##from langchain.agents import create_pandas_dataframe_agent #This import has been recently replaced by the below from langchain_experimental.agents import create_pandas_dataframe_agent import pandas as pd #from langchain.llms import OpenAI #New import from langchain, which replaces the above from langchain_openai import OpenAI def query_agent(data, query): # Parse the CSV file and create a Pandas DataFrame from its contents. df = pd.read_csv(data) llm = OpenAI() # Create a Pandas DataFrame agent. agent = create_pandas_dataframe_agent(llm, df, verbose=True) #Python REPL: A Python shell used to evaluating and executing Python commands. #It takes python code as input and outputs the result. The input python code can be generated from another tool in the LangChain return agent.invoke(query)