import gc import os import stat from collections import OrderedDict from enum import Enum from typing import Union import torch import modules.scripts as scripts from modules import shared, devices, script_callbacks, processing, masking, images import gradio as gr import numpy as np from einops import rearrange from scripts.cldm import PlugableControlModel from scripts.processor import * from scripts.adapter import PlugableAdapter from scripts.utils import load_state_dict from scripts.hook import ControlParams, UnetHook from modules import sd_models from modules.paths import models_path from modules.processing import StableDiffusionProcessingImg2Img from modules.images import save_image from PIL import Image from torchvision.transforms import Resize, InterpolationMode, CenterCrop, Compose gradio_compat = True try: from distutils.version import LooseVersion from importlib_metadata import version if LooseVersion(version("gradio")) < LooseVersion("3.10"): gradio_compat = False except ImportError: pass # svgsupports svgsupport = False try: import io import base64 from svglib.svglib import svg2rlg from import renderPM svgsupport = True except ImportError: pass CN_MODEL_EXTS = [".pt", ".pth", ".ckpt", ".safetensors"] cn_models = OrderedDict() # "My_Lora(abcd1234)" -> C:/path/to/model.safetensors cn_models_names = {} # "my_lora" -> "My_Lora(abcd1234)" cn_models_dir = os.path.join(models_path, "ControlNet") cn_models_dir_old = os.path.join(scripts.basedir(), "models") default_conf = os.path.join("models", "cldm_v15.yaml") default_conf_adapter = os.path.join("models", "sketch_adapter_v14.yaml") cn_detectedmap_dir = os.path.join("detected_maps") default_detectedmap_dir = cn_detectedmap_dir script_dir = scripts.basedir() os.makedirs(cn_models_dir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(cn_detectedmap_dir, exist_ok=True) refresh_symbol = '\U0001f504' # 🔄 switch_values_symbol = '\U000021C5' # ⇅ camera_symbol = '\U0001F4F7' # 📷 reverse_symbol = '\U000021C4' # ⇄ tossup_symbol = '\u2934' webcam_enabled = False webcam_mirrored = False PARAM_COUNT = 15 class ToolButton(gr.Button, gr.components.FormComponent): """Small button with single emoji as text, fits inside gradio forms""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(variant="tool", **kwargs) def get_block_name(self): return "button" def traverse_all_files(curr_path, model_list): f_list = [(os.path.join(curr_path,, entry.stat()) for entry in os.scandir(curr_path)] for f_info in f_list: fname, fstat = f_info if os.path.splitext(fname)[1] in CN_MODEL_EXTS: model_list.append(f_info) elif stat.S_ISDIR(fstat.st_mode): model_list = traverse_all_files(fname, model_list) return model_list def get_all_models(sort_by, filter_by, path): res = OrderedDict() fileinfos = traverse_all_files(path, []) filter_by = filter_by.strip(" ") if len(filter_by) != 0: fileinfos = [x for x in fileinfos if filter_by.lower() in os.path.basename(x[0]).lower()] if sort_by == "name": fileinfos = sorted(fileinfos, key=lambda x: os.path.basename(x[0])) elif sort_by == "date": fileinfos = sorted(fileinfos, key=lambda x: -x[1].st_mtime) elif sort_by == "path name": fileinfos = sorted(fileinfos) for finfo in fileinfos: filename = finfo[0] name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0] # Prevent a hypothetical "" from being listed. if name != "None": res[name + f" [{sd_models.model_hash(filename)}]"] = filename return res def find_closest_lora_model_name(search: str): if not search: return None if search in cn_models: return search search = search.lower() if search in cn_models_names: return cn_models_names.get(search) applicable = [name for name in cn_models_names.keys() if search in name.lower()] if not applicable: return None applicable = sorted(applicable, key=lambda name: len(name)) return cn_models_names[applicable[0]] def swap_img2img_pipeline(p: processing.StableDiffusionProcessingImg2Img): p.__class__ = processing.StableDiffusionProcessingTxt2Img dummy = processing.StableDiffusionProcessingTxt2Img() for k,v in dummy.__dict__.items(): if hasattr(p, k): continue setattr(p, k, v) def update_cn_models(): cn_models.clear() ext_dirs = ("control_net_models_path", None), getattr(shared.cmd_opts, 'controlnet_dir', None)) extra_lora_paths = (extra_lora_path for extra_lora_path in ext_dirs if extra_lora_path is not None and os.path.exists(extra_lora_path)) paths = [cn_models_dir, cn_models_dir_old, *extra_lora_paths] for path in paths: sort_by = "control_net_models_sort_models_by", "name") filter_by ="control_net_models_name_filter", "") found = get_all_models(sort_by, filter_by, path) cn_models.update({**found, **cn_models}) # insert "None" at the beginning of `cn_models` in-place cn_models_copy = OrderedDict(cn_models) cn_models.clear() cn_models.update({**{"None": None}, **cn_models_copy}) cn_models_names.clear() for name_and_hash, filename in cn_models.items(): if filename is None: continue name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0].lower() cn_models_names[name] = name_and_hash update_cn_models() class ResizeMode(Enum): RESIZE = "Just Resize" INNER_FIT = "Scale to Fit (Inner Fit)" OUTER_FIT = "Envelope (Outer Fit)" def resize_mode_from_value(value: Union[str, int, ResizeMode]) -> ResizeMode: if isinstance(value, str): return ResizeMode(value) elif isinstance(value, int): return [e for e in ResizeMode][value] else: return value class Script(scripts.Script): model_cache = OrderedDict() def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self.latest_network = None self.preprocessor = { "none": lambda x, *args, **kwargs: (x, True), "canny": canny, "depth": midas, "depth_leres": leres, "hed": hed, "mlsd": mlsd, "normal_map": midas_normal, "openpose": openpose, "openpose_hand": openpose_hand, "clip_vision": clip, "color": color, "pidinet": pidinet, "scribble": simple_scribble, "fake_scribble": fake_scribble, "segmentation": uniformer, "binary": binary, } self.unloadable = { "hed": unload_hed, "fake_scribble": unload_hed, "mlsd": unload_mlsd, "clip": unload_clip, "depth": unload_midas, "depth_leres": unload_leres, "normal_map": unload_midas, "pidinet": unload_pidinet, "openpose": unload_openpose, "openpose_hand": unload_openpose, "segmentation": unload_uniformer, } self.input_image = None self.latest_model_hash = "" self.txt2img_w_slider = gr.Slider() self.txt2img_h_slider = gr.Slider() self.img2img_w_slider = gr.Slider() self.img2img_h_slider = gr.Slider() def title(self): return "ControlNet" def show(self, is_img2img): # if is_img2img: # return False return scripts.AlwaysVisible def after_component(self, component, **kwargs): if component.elem_id == "txt2img_width": self.txt2img_w_slider = component return self.txt2img_w_slider if component.elem_id == "txt2img_height": self.txt2img_h_slider = component return self.txt2img_h_slider if component.elem_id == "img2img_width": self.img2img_w_slider = component return self.img2img_w_slider if component.elem_id == "img2img_height": self.img2img_h_slider = component return self.img2img_h_slider def get_threshold_block(self, proc): pass def uigroup(self, is_img2img): ctrls = () infotext_fields = [] with gr.Row(): input_image = gr.Image(source='upload', mirror_webcam=False, type='numpy', tool='sketch') generated_image = gr.Image(label="Annotator result", visible=False) with gr.Row(): gr.HTML(value='

Invert colors if your image has white background.
Change your brush width to make it thinner if you want to draw something.

') webcam_enable = ToolButton(value=camera_symbol) webcam_mirror = ToolButton(value=reverse_symbol) send_dimen_button = ToolButton(value=tossup_symbol) with gr.Row(): enabled = gr.Checkbox(label='Enable', value=False) scribble_mode = gr.Checkbox(label='Invert Input Color', value=False) rgbbgr_mode = gr.Checkbox(label='RGB to BGR', value=False) lowvram = gr.Checkbox(label='Low VRAM', value=False) guess_mode = gr.Checkbox(label='Guess Mode', value=False) ctrls += (enabled,) # infotext_fields.append((enabled, "ControlNet Enabled")) def send_dimensions(image): def closesteight(num): rem = num % 8 if rem <= 4: return round(num - rem) else: return round(num + (8 - rem)) if(image): interm = np.asarray(image.get('image')) return closesteight(interm.shape[1]), closesteight(interm.shape[0]) else: return gr.Slider.update(), gr.Slider.update() def webcam_toggle(): global webcam_enabled webcam_enabled = not webcam_enabled return {"value": None, "source": "webcam" if webcam_enabled else "upload", "__type__": "update"} def webcam_mirror_toggle(): global webcam_mirrored webcam_mirrored = not webcam_mirrored return {"mirror_webcam": webcam_mirrored, "__type__": "update"}, inputs=None, outputs=input_image), inputs=None, outputs=input_image) def refresh_all_models(*inputs): update_cn_models() dd = inputs[0] selected = dd if dd in cn_models else "None" return gr.Dropdown.update(value=selected, choices=list(cn_models.keys())) with gr.Row(): module = gr.Dropdown(list(self.preprocessor.keys()), label=f"Preprocessor", value="none") model = gr.Dropdown(list(cn_models.keys()), label=f"Model", value="None") refresh_models = ToolButton(value=refresh_symbol), model, model) # ctrls += (refresh_models, ) with gr.Row(): weight = gr.Slider(label=f"Weight", value=1.0, minimum=0.0, maximum=2.0, step=.05) guidance_start = gr.Slider(label="Guidance Start (T)", value=0.0, minimum=0.0, maximum=1.0, interactive=True) guidance_end = gr.Slider(label="Guidance End (T)", value=1.0, minimum=0.0, maximum=1.0, interactive=True) ctrls += (module, model, weight,) # model_dropdowns.append(model) def build_sliders(module): if module == "canny": return [ gr.update(label="Annotator resolution", value=512, minimum=64, maximum=2048, step=1, interactive=True), gr.update(label="Canny low threshold", minimum=1, maximum=255, value=100, step=1, interactive=True), gr.update(label="Canny high threshold", minimum=1, maximum=255, value=200, step=1, interactive=True), gr.update(visible=True) ] elif module == "mlsd": #Hough return [ gr.update(label="Hough Resolution", minimum=64, maximum=2048, value=512, step=1, interactive=True), gr.update(label="Hough value threshold (MLSD)", minimum=0.01, maximum=2.0, value=0.1, step=0.01, interactive=True), gr.update(label="Hough distance threshold (MLSD)", minimum=0.01, maximum=20.0, value=0.1, step=0.01, interactive=True), gr.update(visible=True) ] elif module in ["hed", "fake_scribble"]: return [ gr.update(label="HED Resolution", minimum=64, maximum=2048, value=512, step=1, interactive=True), gr.update(label="Threshold A", value=64, minimum=64, maximum=1024, interactive=False), gr.update(label="Threshold B", value=64, minimum=64, maximum=1024, interactive=False), gr.update(visible=True) ] elif module in ["openpose", "openpose_hand", "segmentation"]: return [ gr.update(label="Annotator Resolution", minimum=64, maximum=2048, value=512, step=1, interactive=True), gr.update(label="Threshold A", value=64, minimum=64, maximum=1024, interactive=False), gr.update(label="Threshold B", value=64, minimum=64, maximum=1024, interactive=False), gr.update(visible=True) ] elif module == "depth": return [ gr.update(label="Midas Resolution", minimum=64, maximum=2048, value=384, step=1, interactive=True), gr.update(label="Threshold A", value=64, minimum=64, maximum=1024, interactive=False), gr.update(label="Threshold B", value=64, minimum=64, maximum=1024, interactive=False), gr.update(visible=True) ] elif module in ["depth_leres", "depth_leres_boost"]: return [ gr.update(label="LeReS Resolution", minimum=64, maximum=2048, value=512, step=1, interactive=True), gr.update(label="Remove Near %", value=0, minimum=0, maximum=100, step=0.1, interactive=True), gr.update(label="Remove Background %", value=0, minimum=0, maximum=100, step=0.1, interactive=True), gr.update(visible=True) ] elif module == "normal_map": return [ gr.update(label="Normal Resolution", minimum=64, maximum=2048, value=512, step=1, interactive=True), gr.update(label="Normal background threshold", minimum=0.0, maximum=1.0, value=0.4, step=0.01, interactive=True), gr.update(label="Threshold B", value=64, minimum=64, maximum=1024, interactive=False), gr.update(visible=True) ] elif module == "binary": return [ gr.update(label="Annotator resolution", value=512, minimum=64, maximum=2048, step=1, interactive=True), gr.update(label="Binary threshold", minimum=0, maximum=255, value=0, step=1, interactive=True), gr.update(label="Threshold B", value=64, minimum=64, maximum=1024, interactive=False), gr.update(visible=True) ] elif module == "none": return [ gr.update(label="Normal Resolution", value=64, minimum=64, maximum=2048, interactive=False), gr.update(label="Threshold A", value=64, minimum=64, maximum=1024, interactive=False), gr.update(label="Threshold B", value=64, minimum=64, maximum=1024, interactive=False), gr.update(visible=False) ] else: return [ gr.update(label="Annotator resolution", value=512, minimum=64, maximum=2048, step=1, interactive=True), gr.update(label="Threshold A", value=64, minimum=64, maximum=1024, interactive=False), gr.update(label="Threshold B", value=64, minimum=64, maximum=1024, interactive=False), gr.update(visible=True) ] # advanced options advanced = gr.Column(visible=False) with advanced: processor_res = gr.Slider(label="Annotator resolution", value=64, minimum=64, maximum=2048, interactive=False) threshold_a = gr.Slider(label="Threshold A", value=64, minimum=64, maximum=1024, interactive=False) threshold_b = gr.Slider(label="Threshold B", value=64, minimum=64, maximum=1024, interactive=False) if gradio_compat: module.change(build_sliders, inputs=[module], outputs=[processor_res, threshold_a, threshold_b, advanced]) # infotext_fields.extend((module, model, weight)) def create_canvas(h, w): return np.zeros(shape=(h, w, 3), dtype=np.uint8) + 255 def svgPreprocess(inputs): if (inputs): if (inputs['image'].startswith("data:image/svg+xml;base64,") and svgsupport): svg_data = base64.b64decode(inputs['image'].replace('data:image/svg+xml;base64,','')) drawing = svg2rlg(io.BytesIO(svg_data)) png_data = renderPM.drawToString(drawing, fmt='PNG') encoded_string = base64.b64encode(png_data) base64_str = str(encoded_string, "utf-8") base64_str = "data:image/png;base64,"+ base64_str inputs['image'] = base64_str return input_image.orgpreprocess(inputs) return None resize_mode = gr.Radio(choices=[e.value for e in ResizeMode], value=ResizeMode.INNER_FIT.value, label="Resize Mode") with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): canvas_width = gr.Slider(label="Canvas Width", minimum=256, maximum=1024, value=512, step=64) canvas_height = gr.Slider(label="Canvas Height", minimum=256, maximum=1024, value=512, step=64) if gradio_compat: canvas_swap_res = ToolButton(value=switch_values_symbol) w, h: (h, w), inputs=[canvas_width, canvas_height], outputs=[canvas_width, canvas_height]) create_button = gr.Button(value="Create blank canvas"), inputs=[canvas_height, canvas_width], outputs=[input_image]) def run_annotator(image, module, pres, pthr_a, pthr_b): img = HWC3(image['image']) if not ((image['mask'][:, :, 0]==0).all() or (image['mask'][:, :, 0]==255).all()): img = HWC3(image['mask'][:, :, 0]) preprocessor = self.preprocessor[module] result = None if pres > 64: result, is_image = preprocessor(img, res=pres, thr_a=pthr_a, thr_b=pthr_b) else: result, is_image = preprocessor(img) if is_image: return gr.update(value=result, visible=True, interactive=False) with gr.Row(): annotator_button = gr.Button(value="Preview annotator result") annotator_button_hide = gr.Button(value="Hide annotator result"), inputs=[input_image, module, processor_res, threshold_a, threshold_b], outputs=[generated_image]) gr.update(visible=False), inputs=None, outputs=[generated_image]) if is_img2img:, inputs=[input_image], outputs=[self.img2img_w_slider, self.img2img_h_slider]) else:, inputs=[input_image], outputs=[self.txt2img_w_slider, self.txt2img_h_slider]) ctrls += (input_image, scribble_mode, resize_mode, rgbbgr_mode) ctrls += (lowvram,) ctrls += (processor_res, threshold_a, threshold_b, guidance_start, guidance_end, guess_mode) input_image.orgpreprocess=input_image.preprocess input_image.preprocess=svgPreprocess return ctrls def ui(self, is_img2img): """this function should create gradio UI elements. See The return value should be an array of all components that are used in processing. Values of those returned components will be passed to run() and process() functions. """ self.infotext_fields = [] ctrls_group = ( gr.State(is_img2img), gr.State(True), # is_ui ) max_models ="control_net_max_models_num", 1) with gr.Group(): with gr.Accordion("ControlNet", open = False, elem_id="controlnet"): if max_models > 1: with gr.Tabs(): for i in range(max_models): with gr.Tab(f"Control Model - {i}"): ctrls = self.uigroup(is_img2img) self.register_modules(f"ControlNet-{i}", ctrls) ctrls_group += ctrls else: with gr.Column(): ctrls = self.uigroup(is_img2img) self.register_modules(f"ControlNet", ctrls) ctrls_group += ctrls return ctrls_group def register_modules(self, tabname, params): enabled, module, model, weight = params[:4] guidance_start, guidance_end, guess_mode = params[-3:] self.infotext_fields.extend([ (enabled, f"{tabname} Enabled"), (module, f"{tabname} Preprocessor"), (model, f"{tabname} Model"), (weight, f"{tabname} Weight"), (guidance_start, f"{tabname} Guidance Start"), (guidance_end, f"{tabname} Guidance End"), ]) def clear_control_model_cache(self): Script.model_cache.clear() gc.collect() devices.torch_gc() def load_control_model(self, p, unet, model, lowvram): if model in Script.model_cache: print(f"Loading model from cache: {model}") return Script.model_cache[model] # Remove model from cache to clear space before building another model if len(Script.model_cache) > 0 and len(Script.model_cache) >="control_net_model_cache_size", 2): Script.model_cache.popitem(last=False) gc.collect() devices.torch_gc() model_net = self.build_control_model(p, unet, model, lowvram) if"control_net_model_cache_size", 2) > 0: Script.model_cache[model] = model_net return model_net def build_control_model(self, p, unet, model, lowvram): model_path = cn_models.get(model, None) if model_path is None: raise RuntimeError(f"model not found: {model}") # trim '"' at start/end if model_path.startswith("\"") and model_path.endswith("\""): model_path = model_path[1:-1] if not os.path.exists(model_path): raise ValueError(f"file not found: {model_path}") print(f"Loading model: {model}") state_dict = load_state_dict(model_path) network_module = PlugableControlModel network_config ="control_net_model_config", default_conf) if not os.path.isabs(network_config): network_config = os.path.join(script_dir, network_config) if any([k.startswith("body.") or k == 'style_embedding' for k, v in state_dict.items()]): # adapter model network_module = PlugableAdapter network_config ="control_net_model_adapter_config", default_conf_adapter) if not os.path.isabs(network_config): network_config = os.path.join(script_dir, network_config) override_config = os.path.splitext(model_path)[0] + ".yaml" if os.path.exists(override_config): network_config = override_config network = network_module( state_dict=state_dict, config_path=network_config, lowvram=lowvram, base_model=unet, ), dtype=p.sd_model.dtype) print(f"ControlNet model {model} loaded.") return network @staticmethod def get_remote_call(p, attribute, default=None, idx=0, strict=False, force=False): if not force and not"control_net_allow_script_control", False): return default def get_element(obj, idx, strict=False): if not isinstance(obj, list): return obj if not strict or idx == 0 else None elif idx < len(obj): return obj[idx] else: return None attribute_value = get_element(getattr(p, attribute, None), idx, strict) default_value = get_element(default, idx) return attribute_value if attribute_value is not None else default_value def parse_remote_call(self, p, params, idx): if params is None: params = [None] * PARAM_COUNT enabled, module, model, weight, image, scribble_mode, \ resize_mode, rgbbgr_mode, lowvram, pres, pthr_a, pthr_b, guidance_start, guidance_end, guess_mode = params selector = self.get_remote_call enabled = selector(p, "control_net_enabled", enabled, idx, strict=True) module = selector(p, "control_net_module", module, idx) model = selector(p, "control_net_model", model, idx) weight = selector(p, "control_net_weight", weight, idx) image = selector(p, "control_net_image", image, idx) scribble_mode = selector(p, "control_net_scribble_mode", scribble_mode, idx) resize_mode = selector(p, "control_net_resize_mode", resize_mode, idx) rgbbgr_mode = selector(p, "control_net_rgbbgr_mode", rgbbgr_mode, idx) lowvram = selector(p, "control_net_lowvram", lowvram, idx) pres = selector(p, "control_net_pres", pres, idx) pthr_a = selector(p, "control_net_pthr_a", pthr_a, idx) pthr_b = selector(p, "control_net_pthr_b", pthr_b, idx) guidance_strength = selector(p, "control_net_guidance_strength", 1.0, idx) guidance_start = selector(p, "control_net_guidance_start", guidance_start, idx) guidance_end = selector(p, "control_net_guidance_end", guidance_end, idx) guess_mode = selector(p, "control_net_guess_mode", guess_mode, idx) if guidance_strength < 1.0: # for backward compatible guidance_end = guidance_strength input_image = selector(p, "control_net_input_image", None, idx) return (enabled, module, model, weight, image, scribble_mode, \ resize_mode, rgbbgr_mode, lowvram, pres, pthr_a, pthr_b, guidance_start, guidance_end, guess_mode), input_image def detectmap_proc(self, detected_map, module, rgbbgr_mode, resize_mode, h, w): detected_map = HWC3(detected_map) if module == "normal_map" or rgbbgr_mode: control = torch.from_numpy(detected_map[:, :, ::-1].copy()).float().to(devices.get_device_for("controlnet")) / 255.0 else: control = torch.from_numpy(detected_map.copy()).float().to(devices.get_device_for("controlnet")) / 255.0 control = rearrange(control, 'h w c -> c h w') detected_map = rearrange(torch.from_numpy(detected_map), 'h w c -> c h w') if resize_mode == ResizeMode.INNER_FIT: transform = Compose([ Resize(h if hw else w, interpolation=InterpolationMode.BICUBIC), CenterCrop(size=(h, w)) ]) control = transform(control) detected_map = transform(detected_map) else: control = Resize((h,w), interpolation=InterpolationMode.BICUBIC)(control) detected_map = Resize((h,w), interpolation=InterpolationMode.BICUBIC)(detected_map) # for log use detected_map = rearrange(detected_map, 'c h w -> h w c').numpy().astype(np.uint8) return control, detected_map def process(self, p, is_img2img=False, is_ui=False, *args): """ This function is called before processing begins for AlwaysVisible scripts. You can modify the processing object (p) here, inject hooks, etc. args contains all values returned by components from ui() """ unet = p.sd_model.model.diffusion_model if self.latest_network is not None: # always restore (~0.05s) self.latest_network.restore(unet) control_groups = [] params_group = [args[i:i + PARAM_COUNT] for i in range(0, len(args), PARAM_COUNT)] if len(params_group) == 0: # fill a null group params, _ = self.parse_remote_call(p, None, 0) if params[0]: # enabled params_group.append(params) for idx, params in enumerate(params_group): params, _ = self.parse_remote_call(p, params, idx) enabled, module, model, weight, image, scribble_mode, \ resize_mode, rgbbgr_mode, lowvram, pres, pthr_a, pthr_b, guidance_start, guidance_end, guess_mode = params if not enabled: continue control_groups.append((module, model, params)) if len(params_group) != 1: prefix = f"ControlNet-{idx}" else: prefix = "ControlNet" p.extra_generation_params.update({ f"{prefix} Enabled": True, f"{prefix} Module": module, f"{prefix} Model": model, f"{prefix} Weight": weight, f"{prefix} Guidance Start": guidance_start, f"{prefix} Guidance End": guidance_end, }) if len(params_group) == 0: self.latest_network = None return detected_maps = [] forward_params = [] hook_lowvram = False # cache stuff if self.latest_model_hash != p.sd_model.sd_model_hash: self.clear_control_model_cache() # unload unused preproc module_list = [mod[0] for mod in control_groups] for key in self.unloadable: if key not in module_list: self.unloadable.get(module, lambda:None)() self.latest_model_hash = p.sd_model.sd_model_hash for idx, contents in enumerate(control_groups): module, model, params = contents _, input_image = self.parse_remote_call(p, params, idx) enabled, module, model, weight, image, scribble_mode, \ resize_mode, rgbbgr_mode, lowvram, pres, pthr_a, pthr_b, guidance_start, guidance_end, guess_mode = params resize_mode = resize_mode_from_value(resize_mode) if lowvram: hook_lowvram = True model_net = self.load_control_model(p, unet, model, lowvram) model_net.reset() is_img2img_batch_tab = is_img2img and img2img_tab_tracker.submit_img2img_tab == 'img2img_batch_tab' if is_img2img_batch_tab and hasattr(p, "image_control") and p.image_control is not None: input_image = HWC3(np.asarray(p.image_control)) elif input_image is not None: input_image = HWC3(np.asarray(input_image)) elif image is not None: input_image = HWC3(image['image']) if not ((image['mask'][:, :, 0]==0).all() or (image['mask'][:, :, 0]==255).all()): print("using mask as input") input_image = HWC3(image['mask'][:, :, 0]) scribble_mode = True else: # use img2img init_image as default input_image = getattr(p, "init_images", [None])[0] if input_image is None: raise ValueError('controlnet is enabled but no input image is given') input_image = HWC3(np.asarray(input_image)) if issubclass(type(p), StableDiffusionProcessingImg2Img) and p.inpaint_full_res == True and p.image_mask is not None: input_image = Image.fromarray(input_image) mask = p.image_mask.convert('L') crop_region = masking.get_crop_region(np.array(mask), p.inpaint_full_res_padding) crop_region = masking.expand_crop_region(crop_region, p.width, p.height, mask.width, mask.height) input_image = input_image.crop(crop_region) input_image = images.resize_image(2, input_image, p.width, p.height) input_image = HWC3(np.asarray(input_image)) if scribble_mode: detected_map = np.zeros_like(input_image, dtype=np.uint8) detected_map[np.min(input_image, axis=2) < 127] = 255 input_image = detected_map print(f"Loading preprocessor: {module}") preprocessor = self.preprocessor[module] h, w, bsz = p.height, p.width, p.batch_size if pres > 64: detected_map, is_image = preprocessor(input_image, res=pres, thr_a=pthr_a, thr_b=pthr_b) else: detected_map, is_image = preprocessor(input_image) if is_image: control, detected_map = self.detectmap_proc(detected_map, module, rgbbgr_mode, resize_mode, h, w) detected_maps.append((detected_map, module)) else: control = detected_map forward_param = ControlParams( control_model=model_net, hint_cond=control, guess_mode=guess_mode, weight=weight, guidance_stopped=False, start_guidance_percent=guidance_start, stop_guidance_percent=guidance_end, advanced_weighting=None, is_adapter=isinstance(model_net, PlugableAdapter), is_extra_cond=getattr(model_net, "target", "") == "scripts.adapter.StyleAdapter" ) forward_params.append(forward_param) del model_net self.latest_network = UnetHook(lowvram=hook_lowvram) self.latest_network.hook(unet) self.latest_network.notify(forward_params, p.sampler_name in ["DDIM", "PLMS"]) self.detected_map = detected_maps if len(control_groups) > 0 and"control_net_skip_img2img_processing") and hasattr(p, "init_images"): swap_img2img_pipeline(p) def postprocess(self, p, processed, is_img2img=False, is_ui=False, *args): if"control_net_detectmap_autosaving", False) and self.latest_network is not None: for detect_map, module in self.detected_map: detectmap_dir = os.path.join("control_net_detectedmap_dir", False), module) if not os.path.isabs(detectmap_dir): detectmap_dir = os.path.join(p.outpath_samples, detectmap_dir) if module != "none": os.makedirs(detectmap_dir, exist_ok=True) img = Image.fromarray(detect_map) save_image(img, detectmap_dir, module) is_img2img_batch_tab = is_ui and is_img2img and img2img_tab_tracker.submit_img2img_tab == 'img2img_batch_tab' no_detectmap_opt ="control_net_no_detectmap", False) if self.latest_network is None or no_detectmap_opt or is_img2img_batch_tab: return if hasattr(self, "detected_map") and self.detected_map is not None: for detect_map, module in self.detected_map: if module in ["canny", "mlsd", "scribble", "fake_scribble", "pidinet", "binary"]: detect_map = 255-detect_map processed.images.extend([Image.fromarray(detect_map)]) self.input_image = None self.latest_network.restore(p.sd_model.model.diffusion_model) self.latest_network = None gc.collect() devices.torch_gc() def update_script_args(p, value, arg_idx): for s in scripts.scripts_txt2img.alwayson_scripts: if isinstance(s, Script): args = list(p.script_args) # print(f"Changed arg {arg_idx} from {args[s.args_from + arg_idx - 1]} to {value}") args[s.args_from + arg_idx] = value p.script_args = tuple(args) break def on_ui_settings(): section = ('control_net', "ControlNet") shared.opts.add_option("control_net_model_config", shared.OptionInfo( default_conf, "Config file for Control Net models", section=section)) shared.opts.add_option("control_net_model_adapter_config", shared.OptionInfo( default_conf_adapter, "Config file for Adapter models", section=section)) shared.opts.add_option("control_net_detectedmap_dir", shared.OptionInfo( default_detectedmap_dir, "Directory for detected maps auto saving", section=section)) shared.opts.add_option("control_net_models_path", shared.OptionInfo( "", "Extra path to scan for ControlNet models (e.g. training output directory)", section=section)) shared.opts.add_option("control_net_max_models_num", shared.OptionInfo( 1, "Multi ControlNet: Max models amount (requires restart)", gr.Slider, {"minimum": 1, "maximum": 10, "step": 1}, section=section)) shared.opts.add_option("control_net_model_cache_size", shared.OptionInfo( 1, "Model cache size (requires restart)", gr.Slider, {"minimum": 1, "maximum": 5, "step": 1}, section=section)) shared.opts.add_option("control_net_control_transfer", shared.OptionInfo( False, "Apply transfer control when loading models", gr.Checkbox, {"interactive": True}, section=section)) shared.opts.add_option("control_net_no_detectmap", shared.OptionInfo( False, "Do not append detectmap to output", gr.Checkbox, {"interactive": True}, section=section)) shared.opts.add_option("control_net_detectmap_autosaving", shared.OptionInfo( False, "Allow detectmap auto saving", gr.Checkbox, {"interactive": True}, section=section)) shared.opts.add_option("control_net_only_midctrl_hires", shared.OptionInfo( True, "Use mid-control on highres pass (second pass)", gr.Checkbox, {"interactive": True}, section=section)) shared.opts.add_option("control_net_allow_script_control", shared.OptionInfo( False, "Allow other script to control this extension", gr.Checkbox, {"interactive": True}, section=section)) shared.opts.add_option("control_net_skip_img2img_processing", shared.OptionInfo( False, "Skip img2img processing when using img2img initial image", gr.Checkbox, {"interactive": True}, section=section)) shared.opts.add_option("control_net_monocular_depth_optim", shared.OptionInfo( False, "Enable optimized monocular depth estimation", gr.Checkbox, {"interactive": True}, section=section)) shared.opts.add_option("control_net_only_mid_control", shared.OptionInfo( False, "Only use mid-control when inference", gr.Checkbox, {"interactive": True}, section=section)) shared.opts.add_option("control_net_cfg_based_guidance", shared.OptionInfo( False, "Enable CFG-Based guidance", gr.Checkbox, {"interactive": True}, section=section)) # shared.opts.add_option("control_net_advanced_weighting", shared.OptionInfo( # False, "Enable advanced weight tuning", gr.Checkbox, {"interactive": False}, section=section)) class Img2ImgTabTracker: def __init__(self): self.img2img_tabs = set() self.active_img2img_tab = 'img2img_img2img_tab' self.submit_img2img_tab = None def save_submit_img2img_tab(self): self.submit_img2img_tab = self.active_img2img_tab def set_active_img2img_tab(self, tab): self.active_img2img_tab = tab.elem_id def on_after_component_callback(self, component, **_kwargs): if type(component) is gr.State: return if type(component) is gr.Button and component.elem_id == 'img2img_generate':, inputs=[], outputs=[]) return tab = getattr(component, 'parent', None) is_tab = type(tab) is gr.Tab and getattr(tab, 'elem_id', None) is not None is_img2img_tab = is_tab and getattr(tab, 'parent', None) is not None and getattr(tab.parent, 'elem_id', None) == 'mode_img2img' if is_img2img_tab and tab.elem_id not in self.img2img_tabs:, inputs=gr.State(tab), outputs=[]) self.img2img_tabs.add(tab.elem_id) return img2img_tab_tracker = Img2ImgTabTracker() script_callbacks.on_ui_settings(on_ui_settings) script_callbacks.on_after_component(img2img_tab_tracker.on_after_component_callback)