import os from functools import wraps from flask import current_app, g, has_request_context, request from flask_login import user_logged_in from flask_login.config import EXEMPT_METHODS from werkzeug.exceptions import Unauthorized from werkzeug.local import LocalProxy from extensions.ext_database import db from models.account import Account, Tenant, TenantAccountJoin #: A proxy for the current user. If no user is logged in, this will be an #: anonymous user current_user = LocalProxy(lambda: _get_user()) def login_required(func): """ If you decorate a view with this, it will ensure that the current user is logged in and authenticated before calling the actual view. (If they are not, it calls the :attr:`LoginManager.unauthorized` callback.) For example:: @app.route('/post') @login_required def post(): pass If there are only certain times you need to require that your user is logged in, you can do so with:: if not current_user.is_authenticated: return current_app.login_manager.unauthorized() ...which is essentially the code that this function adds to your views. It can be convenient to globally turn off authentication when unit testing. To enable this, if the application configuration variable `LOGIN_DISABLED` is set to `True`, this decorator will be ignored. .. Note :: Per `W3 guidelines for CORS preflight requests `_, HTTP ``OPTIONS`` requests are exempt from login checks. :param func: The view function to decorate. :type func: function """ @wraps(func) def decorated_view(*args, **kwargs): auth_header = request.headers.get('Authorization') admin_api_key_enable = os.getenv('ADMIN_API_KEY_ENABLE', default='False') if admin_api_key_enable.lower() == 'true': if auth_header: if ' ' not in auth_header: raise Unauthorized('Invalid Authorization header format. Expected \'Bearer \' format.') auth_scheme, auth_token = auth_header.split(None, 1) auth_scheme = auth_scheme.lower() if auth_scheme != 'bearer': raise Unauthorized('Invalid Authorization header format. Expected \'Bearer \' format.') admin_api_key = os.getenv('ADMIN_API_KEY') if admin_api_key: if os.getenv('ADMIN_API_KEY') == auth_token: workspace_id = request.headers.get('X-WORKSPACE-ID') if workspace_id: tenant_account_join = db.session.query(Tenant, TenantAccountJoin) \ .filter( == workspace_id) \ .filter(TenantAccountJoin.tenant_id == \ .filter(TenantAccountJoin.role == 'owner') \ .one_or_none() if tenant_account_join: tenant, ta = tenant_account_join account = Account.query.filter_by(id=ta.account_id).first() # Login admin if account: account.current_tenant = tenant current_app.login_manager._update_request_context_with_user(account) user_logged_in.send(current_app._get_current_object(), user=_get_user()) if request.method in EXEMPT_METHODS or current_app.config.get("LOGIN_DISABLED"): pass elif not current_user.is_authenticated: return current_app.login_manager.unauthorized() # flask 1.x compatibility # current_app.ensure_sync is only available in Flask >= 2.0 if callable(getattr(current_app, "ensure_sync", None)): return current_app.ensure_sync(func)(*args, **kwargs) return func(*args, **kwargs) return decorated_view def _get_user(): if has_request_context(): if "_login_user" not in g: current_app.login_manager._load_user() return g._login_user return None