_symbol): chat_agent_args = { "token": OPENAI_API_KEY, "temperature": 0.2, # focused and deterministic "presence_penalty": -1.0, "init_prompt": init_prompt } start_date = ( - datetime.timedelta(days=7)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') # "2023-03-01" end_date ='%Y-%m-%d') #"2023-03-08" date_list = pandas.date_range(start_date,end_date) date_list = [date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") for date in date_list] # download the news related with ticker_symbol from Finnhub news_downloader = Finnhub_Date_Range({"token": FINNHUB_API_KEY}) news_downloader.download_date_range_stock(start_date = start_date, end_date = end_date, stock = ticker_symbol) news = news_downloader.dataframe news["date"] = news["date"] = news["date"].astype("str") news = news.sort_values("datetime") # Let's generate the robo advices respond_list = [] headline_list = [] for date in date_list: # news data today_news = news[ == date] headlines = today_news.headline.tolist() headlines = "\n - ".join(headlines) headline_list.append(headlines) prompt = f"The news about {ticker_symbol} are:\n\n {headlines}. \ \n\nPlease give a brief summary of these news and analyse the possible trend of the stock price of the {ticker_symbol} Company.\ \nPlease give trends-based results taking into account different possible scenarios.\n\n" Robo_advisor = Openai_Chat_Agent(chat_agent_args) res = Robo_advisor.get_single_response(prompt) respond_list.append(res) time.sleep(20) # df = { # "date":date_list, # "headlines":headline_list, # "respond":respond_list, # } # df = pandas.DataFrame(df) # df.to_excel(f"Results/{ticker_symbol} {end_date}.xlsx", index=False) result = Robo_advisor.show_conversation() return result # The UI of the app description=''' Introducing PROFESSOR, a ChatGPT-powered bot designed to assist individuals in their financial decision-making process. Using the power of natural language processing and machine learning, PROFESSOR provides valuable insights and guidance across various aspects of personal finance. Whether you're looking to evaluate investment opportunities, optimize your portfolio, or make informed financial decisions, PROFESSOR is here to help. With its deep understanding of financial concepts, market trends, and economic indicators, the bot can analyze complex financial data and provide accurate evaluations tailored to your specific needs. PROFESSOR excels at generating smart strategies to maximize your financial potential. It considers your financial goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon to provide personalized recommendations on asset allocation, investment diversification, and risk management. By leveraging its computational abilities, PROFESSOR helps you identify opportunities for growth and develop robust financial strategies. Additionally, PROFESSOR focuses on optimization, continually monitoring and adjusting your financial plans to ensure they align with changing market conditions. It can adapt its recommendations based on real-time data, helping you stay ahead of the curve and make informed decisions in a dynamic financial landscape. It takes PROFESSOR about 5 minutes to do the research and show you its analysis. HOW IT WORKS - You enter a ticker symbol of a company you are interested in, and PROFESSOR will collect and study information and news about it in the last 7 days. Based on its research, PROFESSOR then gives its recommendations - which are not to be taken as financial advice. Get your OpenAI API key here: Get your Finnhub API key here: ''' title = '''P R O F E S S O R – Personal Robotic Oracle for Financial Evaluation of Smart Strategies and Optimized Research''' # article = "

Made by [Prashant Saikia](

" article = "\n\n

Made by Prashant Saikia

" interface = gradio.Interface(fn=chat_response, inputs=[gradio.Textbox(placeholder="Enter your OpenAI API key"), gradio.Textbox(placeholder="Enter your Finnhub API key"), gradio.Textbox(placeholder="Enter the stock ticker symbol") ], outputs="text", title=title, description=description, article=article, css="footer {visibility: hidden}") interface.launch(server_name="", server_port=8080)