import streamlit as st from streamlit_option_menu import option_menu from pandas_profiling import ProfileReport from streamlit_pandas_profiling import st_profile_report import os import pandas as pd from pycaret.classification import * from classification import prep_and_train import time from get_profile import get_profile from classification import tuning # if os.path.exists('./dataset.csv'): # df = pd.read_csv('dataset.csv', index_col=None) s = ClassificationExperiment() with st.sidebar: #Side bar config selected = option_menu(menu_title=None,options=["Home", 'Classification','Regression', 'Time Series'], icons=['house', 'file-binary','graph-up','bezier2'], menu_icon="cast", default_index=0) st.title("Upload Your Dataset") file = st.file_uploader("Upload Your Dataset") if file: st.session_state.df = pd.read_csv(file, index_col=None) st.session_state.df.to_csv('dataset.csv', index=None) if selected == 'Home': nones = ['None' for i in range(5)] section= option_menu(None, ["Info", "Data profile",'AutoML'], default_index=0, icons=nones,orientation="horizontal") if section== 'Info': st.title('Main info about service') st.write('Some Text about service') if section == 'Data profile': st.title('This section will give you main information about uploaded dataset') st.write('Simply click "Generate new profile" if you want to generate new profile data and click "View old report to load previous profile"') if st.checkbox('Huge Dataset'): speedup = 'config_minimal.yaml' else: speedup= 'config_default.yaml' if st.button('Generate report'): try: st_profile_report(get_profile(st.session_state.df, speedup)) except NameError: st.error('Please upload dataset first') if selected == 'Classification': section = option_menu(None, ["Prep & Train",'Tune & Analyse','Predict'], default_index=0,icons=['1-square','1-square','1-square'],orientation="horizontal") if section == 'Prep & Train': col1, col2 = st.columns([3,1.6]) with col2: try: st.title("Prepare you data and train best model") st.session_state.targ = st.selectbox('Choose target', st.session_state.df.columns) # time = st.slider('budget_time', 0.3, 1.5, 0.5, 0.1) dic ={ 'lr':'LogReg', 'ridge':'Ridge Classifier', 'lda':'Linear Discriminant Analysis', 'et':'Extra Trees Classifier', 'nb':'Naive Bayes', 'qda':'Quadratic Discriminant Analysis', 'rf':'Random Forest Classifier', 'gbc':'Gradient Boosting Classifier', 'lightgbm':'Light Gradient Boosting Machine', 'catboost':'CatBoost Classifier', 'ada':'Ada Boost Classifier', 'dt':'Decision Tree Classifier', 'knn':'K Neighbors Classifier', 'dummy':'Dummy Classifier', 'svm':'SVM - Linear Kernel' } model = st.multiselect('Choose model', ['lr', 'ridge', 'lda', 'et', 'nb', 'qda', 'rf', 'gbc', 'lightgbm', 'catboost', 'ada', 'dt', 'knn', 'dummy', 'svm'], help='Blablabla', format_func=lambda x: dic.get(x)) if st.button('Try model'): try:, st.session_state.model_info, st.session_state.metrics_info = prep_and_train(st.session_state.targ, st.session_state.df, model) save_model(, 'dt_pipeline') # model_info.to_csv('model_info.csv', index=None) # metrics_info.to_csv('metrics_info.csv',index=None) with col1: st.subheader('Actual Model') st.session_state.model_info_last = st.session_state.model_info st.session_state.metrics_info_last = st.session_state.metrics_info col1, col2 = st.columns([3.5,1.8]) with col1: st.dataframe(st.session_state.metrics_info) with col2: st.dataframe(st.session_state.model_info) except ValueError: st.error('Please choose target with binary labels') else: try: with col1: st.subheader('Your last teached model') col1, col2 = st.columns([3.5,1.8]) with col1: st.dataframe(st.session_state.metrics_info_last) with col2: st.dataframe(st.session_state.model_info_last) except AttributeError: st.write('teach the first model') except AttributeError: st.error('Please load dataset first') if section == 'Tune & Analyse': st.title('Choose parameters to tune your model') metrics_info_last = pd.read_csv('metrics_info.csv', index_col=None) st.subheader('Current model') st.table(st.session_state.metrics_info_last.head(1)) col1,col2,col3 = st.columns(3) with col1: plot_model(, plot = 'auc', display_format='streamlit') with col2: plot_model(, plot = 'threshold', display_format='streamlit') with col3: plot_model(, plot = 'confusion_matrix', display_format='streamlit') col1, col2 = st.columns([2,4]) with col2: option = st.selectbox( 'Choose the tuning engine', ('scikit-learn', 'optuna', 'scikit-optimize')) st.session_state.optimize = st.selectbox('Choose metric to optimize', ('Accuracy','AUC','F1')) st.session_state.iters = st.slider('n_estimators', 5, 20, 5, 1) if st.button('Tune'): clf1 = setup(data = st.session_state.df, target = st.session_state.targ) st.session_state.tuned_dt = tune_model(,n_iter=st.session_state.iters,choose_better=True,optimize=st.session_state.optimize) st.session_state.info_df = pull() with col1: try: st.dataframe(st.session_state.info_df) st.write('Last best params') st.write(st.session_state.tuned_dt) except AttributeError: pass