import datetime, os from langchain.llms import OpenAI from langchain.embeddings import OpenAIEmbeddings import openai import faiss import streamlit as st import feedparser import urllib import cloudpickle as cp import pickle from urllib.request import urlopen from summa import summarizer import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import requests import json from langchain.document_loaders import TextLoader from langchain.indexes import VectorstoreIndexCreator API_ENDPOINT = "" # openai.organization = # openai.api_key = st.secrets.openai.api_key openai.organization = st.secrets["org"] openai.api_key = st.secrets["api_key"] os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = openai.api_key @st.cache_data def get_feeds_data(url): # data = cp.load(urlopen(url)) with open(url, "rb") as fp: data = pickle.load(fp) st.sidebar.success("Loaded data") return data embeddings = OpenAIEmbeddings() # feeds_link = "" # embed_link = "" dateval = "27-Jun-2023" feeds_link = "local_files/astro_ph_ga_feeds_upto_"+dateval+".pkl" embed_link = "local_files/astro_ph_ga_feeds_ada_embedding_"+dateval+".pkl" gal_feeds = get_feeds_data(feeds_link) arxiv_ada_embeddings = get_feeds_data(embed_link) @st.cache_data def get_embedding_data(url): # data = cp.load(urlopen(url)) with open(url, "rb") as fp: data = pickle.load(fp) st.sidebar.success("Fetched data from API!") return data # url = "" url = "local_files/astro_ph_ga_embedding_"+dateval+".pkl" e2d = get_embedding_data(url) # e2d, _, _, _, _ = get_embedding_data(url) ctr = -1 num_chunks = len(gal_feeds) all_text, all_titles, all_arxivid, all_links, all_authors = [], [], [], [], [] for nc in range(num_chunks): for i in range(len(gal_feeds[nc].entries)): text = gal_feeds[nc].entries[i].summary text = text.replace('\n', ' ') text = text.replace('\\', '') all_text.append(text) all_titles.append(gal_feeds[nc].entries[i].title) all_arxivid.append(gal_feeds[nc].entries[i].id.split('/')[-1][0:-2]) all_links.append(gal_feeds[nc].entries[i].links[1].href) all_authors.append(gal_feeds[nc].entries[i].authors) d = arxiv_ada_embeddings.shape[1] # dimension nb = arxiv_ada_embeddings.shape[0] # database size xb = arxiv_ada_embeddings.astype('float32') index = faiss.IndexFlatL2(d) index.add(xb) def run_simple_query(search_query = 'all:sed+fitting', max_results = 10, start = 0, sort_by = 'lastUpdatedDate', sort_order = 'descending'): """ Query ArXiv to return search results for a particular query Parameters ---------- query: str query term. use prefixes ti, au, abs, co, jr, cat, m, id, all as applicable. max_results: int, default = 10 number of results to return. numbers > 1000 generally lead to timeouts start: int, default = 0 start index for results reported. use this if you're interested in running chunks. Returns ------- feed: dict object containing requested results parsed with feedparser Notes ----- add functionality for chunk parsing, as well as storage and retreival """ base_url = ''; query = 'search_query=%s&start=%i&max_results=%i&sortBy=%s&sortOrder=%s' % (search_query, start, max_results,sort_by,sort_order) response = urllib.request.urlopen(base_url+query).read() feed = feedparser.parse(response) return feed def find_papers_by_author(auth_name): doc_ids = [] for doc_id in range(len(all_authors)): for auth_id in range(len(all_authors[doc_id])): if auth_name.lower() in all_authors[doc_id][auth_id]['name'].lower(): print('Doc ID: ',doc_id, ' | arXiv: ', all_arxivid[doc_id], '| ', all_titles[doc_id],' | Author entry: ', all_authors[doc_id][auth_id]['name']) doc_ids.append(doc_id) return doc_ids def faiss_based_indices(input_vector, nindex=10, yrmin = 1990, yrmax = 2024): xq = input_vector.reshape(-1,1).T.astype('float32') D, I =, nindex) return I[0], D[0] def list_similar_papers_v2(model_data, doc_id = [], input_type = 'doc_id', show_authors = False, show_summary = False, return_n = 10, yrmin = 1990, yrmax = 2024): arxiv_ada_embeddings, embeddings, all_titles, all_abstracts, all_authors = model_data if input_type == 'doc_id': print('Doc ID: ',doc_id,', title: ',all_titles[doc_id]) # inferred_vector = model.infer_vector(train_corpus[doc_id].words) inferred_vector = arxiv_ada_embeddings[doc_id,0:] start_range = 1 elif input_type == 'arxiv_id': print('ArXiv id: ',doc_id) arxiv_query_feed = run_simple_query(search_query='id:'+str(doc_id)) if len(arxiv_query_feed.entries) == 0: print('error: arxiv id not found.') return else: print('Title: '+arxiv_query_feed.entries[0].title) inferred_vector = np.array(embeddings.embed_query(arxiv_query_feed.entries[0].summary)) start_range = 0 elif input_type == 'keywords': inferred_vector = np.array(embeddings.embed_query(doc_id)) start_range = 0 else: print('unrecognized input type.') return sims, dists = faiss_based_indices(inferred_vector, return_n+2, yrmin = 1990, yrmax = 2024) textstr = '' abstracts_relevant = [] fhdrs = [] for i in range(start_range,start_range+return_n): abstracts_relevant.append(all_text[sims[i]]) fhdr = all_authors[sims[i]][0]['name'].split()[-1] + all_arxivid[sims[i]][0:2] +'_'+ all_arxivid[sims[i]] fhdrs.append(fhdr) textstr = textstr + str(i+1)+'. **'+ all_titles[sims[i]] +'** (Distance: %.2f' %dists[i]+') \n' textstr = textstr + '**ArXiv:** ['+all_arxivid[sims[i]]+']('+all_arxivid[sims[i]]+') \n' if show_authors == True: textstr = textstr + '**Authors:** ' temp = all_authors[sims[i]] for ak in range(len(temp)): if ak < len(temp)-1: textstr = textstr + temp[ak].name + ', ' else: textstr = textstr + temp[ak].name + ' \n' if show_summary == True: textstr = textstr + '**Summary:** ' text = all_text[sims[i]] text = text.replace('\n', ' ') textstr = textstr + summarizer.summarize(text) + ' \n' if show_authors == True or show_summary == True: textstr = textstr + ' ' textstr = textstr + ' \n' return textstr, abstracts_relevant, fhdrs, sims model_data = [arxiv_ada_embeddings, embeddings, all_titles, all_text, all_authors] def run_query(query, return_n = 3, yrmin = 1990, yrmax = 2024, show_pure_answer = False, show_all_sources = True): show_authors = True show_summary = True sims, absts, fhdrs, simids = list_similar_papers_v2(model_data, doc_id = query, input_type='keywords', show_authors = show_authors, show_summary = show_summary, return_n = return_n, yrmin = 1990, yrmax = 2024) temp_abst = '' loaders = [] for i in range(len(absts)): temp_abst = absts[i] try: text_file = open("absts/"+fhdrs[i]+".txt", "w") except: os.mkdir('absts') text_file = open("absts/"+fhdrs[i]+".txt", "w") n = text_file.write(temp_abst) text_file.close() loader = TextLoader("absts/"+fhdrs[i]+".txt") loaders.append(loader) lc_index = VectorstoreIndexCreator().from_loaders(loaders) st.markdown('### User query: '+query) if show_pure_answer == True: st.markdown('pure answer:') st.markdown(lc_index.query(query)) st.markdown(' ') st.markdown('#### context-based answer from sources:') output = lc_index.query_with_sources(query + ' Let\'s work this out in a step by step way to be sure we have the right answer.' ) #zero-shot in-context prompting from Zhou+22, Kojima+22 st.markdown(output['answer']) opstr = '#### Primary sources: \n' st.markdown(opstr) # opstr = '' # for i in range(len(output['sources'])): # opstr = opstr +'\n'+ output['sources'][i] textstr = '' ng = len(output['sources'].split()) abs_indices = [] for i in range(ng): if i == (ng-1): tempid = output['sources'].split()[i].split('_')[1][0:-4] else: tempid = output['sources'].split()[i].split('_')[1][0:-5] try: abs_index = all_arxivid.index(tempid) abs_indices.append(abs_index) textstr = textstr + str(i+1)+'. **'+ all_titles[abs_index] +' \n' textstr = textstr + '**ArXiv:** ['+all_arxivid[abs_index]+']('+all_arxivid[abs_index]+') \n' textstr = textstr + '**Authors:** ' temp = all_authors[abs_index] for ak in range(4): if ak < len(temp)-1: textstr = textstr + temp[ak].name + ', ' else: textstr = textstr + temp[ak].name + ' \n' if len(temp) > 3: textstr = textstr + ' et al. \n' textstr = textstr + '**Summary:** ' text = all_text[abs_index] text = text.replace('\n', ' ') textstr = textstr + summarizer.summarize(text) + ' \n' except: textstr = textstr + output['sources'].split()[i] # opstr = opstr + ' \n ' + output['sources'].split()[i][6:-5].split('_')[0] # opstr = opstr + ' \n Arxiv id: ' + output['sources'].split()[i][6:-5].split('_')[1] textstr = textstr + ' ' textstr = textstr + ' \n' st.markdown(textstr) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9,9)) plt.scatter(e2d[0:,0], e2d[0:,1],s=2) plt.scatter(e2d[simids,0], e2d[simids,1],s=30) plt.scatter(e2d[abs_indices,0], e2d[abs_indices,1],s=100,color='k',marker='d') st.pyplot(fig) if show_all_sources == True: st.markdown('\n #### Other interesting papers:') st.markdown(sims) return output st.title('ArXiv-based question answering') st.markdown('[Includes papers up to: `'+dateval+'`]') st.markdown('Concise answers for questions using arxiv abstracts + GPT-4. Please use sparingly because it costs me money right now. You might need to wait for a few seconds for the GPT-4 query to return an answer (check top right corner to see if it is still running).') query = st.text_input('Your question here:', value="What sersic index does a disk galaxy have?") return_n = st.slider('How many papers should I show?', 1, 20, 10) yrmin = st.slider('Min year', 1990,2023, 1990) yrmax = st.slider('Max year', 1990, 2024, 2024) sims = run_query(query, return_n = return_n, yrmin = yrmin, yrmax = yrmax)