import re import copy import json import random import string import http.client import chromadb import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from urllib.request import urlopen from urllib.error import HTTPError from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModel from pingpong import PingPong from pingpong.pingpong import PPManager from pingpong.context.strategy import CtxStrategy default_instruction = """Below texts come from the webpages that you provided in '{ping}'. Try to explain '{ping}' in detail as much as possible. Your exaplanation should almost based on the text below. Try not to write anything unrelated information. ===================== """ class URLSearchStrategy(CtxStrategy): def __init__( self, similarity_searcher, instruction=default_instruction, db_name=None, chunk_size=1000 ): self.searcher = similarity_searcher self.instruction = instruction self.db_name = db_name self.chunk_size = chunk_size if self.searcher is None: raise ValueError("SimilaritySearcher is not set.") if self.db_name is None: self.db_name = URLSearchStrategy.id_generator() def __call__(self, ppmanager: PPManager, urls, top_k=8, max_tokens=1024, keep_original=False): ppm = copy.deepcopy(ppmanager) last_ping = ppm.pingpongs[-1].ping # 1st yield ppm.add_pong("![loading](\n") ppm.append_pong("• Creating Chroma DB Collection...") yield True, ppm, "• Creating Chroma DB Collection √" chroma_client = chromadb.Client() try: chroma_client.delete_collection(self.db_name) except: pass col = chroma_client.create_collection(self.db_name) # 2nd yield ppm.replace_last_pong("![loading](\n") ppm.append_pong("• Creating Chroma DB Collection √\n") ppm.append_pong("• URL Searching...\n") yield True, ppm, "• URL Searching √" # HTML parsing search_results = [] success_urls = [] for url in urls: parse_result, contents = self._parse_html(url) if parse_result == True: success_urls.append(url) search_results.append(contents) ppm.append_pong(f" - {url} √\n") yield True, ppm, f" ▷ {url} √" if len(search_results) == 0: yield False, ppm, "There is no valid URLs. Check if there are trailing characters such as .(dot), ,(comma), etc., LLM will answer to your question based on its base knowledge." if len(' '.join(search_results).split(' ')) < max_tokens: final_result = ' '.join(search_results) # 3rd yield ppm.replace_last_pong("![loading](\n") ppm.append_pong("• Creating Chroma DB Collection √\n") ppm.append_pong("• URL Searching √\n") for url in success_urls: ppm.append_pong(f" - {url} √\n") yield True, ppm, "• Done √" last_ping = self.instruction.format(ping=last_ping) last_ping = last_ping + final_result ppm.pingpongs[-1].ping = last_ping ppm.replace_last_pong("") yield True, ppm, "⏳ Wait until LLM generates message for you ⏳" else: # 3rd yield ppm.replace_last_pong("![loading](\n") ppm.append_pong("• Creating Chroma DB Collection √\n") ppm.append_pong("• URL Searching √\n") for url in success_urls: ppm.append_pong(f" - {url} √\n") ppm.append_pong("• Creating embeddings...") yield True, ppm, "• Creating embeddings √" final_chunks = [] for search_result in search_results: chunks = self._create_chunks( search_result, chunk_size=self.searcher.max_length ) final_chunks.append(chunks) self._put_chunks_into_collection( col, final_chunks, docs_per_step=1 ) query_results = self._query( col, f"query: {last_ping}", top_k, ) # 4th yield ppm.replace_last_pong("![loading](\n") ppm.append_pong("• Creating Chroma DB Collection √\n") ppm.append_pong("• URL Searching √\n") for url in success_urls: ppm.append_pong(f" - {url} √\n") ppm.append_pong("• Creating embeddings √\n") ppm.append_pong("• Information retrieval...") yield True, ppm, "• Information retrieval √" last_ping = self.instruction.format(ping=last_ping) for doc in query_results['documents'][0]: last_ping = last_ping + doc.replace('passage: ', '') + "\n" # 5th yield ppm.replace_last_pong("![loading](\n") ppm.append_pong("• Creating Chroma DB Collection √\n") ppm.append_pong("• URL Searching √\n") for url in success_urls: ppm.append_pong(f" - {url} √\n") ppm.append_pong("• Creating embeddings √\n") ppm.append_pong("• Information retrieval √") yield True, ppm, "• Done √" ppm.pingpongs[-1].ping = last_ping ppm.replace_last_pong("") yield True, ppm, "⏳ Wait until LLM generates message for you ⏳" def _parse_html(self, url): try: page = urlopen(url, timeout=5) html_bytes = html = html_bytes.decode("utf-8") except: return False, None text = "" soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser") for tag in soup.findAll('p'): for string in tag.strings: text = text + string for tag in soup.findAll('pre'): for string in tag.strings: text = text + string text = self._replace_multiple_newlines(text) return True, text def _query( self, collection, q, top_k ): _, q_embeddings_list = self.searcher.get_embeddings([q]) return collection.query( query_embeddings=q_embeddings_list, n_results=top_k ) # chunk_size == number of characters def _create_chunks(self, text, chunk_size): chunks = [] for idx in range(0, len(text), chunk_size): chunks.append( f"passage: {text[idx:idx+chunk_size]}" ) return chunks def _put_chunk_into_collection( self, collection, chunk_id, chunk, docs_per_step=1 ): for i in range(0, len(chunk), docs_per_step): cur_texts = chunk[i:i+docs_per_step] _, embeddings_list = self.searcher.get_embeddings(cur_texts) ids = [ f"id-{chunk_id}-{num}" for num in range(i, i+docs_per_step) ] collection.add( embeddings=embeddings_list, documents=cur_texts, ids=ids ) def _put_chunks_into_collection( self, collection, chunks, docs_per_step=1 ): for idx, chunk in enumerate(chunks): self._put_chunk_into_collection( collection, idx, chunk, docs_per_step=docs_per_step ) def _replace_multiple_newlines(self, text): """Replaces multiple newline characters with a single newline character.""" pattern = re.compile(r"\n+") return pattern.sub("\n", text) @classmethod def id_generator(cls, size=10, chars=string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits): return ''.join(random.choice(chars) for _ in range(size))