from .requester import Requester from .tools import * class AZlyrics(Requester): """ Fast and Secure API for Attributes: title (str): song title. artist (str): artist name. search_engine (str): search engine used to assist scraping lyrics. - currently available: 'google', 'duckduckgo'. accuracy (float): used to determine accuracy via jaro algorithm. proxies (dict): if you want to use proxy while connecting to ''. """ def __init__(self, search_engine='', accuracy=0.6, proxies={}): self.title = '' self.artist = '' self.search_engine = search_engine self.accuracy = accuracy if not 0 < accuracy <= 1: self.accuracy = 0.6 self.proxies = proxies self.lyrics_history = [] self.lyrics = '' self.songs = {} def getLyrics(self, url=None, ext='txt', save=False, path='', sleep=3): """ Retrieve Lyrics for a given song details. Parameters: url (str): url of the song's Azlyrics page. ext (str): extension of the lyrics saved file, default is ".txt". save (bool): allow to or not to save lyrics in a file. sleep (float): cooldown before next request. Returns: lyrics (str): Lyrics of the detected song. """ # Best cooldown is 5 sec time.sleep(sleep) link = url if not url: # v3.0.5: No need for artist and title if url is found if not self.artist + self.title: raise ValueError("Both artist and title can't be empty!") if self.search_engine: # If user can't remember the artist, # he can search by title only # Get AZlyrics url via Google Search link = googleGet( self.search_engine, self.accuracy, self.get, self.artist, self.title, 0, self.proxies ) if not link: return 0 else: # Sometimes search engines block you # If happened use the normal get method link = normalGet( self.artist, self.title, 0) page = self.get(link, self.proxies) if page.status_code != 200: if not self.search_engine: print('Failed to find lyrics. Trying to get link from Google') self.search_engine = 'google' lyrics = self.getLyrics(url=url, ext=ext, save=save, path=path, sleep=sleep) self.search_engine = '' return lyrics else: print('Error',page.status_code) return 1 # Getting Basic metadata from azlyrics metadata = [elm.text for elm in htmlFindAll(page)('b')] # if metadata is empty, then it's not a valid page if not metadata: print('Error', 'no metadata') return 1 # v3.0.4: Update title and artist attributes with exact names self.artist = filtr(metadata[0][:-7], True) self.title = filtr(metadata[1][1:-1], True) lyrics = parseLyric(page) self.lyrics = lyrics.strip() # Saving Lyrics if lyrics: if save: # v3.0.2: Adding custom path p = os.path.join( path, '{} - {}.{}'.format( self.title.title(), self.artist.title(), ext ) ) with open(p, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(lyrics.strip()) # Store lyrics for later usage self.lyrics_history.append(self.lyrics) return self.lyrics self.lyrics = 'No lyrics found :(' return 2 def getSongs(self, sleep=3): """ Retrieve a dictionary of songs with their links. Parameters: sleep (float): cooldown before next request. Returns: dict: dictionary of songs with their links. """ if not self.artist: raise Exception("Artist can't be empty!") # Best cooldown is 5 sec time.sleep(sleep) if self.search_engine: link = googleGet( self.search_engine, self.accuracy, self.get, self.artist, '', 1, self.proxies ) if not link: return {} else: link = normalGet( self.artist, '', 1) albums_page = self.get(link, self.proxies) if albums_page.status_code != 200: if not self.search_engine: print('Failed to find songs. Trying to get link from Google') self.search_engine = 'google' songs = self.getLyrics(sleep=sleep) self.search_engine = '' return songs else: print('Error',albums_page.status_code) return {} # Store songs for later usage self.songs = parseSongs(albums_page) return self.songs