import json import os import asyncio from moviepy.editor import AudioFileClip, concatenate_audioclips from huggingface_hub import InferenceClient import torch import edge_tts import tempfile import gradio as gr # Initialize Hugging Face Inference Client Client = InferenceClient("mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.3") generator = torch.Generator().manual_seed(42) async def text_to_speech(text, voice, filename): communicate = edge_tts.Communicate(text, voice) await async def generate_conversation(script): title = script['title'] content = script['content'] temp_files = [] tasks = [] for key, text in content.items(): speaker = key.split('_')[0] # Extract the speaker name index = key.split('_')[1] # Extract the dialogue index voice = "en-US-JennyNeural" if speaker == "Alice" else "en-US-GuyNeural" # Create temporary file for each speaker's dialogue temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.mp3', delete=False) temp_files.append( filename = tasks.append(text_to_speech(text, voice, filename)) print(f"Generated audio for {speaker}_{index}: {filename}") await asyncio.gather(*tasks) # Combine the audio files using moviepy audio_clips = [AudioFileClip(temp_file) for temp_file in temp_files] combined = concatenate_audioclips(audio_clips) # Create temporary file for the combined output output_filename = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.mp3', delete=False).name # Save the combined file combined.write_audiofile(output_filename) print(f"Combined audio saved as: {output_filename}") # Clean up temporary files for temp_file in temp_files: os.remove(temp_file) print(f"Deleted temporary file: {temp_file}") return output_filename # Function to generate podcast based on user input async def generate_podcast(topic, seed=42): system_instructions = '''[SYSTEM] You are an educational podcast generator. You have to create a podcast between Alice and Bob that gives an overview of the topic given by the user. Please provide the script in the following JSON format: { "title": "[string]", "content": { "Alice_0": "[string]", "BOB_0": "[string]", ... } } Be concise. ''' text = f" Topic: {topic} json:" formatted_prompt = system_instructions + text stream = Client.text_generation(formatted_prompt, max_new_tokens=1024, seed=seed, stream=True, details=True, return_full_text=False) generated_script = "" for response in stream: if not response.token.text == "": generated_script += response.token.text print("Generated Script:"+generated_script) # Check if the generated_script is empty or not valid JSON if not generated_script or not generated_script.strip().startswith('{'): raise ValueError("Failed to generate a valid script.") script_json = json.loads(generated_script) # Use the generated script as input output_filename = await generate_conversation(script_json) print("Output File:"+output_filename) # Read the generated audio file return output_filename # Gradio Interface DESCRIPTION = """ #
Generate a podcast on any topic
Use the Power of llms to understand any topic better
""" with gr.Blocks(theme=gr.themes.Soft(),css="#important{display: none;}") as demo: gr.Markdown(DESCRIPTION) with gr.Row(): input = gr.Textbox(label="Topic", placeholder="Enter a topic") output = gr.Audio(label="Podgen", type="filepath", interactive=False, autoplay=True, elem_classes="audio") gr.Interface( fn=generate_podcast, inputs=[input], outputs=[output], ) if __name__ == "__main__": demo.queue(max_size=200).launch()