""" Copyright (C) 2018 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/legalcode). """ from __future__ import division import torch.nn as nn import scipy.misc import numpy as np import scipy.sparse import scipy.sparse.linalg from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided from PIL import Image import cv2 class Propagator(nn.Module): def __init__(self, beta=0.9999): super(Propagator, self).__init__() self.beta = beta def process(self, initImg, contentImg): if type(contentImg) == str: content = cv2.imread(contentImg) content = cv2.cvtColor(np.content, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) else: content = np.array(contentImg, dtype=np.float64) if type(initImg) == str: B = cv2.imread(initImg) B = cv2.cvtColor(B, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) B /= 255 else: B = np.array(initImg, dtype=np.float64) B /= 255 h1,w1,k = B.shape h = h1 - 4 w = w1 - 4 B = B[int((h1-h)/2):int((h1-h)/2+h),int((w1-w)/2):int((w1-w)/2+w),:] content = cv2.resize(content, (w, h)) B = self.__replication_padding(B,2) content = self.__replication_padding(content,2) content = content.astype(np.float64)/255 B = np.reshape(B,(h1*w1,k)) W = self.__compute_laplacian(content) W = W.tocsc() dd = W.sum(0) dd = np.sqrt(np.power(dd,-1)) dd = dd.A.squeeze() D = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix((dd, (np.arange(0,w1*h1), np.arange(0,w1*h1)))) # 0.026 S = D.dot(W).dot(D) A = scipy.sparse.identity(w1*h1) - self.beta*S A = A.tocsc() solver = scipy.sparse.linalg.factorized(A) V = np.zeros((h1*w1,k)) V[:,0] = solver(B[:,0]) V[:,1] = solver(B[:,1]) V[:,2] = solver(B[:,2]) V = V*(1-self.beta) V = V.reshape(h1,w1,k) V = V[2:2+h,2:2+w,:] img = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(np.clip(V * 255., 0, 255.))) return img # Returns sparse matting laplacian # The implementation of the function is heavily borrowed from # https://github.com/MarcoForte/closed-form-matting/blob/master/closed_form_matting.py # We thank Marco Forte for sharing his code. def __compute_laplacian(self, img, eps=10**(-7), win_rad=1): win_size = (win_rad*2+1)**2 h, w, d = img.shape c_h, c_w = h - 2*win_rad, w - 2*win_rad win_diam = win_rad*2+1 indsM = np.arange(h*w).reshape((h, w)) ravelImg = img.reshape(h*w, d) win_inds = self.__rolling_block(indsM, block=(win_diam, win_diam)) win_inds = win_inds.reshape(c_h, c_w, win_size) winI = ravelImg[win_inds] win_mu = np.mean(winI, axis=2, keepdims=True) win_var = np.einsum('...ji,...jk ->...ik', winI, winI)/win_size - np.einsum('...ji,...jk ->...ik', win_mu, win_mu) inv = np.linalg.inv(win_var + (eps/win_size)*np.eye(3)) X = np.einsum('...ij,...jk->...ik', winI - win_mu, inv) vals = (1/win_size)*(1 + np.einsum('...ij,...kj->...ik', X, winI - win_mu)) nz_indsCol = np.tile(win_inds, win_size).ravel() nz_indsRow = np.repeat(win_inds, win_size).ravel() nz_indsVal = vals.ravel() L = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix((nz_indsVal, (nz_indsRow, nz_indsCol)), shape=(h*w, h*w)) return L def __replication_padding(self, arr,pad): h,w,c = arr.shape ans = np.zeros((h+pad*2,w+pad*2,c)) for i in range(c): ans[:,:,i] = np.pad(arr[:,:,i],pad_width=(pad,pad),mode='edge') return ans def __rolling_block(self, A, block=(3, 3)): shape = (A.shape[0] - block[0] + 1, A.shape[1] - block[1] + 1) + block strides = (A.strides[0], A.strides[1]) + A.strides return as_strided(A, shape=shape, strides=strides)