num_to_classes = {0: 'astro-ph.CO', 1: 'astro-ph.EP', 2: 'astro-ph.GA', 3: 'astro-ph.HE', 4: 'astro-ph.IM', 5: 'astro-ph.SR', 6: 'astro-ph.all', 7: 'cond-mat.dis-nn', 8: 'cond-mat.mes-hall', 9: 'cond-mat.mtrl-sci', 10: 'cond-mat.other', 11: 'cond-mat.quant-gas', 12: 'cond-mat.soft', 13: 'cond-mat.stat-mech', 14: 'cond-mat.str-el', 15: 'cond-mat.supr-con', 16: 'cs.AI', 17: 'cs.AR', 18: 'cs.CC', 19: 'cs.CE', 20: 'cs.CG', 21: 'cs.CL', 22: 'cs.CR', 23: 'cs.CV', 24: 'cs.CY', 25: 'cs.DB', 26: 'cs.DC', 27: 'cs.DL', 28: 'cs.DM', 29: 'cs.DS', 30: 'cs.ET', 31: 'cs.FL', 32: 'cs.GL', 33: 'cs.GR', 34: 'cs.GT', 35: 'cs.HC', 36: 'cs.IR', 37: 'cs.IT', 38: 'cs.LG', 39: 'cs.LO', 40: 'cs.MA', 41: 'cs.MM', 42: 'cs.MS', 43: 'cs.NA', 44: 'cs.NE', 45: 'cs.NI', 46: 'cs.OH', 47: 'cs.OS', 48: 'cs.PF', 49: 'cs.PL', 50: 'cs.RO', 51: 'cs.SC', 52: 'cs.SD', 53: 'cs.SE', 54: 'cs.SI', 55: 'cs.SY', 56: 'econ.EM', 57: 'econ.GN', 58: 'econ.TH', 59: 'eess.AS', 60: 'eess.IV', 61: 'eess.SP', 62: 'eess.SY', 63: 'gr-qc', 64: 'hep-ex', 65: 'hep-lat', 66: 'hep-ph', 67: 'hep-th', 68: 'math-ph', 69: 'math.AC', 70: 'math.AG', 71: 'math.AP', 72: 'math.AT', 73: 'math.CA', 74: 'math.CO', 75: 'math.CT', 76: 'math.CV', 77: 'math.DG', 78: 'math.DS', 79: 'math.FA', 80: 'math.GM', 81: 'math.GN', 82: 'math.GR', 83: 'math.GT', 84: 'math.HO', 85: 'math.KT', 86: 'math.LO', 87: 'math.MG', 88: 'math.NA', 89: 'math.NT', 90: 'math.OA', 91: 'math.OC', 92: 'math.PR', 93: 'math.QA', 94: 'math.RA', 95: 'math.RT', 96: 'math.SG', 97: 'math.SP', 98: 'math.ST', 99: 'nlin.AO', 100: 'nlin.CD', 101: 'nlin.CG', 102: 'nlin.PS', 103: 'nlin.SI', 104: 'nucl-ex', 105: 'nucl-th', 106: 'physics.acc-ph', 107: '', 108: '', 109: 'physics.atm-clus', 110: 'physics.atom-ph', 111: '', 112: 'physics.chem-ph', 113: 'physics.class-ph', 114: 'physics.comp-ph', 115: '', 116: 'physics.ed-ph', 117: 'physics.flu-dyn', 118: 'physics.gen-ph', 119: 'physics.geo-ph', 120: 'physics.hist-ph', 121: 'physics.ins-det', 122: '', 123: 'physics.optics', 124: 'physics.plasm-ph', 125: 'physics.pop-ph', 126: 'physics.soc-ph', 127: '', 128: 'q-bio.BM', 129: 'q-bio.CB', 130: 'q-bio.GN', 131: 'q-bio.MN', 132: 'q-bio.NC', 133: 'q-bio.OT', 134: 'q-bio.PE', 135: 'q-bio.QM', 136: 'q-bio.SC', 137: 'q-bio.TO', 138: 'q-fin.CP', 139: 'q-fin.EC', 140: 'q-fin.GN', 141: 'q-fin.MF', 142: 'q-fin.PM', 143: 'q-fin.PR', 144: 'q-fin.RM', 145: 'q-fin.ST', 146: 'q-fin.TR', 147: 'quant-ph', 148: 'stat.AP', 149: 'stat.CO', 150: 'stat.ME', 151: 'stat.ML', 152: 'stat.OT'} classes_to_num = {'astro-ph.CO': 0, 'astro-ph.EP': 1, 'astro-ph.GA': 2, 'astro-ph.HE': 3, 'astro-ph.IM': 4, 'astro-ph.SR': 5, 'astro-ph.all': 6, 'cond-mat.dis-nn': 7, 'cond-mat.mes-hall': 8, 'cond-mat.mtrl-sci': 9, 'cond-mat.other': 10, 'cond-mat.quant-gas': 11, 'cond-mat.soft': 12, 'cond-mat.stat-mech': 13, 'cond-mat.str-el': 14, 'cond-mat.supr-con': 15, 'cs.AI': 16, 'cs.AR': 17, 'cs.CC': 18, 'cs.CE': 19, 'cs.CG': 20, 'cs.CL': 21, 'cs.CR': 22, 'cs.CV': 23, 'cs.CY': 24, 'cs.DB': 25, 'cs.DC': 26, 'cs.DL': 27, 'cs.DM': 28, 'cs.DS': 29, 'cs.ET': 30, 'cs.FL': 31, 'cs.GL': 32, 'cs.GR': 33, 'cs.GT': 34, 'cs.HC': 35, 'cs.IR': 36, 'cs.IT': 37, 'cs.LG': 38, 'cs.LO': 39, 'cs.MA': 40, 'cs.MM': 41, 'cs.MS': 42, 'cs.NA': 43, 'cs.NE': 44, 'cs.NI': 45, 'cs.OH': 46, 'cs.OS': 47, 'cs.PF': 48, 'cs.PL': 49, 'cs.RO': 50, 'cs.SC': 51, 'cs.SD': 52, 'cs.SE': 53, 'cs.SI': 54, 'cs.SY': 55, 'econ.EM': 56, 'econ.GN': 57, 'econ.TH': 58, 'eess.AS': 59, 'eess.IV': 60, 'eess.SP': 61, 'eess.SY': 62, 'gr-qc': 63, 'hep-ex': 64, 'hep-lat': 65, 'hep-ph': 66, 'hep-th': 67, 'math-ph': 68, 'math.AC': 69, 'math.AG': 70, 'math.AP': 71, 'math.AT': 72, 'math.CA': 73, 'math.CO': 74, 'math.CT': 75, 'math.CV': 76, 'math.DG': 77, 'math.DS': 78, 'math.FA': 79, 'math.GM': 80, 'math.GN': 81, 'math.GR': 82, 'math.GT': 83, 'math.HO': 84, 'math.KT': 85, 'math.LO': 86, 'math.MG': 87, 'math.NA': 88, 'math.NT': 89, 'math.OA': 90, 'math.OC': 91, 'math.PR': 92, 'math.QA': 93, 'math.RA': 94, 'math.RT': 95, 'math.SG': 96, 'math.SP': 97, 'math.ST': 98, 'nlin.AO': 99, 'nlin.CD': 100, 'nlin.CG': 101, 'nlin.PS': 102, 'nlin.SI': 103, 'nucl-ex': 104, 'nucl-th': 105, 'physics.acc-ph': 106, '': 107, '': 108, 'physics.atm-clus': 109, 'physics.atom-ph': 110, '': 111, 'physics.chem-ph': 112, 'physics.class-ph': 113, 'physics.comp-ph': 114, '': 115, 'physics.ed-ph': 116, 'physics.flu-dyn': 117, 'physics.gen-ph': 118, 'physics.geo-ph': 119, 'physics.hist-ph': 120, 'physics.ins-det': 121, '': 122, 'physics.optics': 123, 'physics.plasm-ph': 124, 'physics.pop-ph': 125, 'physics.soc-ph': 126, '': 127, 'q-bio.BM': 128, 'q-bio.CB': 129, 'q-bio.GN': 130, 'q-bio.MN': 131, 'q-bio.NC': 132, 'q-bio.OT': 133, 'q-bio.PE': 134, 'q-bio.QM': 135, 'q-bio.SC': 136, 'q-bio.TO': 137, 'q-fin.CP': 138, 'q-fin.EC': 139, 'q-fin.GN': 140, 'q-fin.MF': 141, 'q-fin.PM': 142, 'q-fin.PR': 143, 'q-fin.RM': 144, 'q-fin.ST': 145, 'q-fin.TR': 146, 'quant-ph': 147, 'stat.AP': 148, 'stat.CO': 149, 'stat.ME': 150, 'stat.ML': 151, 'stat.OT': 152} taxonomy = {'cs.AI': 'Artificial Intelligence', 'cs.AR': 'Hardware Architecture', 'cs.CC': 'Computational Complexity', 'cs.CE': 'Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science', 'cs.CG': 'Computational Geometry', 'cs.CL': 'Computation and Language', 'cs.CR': 'Cryptography and Security', 'cs.CV': 'Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition', 'cs.CY': 'Computers and Society', 'cs.DB': 'Databases', 'cs.DC': 'Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing', 'cs.DL': 'Digital Libraries', 'cs.DM': 'Discrete Mathematics', 'cs.DS': 'Data Structures and Algorithms', 'cs.ET': 'Emerging Technologies', 'cs.FL': 'Formal Languages and Automata Theory', 'cs.GL': 'General Literature', 'cs.GR': 'Graphics', 'cs.GT': 'Computer Science and Game Theory', 'cs.HC': 'Human-Computer Interaction', 'cs.IR': 'Information Retrieval', 'cs.IT': 'Information Theory', 'cs.LG': 'Machine Learning', 'cs.LO': 'Logic in Computer Science', 'cs.MA': 'Multiagent Systems', 'cs.MM': 'Multimedia', 'cs.MS': 'Mathematical Software', 'cs.NA': 'Numerical Analysis', 'cs.NE': 'Neural and Evolutionary Computing', 'cs.NI': 'Networking and Internet Architecture', 'cs.OH': 'Other Computer Science', 'cs.OS': 'Operating Systems', 'cs.PF': 'Performance', 'cs.PL': 'Programming Languages', 'cs.RO': 'Robotics', 'cs.SC': 'Symbolic Computation', 'cs.SD': 'Sound', 'cs.SE': 'Software Engineering', 'cs.SI': 'Social and Information Networks', 'cs.SY': 'Systems and Control', 'econ.EM': 'Econometrics', 'econ.GN': 'General Economics', 'econ.TH': 'Theoretical Economics', 'eess.AS': 'Audio and Speech Processing', 'eess.IV': 'Image and Video Processing', 'eess.SP': 'Signal Processing', 'eess.SY': 'Systems and Control', 'math.AC': 'Commutative Algebra', 'math.AG': 'Algebraic Geometry', 'math.AP': 'Analysis of PDEs', 'math.AT': 'Algebraic Topology', 'math.CA': 'Classical Analysis and ODEs', 'math.CO': 'Combinatorics', 'math.CT': 'Category Theory', 'math.CV': 'Complex Variables', 'math.DG': 'Differential Geometry', 'math.DS': 'Dynamical Systems', 'math.FA': 'Functional Analysis', 'math.GM': 'General Mathematics', 'math.GN': 'General Topology', 'math.GR': 'Group Theory', 'math.GT': 'Geometric Topology', 'math.HO': 'History and Overview', 'math.IT': 'Information Theory', 'math.KT': 'K-Theory and Homology', 'math.LO': 'Logic', 'math.MG': 'Metric Geometry', 'math.MP': 'Mathematical Physics', 'math.NA': 'Numerical Analysis', 'math.NT': 'Number Theory', 'math.OA': 'Operator Algebras', 'math.OC': 'Optimization and Control', 'math.PR': 'Probability', 'math.QA': 'Quantum Algebra', 'math.RA': 'Rings and Algebras', 'math.RT': 'Representation Theory', 'math.SG': 'Symplectic Geometry', 'math.SP': 'Spectral Theory', 'math.ST': 'Statistics Theory', 'astro-ph.all': 'Astrophysics', 'astro-ph.CO': 'Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics', 'astro-ph.EP': 'Earth and Planetary Astrophysics', 'astro-ph.GA': 'Astrophysics of Galaxies', 'astro-ph.HE': 'High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena', 'astro-ph.IM': 'Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics', 'astro-ph.SR': 'Solar and Stellar Astrophysics', 'cond-mat.dis-nn': 'Disordered Systems and Neural Networks', 'cond-mat.mes-hall': 'Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics', 'cond-mat.mtrl-sci': 'Materials Science', 'cond-mat.other': 'Other Condensed Matter', 'cond-mat.quant-gas': 'Quantum Gases', 'cond-mat.soft': 'Soft Condensed Matter', 'cond-mat.stat-mech': 'Statistical Mechanics', 'cond-mat.str-el': 'Strongly Correlated Electrons', 'cond-mat.supr-con': 'Superconductivity', 'gr-qc': 'General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology', 'hep-ex': 'High Energy Physics - Experiment', 'hep-lat': 'High Energy Physics - Lattice', 'hep-ph': 'High Energy Physics - Phenomenology', 'hep-th': 'High Energy Physics - Theory', 'math-ph': 'Mathematical Physics', 'nlin.AO': 'Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems', 'nlin.CD': 'Chaotic Dynamics', 'nlin.CG': 'Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases', 'nlin.PS': 'Pattern Formation and Solitons', 'nlin.SI': 'Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems', 'nucl-ex': 'Nuclear Experiment', 'nucl-th': 'Nuclear Theory', 'physics.acc-ph': 'Accelerator Physics', '': 'Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics', '': 'Applied Physics', 'physics.atm-clus': 'Atomic and Molecular Clusters', 'atom-ph.all': 'Atomic Physics', 'physics.atom-ph': 'Atomic Physics', '': 'Biological Physics', 'physics.chem-ph': 'Chemical Physics', 'physics.class-ph': 'Classical Physics', 'physics.comp-ph': 'Computational Physics', '': 'Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability', 'physics.ed-ph': 'Physics Education', 'physics.flu-dyn': 'Fluid Dynamics', 'physics.gen-ph': 'General Physics', 'physics.geo-ph': 'Geophysics', 'physics.hist-ph': 'History and Philosophy of Physics', 'physics.ins-det': 'Instrumentation and Detectors', '': 'Medical Physics', 'physics.optics': 'Optics', 'physics.plasm-ph': 'Plasma Physics', 'physics.pop-ph': 'Popular Physics', 'physics.soc-ph': 'Physics and Society', '': 'Space Physics', 'quant-ph': 'Quantum Physics', 'q-bio.BM': 'Biomolecules', 'q-bio.CB': 'Cell Behavior', 'q-bio.GN': 'Genomics', 'q-bio.MN': 'Molecular Networks', 'q-bio.NC': 'Neurons and Cognition', 'q-bio.OT': 'Other Quantitative Biology', 'q-bio.PE': 'Populations and Evolution', 'q-bio.QM': 'Quantitative Methods', 'q-bio.SC': 'Subcellular Processes', 'q-bio.TO': 'Tissues and Organs', 'q-fin.CP': 'Computational Finance', 'q-fin.EC': 'Economics', 'q-fin.GN': 'General Finance', 'q-fin.MF': 'Mathematical Finance', 'q-fin.PM': 'Portfolio Management', 'q-fin.PR': 'Pricing of Securities', 'q-fin.RM': 'Risk Management', 'q-fin.ST': 'Statistical Finance', 'q-fin.TR': 'Trading and Market Microstructure', 'stat.AP': 'Applications', 'stat.CO': 'Computation', 'stat.ME': 'Methodology', 'stat.ML': 'Machine Learning', 'stat.OT': 'Other Statistics', 'stat.TH': 'Statistics Theory'}