import streamlit import pickle import numpy # web app on your desktop local host #run on your pycharm terminal ' streamlit run ' # if using command window ensure the path is correct.. c:\users\idom...\pycharm..\machin learing> # that is pionting to your python file loaded_model = pickle.load(open('MWmodel.sav','rb')) #create function to handle predicition def microwave_fault_prediction (user_input_data): #convert to array Input_array = numpy.asarray(user_input_data) Input_array_reshaped = Input_array.reshape(1, -1) make_prediction = loaded_model.predict(Input_array_reshaped) print(make_prediction) # make_prediction= [10], pos is 0 if make_prediction== 0: return 'site is up' elif make_prediction == 1: return'site is down: fault: 1. inteference 2. misalignment 3. one of the odu is faulty' elif make_prediction == 2: return 'site is down: fault: 1. NO power at remote site(A),2.ODU offline remote site(A)(check alarm \'IF cable open\') ' elif make_prediction == 3: return 'site is down: fault:1.ODu hunged at remote site(A), reset power at both sites(A,B)' elif make_prediction == 4: return 'site is down: fault: 1. cascaded cable faulty at hub Site (B), 2. ODU/IDU/If cable offline,at remote end' elif make_prediction == 5: return'site is down: fault: 1 ODU at hub site(B)degraded( reset ODU, reterminate IF cable,check alarm)' elif make_prediction == 6: return 'site is down: faulty: if power is okay, odu burnt at either remote site (A) OR (B)' else: # do feature elimination for data irrelevant to outcome return 'case 7: site status cannot be determined by RSL data' #construct interface for user data input def main(): #give a title streamlit.title('microwave fault detection web app') #get input data from user RSLA = streamlit.number_input('Site A Local end: enter RSL of the site, it must be negative number, input zero for no supervision',min_value=-99, max_value=0, value=-30, step=1,key= 'rsla') #key= 'rslb' is to distinguish two similar widgets 'text_input' in streamlit RSLB = streamlit.number_input('Site B Remote end: enter RSL of the Hub site, it must be negative number, input zero for no supervision',min_value=-99, max_value=0, value=-30, step=1,key= 'rslb') #code for prediction detection ="" #declare this variable to hold result like empty list #mylist = [] if streamlit.button('click here for fault prediction'): detection=microwave_fault_prediction([RSLA,RSLB]) #convert inputs into a single parameter using list [1,2] #microwave_fault_prediction the function to process input streamlit.success(detection) if __name__ == '__main__': main() # web app on your desktop local host #run on your pycharm terminal ' streamlit run ' # if using command window ensure the path is correct.. c:\users\idom...\pycharm..\machin learing> # that is pionting to your python file