from typing import Optional import json from argparse import Namespace from pathlib import Path from transformers import Text2TextGenerationPipeline, AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM, AutoTokenizer def get_markers_for_model(is_t5_model: bool) -> Namespace: special_tokens_constants = Namespace() if is_t5_model: # T5 model have 100 special tokens by default special_tokens_constants.separator_input_question_predicate = "" special_tokens_constants.separator_output_answers = "" special_tokens_constants.separator_output_questions = "" # if using only questions special_tokens_constants.separator_output_question_answer = "" special_tokens_constants.separator_output_pairs = "" special_tokens_constants.predicate_generic_marker = "" special_tokens_constants.predicate_verb_marker = "" special_tokens_constants.predicate_nominalization_marker = "" else: special_tokens_constants.separator_input_question_predicate = "" special_tokens_constants.separator_output_answers = "" special_tokens_constants.separator_output_questions = "" # if using only questions special_tokens_constants.separator_output_question_answer = "" special_tokens_constants.separator_output_pairs = "" special_tokens_constants.predicate_generic_marker = "" special_tokens_constants.predicate_verb_marker = "" special_tokens_constants.predicate_nominalization_marker = "" return special_tokens_constants def load_trained_model(name_or_path): import huggingface_hub as HFhub tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(name_or_path) model = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained(name_or_path) # load preprocessing_kwargs from the model repo on HF hub, or from the local model directory kwargs_filename = None if name_or_path.startswith("kleinay/"): # and 'preprocessing_kwargs.json' in HFhub.list_repo_files(name_or_path): # the supported version of HFhub doesn't support list_repo_files kwargs_filename = HFhub.hf_hub_download(repo_id=name_or_path, filename="preprocessing_kwargs.json") elif Path(name_or_path).is_dir() and (Path(name_or_path) / "experiment_kwargs.json").exists(): kwargs_filename = Path(name_or_path) / "experiment_kwargs.json" if kwargs_filename: preprocessing_kwargs = json.load(open(kwargs_filename)) # integrate into model.config (for decoding args, e.g. "num_beams"), and save also as standalone object for preprocessing model.config.preprocessing_kwargs = Namespace(**preprocessing_kwargs) model.config.update(preprocessing_kwargs) return model, tokenizer class QASRL_Pipeline(Text2TextGenerationPipeline): def __init__(self, model_repo: str, **kwargs): model, tokenizer = load_trained_model(model_repo) super().__init__(model, tokenizer, framework="pt") self.is_t5_model = "t5" in model.config.model_type self.special_tokens = get_markers_for_model(self.is_t5_model) self.data_args = model.config.preprocessing_kwargs # backward compatibility - default keyword values implemeted in `run_summarization`, thus not saved in `preprocessing_kwargs` if "predicate_marker_type" not in vars(self.data_args): self.data_args.predicate_marker_type = "generic" if "use_bilateral_predicate_marker" not in vars(self.data_args): self.data_args.use_bilateral_predicate_marker = True if "append_verb_form" not in vars(self.data_args): self.data_args.append_verb_form = True self._update_config(**kwargs) def _update_config(self, **kwargs): " Update self.model.config with initialization parameters and necessary defaults. " # set default values that will always override model.config, but can overriden by __init__ kwargs kwargs["max_length"] = kwargs.get("max_length", 80) # override model.config with kwargs for k,v in kwargs.items(): self.model.config.__dict__[k] = v def _sanitize_parameters(self, **kwargs): preprocess_kwargs, forward_kwargs, postprocess_kwargs = {}, {}, {} if "predicate_marker" in kwargs: preprocess_kwargs["predicate_marker"] = kwargs["predicate_marker"] if "predicate_type" in kwargs: preprocess_kwargs["predicate_type"] = kwargs["predicate_type"] if "verb_form" in kwargs: preprocess_kwargs["verb_form"] = kwargs["verb_form"] return preprocess_kwargs, forward_kwargs, postprocess_kwargs def preprocess(self, inputs, predicate_marker="", predicate_type=None, verb_form=None): # Here, inputs is string or list of strings; apply string postprocessing if isinstance(inputs, str): processed_inputs = self._preprocess_string(inputs, predicate_marker, predicate_type, verb_form) elif hasattr(inputs, "__iter__"): processed_inputs = [self._preprocess_string(s, predicate_marker, predicate_type, verb_form) for s in inputs] else: raise ValueError("inputs must be str or Iterable[str]") # Now pass to super.preprocess for tokenization return super().preprocess(processed_inputs) def _preprocess_string(self, seq: str, predicate_marker: str, predicate_type: Optional[str], verb_form: Optional[str]) -> str: sent_tokens = seq.split(" ") assert predicate_marker in sent_tokens, f"Input sentence must include a predicate-marker token ('{predicate_marker}') before the target predicate word" predicate_idx = sent_tokens.index(predicate_marker) sent_tokens.remove(predicate_marker) sentence_before_predicate = " ".join([sent_tokens[i] for i in range(predicate_idx)]) predicate = sent_tokens[predicate_idx] sentence_after_predicate = " ".join([sent_tokens[i] for i in range(predicate_idx+1, len(sent_tokens))]) if self.data_args.predicate_marker_type == "generic": predicate_marker = self.special_tokens.predicate_generic_marker # In case we want special marker for each predicate type: """ elif self.data_args.predicate_marker_type == "pred_type": assert predicate_type is not None, "For this model, you must provide the `predicate_type` either when initializing QASRL_Pipeline(...) or when applying __call__(...) on it" assert predicate_type in ("verbal", "nominal"), f"`predicate_type` must be either 'verbal' or 'nominal'; got '{predicate_type}'" predicate_marker = {"verbal": self.special_tokens.predicate_verb_marker , "nominal": self.special_tokens.predicate_nominalization_marker }[predicate_type] if self.data_args.use_bilateral_predicate_marker: seq = f"{sentence_before_predicate} {predicate_marker} {predicate} {predicate_marker} {sentence_after_predicate}" else: seq = f"{sentence_before_predicate} {predicate_marker} {predicate} {sentence_after_predicate}" # embed also verb_form if self.data_args.append_verb_form and verb_form is None: raise ValueError(f"For this model, you must provide the `verb_form` of the predicate when applying __call__(...)") elif self.data_args.append_verb_form: seq = f"{seq} {self.special_tokens.separator_input_question_predicate} {verb_form} " else: seq = f"{seq} " # append source prefix (for t5 models) prefix = self._get_source_prefix(predicate_type) return prefix + seq def _get_source_prefix(self, predicate_type: Optional[str]): if not self.is_t5_model or self.data_args.source_prefix is None: return '' if not self.data_args.source_prefix.startswith("<"): # Regular prefix - not dependent on input row x return self.data_args.source_prefix if self.data_args.source_prefix == "": if predicate_type is None: raise ValueError("source_prefix is '' but input no `predicate_type`.") else: return f"Generate QAs for {predicate_type} QASRL: " def _forward(self, *args, **kwargs): outputs = super()._forward(*args, **kwargs) return outputs def postprocess(self, model_outputs): output_seq = self.tokenizer.decode( model_outputs["output_ids"][0], skip_special_tokens=False, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=False, ) output_seq = output_seq.strip(self.tokenizer.pad_token).strip(self.tokenizer.eos_token).strip() qa_subseqs = output_seq.split(self.special_tokens.separator_output_pairs) qas = [self._postrocess_qa(qa_subseq) for qa_subseq in qa_subseqs] return {"generated_text": output_seq, "QAs": qas} def _postrocess_qa(self, seq: str) -> str: # split question and answers if self.special_tokens.separator_output_question_answer in seq: question, answer = seq.split(self.special_tokens.separator_output_question_answer)[:2] else: print("invalid format: no separator between question and answer found...") return None # question, answer = seq, '' # Or: backoff to only question # skip "_" slots in questions question = ' '.join(t for t in question.split(' ') if t != '_') answers = [a.strip() for a in answer.split(self.special_tokens.separator_output_answers)] return {"question": question, "answers": answers} if __name__ == "__main__": pipe = QASRL_Pipeline("kleinay/qanom-seq2seq-model-baseline") res1 = pipe("The student was interested in Luke 's research about sea animals .", verb_form="research", predicate_type="nominal") res2 = pipe(["The doctor was interested in Luke 's treatment .", "The Veterinary student was interested in Luke 's treatment of sea animals ."], verb_form="treat", predicate_type="nominal", num_beams=10) res3 = pipe("A number of professions have developed that specialize in the treatment of mental disorders .", verb_form="develop", predicate_type="verbal") print(res1) print(res2) print(res3)