from gramformer import Gramformer import torch def set_seed(seed): torch.manual_seed(seed) if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed) set_seed(1212) gf = Gramformer(models = 1, use_gpu=False) # 1=corrector, 2=detector influent_sentences = [ "Matt like fish", "the collection of letters was original used by the ancient Romans", "We enjoys horror movies", "Anna and Mike is going skiing", "I walk to the store and I bought milk", "We all eat the fish and then made dessert", "I will eat fish for dinner and drank milk", "what be the reason for everyone leave the company", ] for influent_sentence in influent_sentences: corrected_sentences = gf.correct(influent_sentence, max_candidates=1) print("[Input] ", influent_sentence) for corrected_sentence in corrected_sentences: print("[Correction] ",corrected_sentence) print("-" *100)