from import AppConfig, VariableEntity class BaseAppGenerator: def _get_cleaned_inputs(self, user_inputs: dict, app_config: AppConfig): if user_inputs is None: user_inputs = {} filtered_inputs = {} # Filter input variables from form configuration, handle required fields, default values, and option values variables = app_config.variables for variable_config in variables: variable = variable_config.variable if (variable not in user_inputs or user_inputs[variable] is None or (isinstance(user_inputs[variable], str) and user_inputs[variable] == '')): if variable_config.required: raise ValueError(f"{variable} is required in input form") else: filtered_inputs[variable] = variable_config.default if variable_config.default is not None else "" continue value = user_inputs[variable] if value is not None: if variable_config.type != VariableEntity.Type.NUMBER and not isinstance(value, str): raise ValueError(f"{variable} in input form must be a string") elif variable_config.type == VariableEntity.Type.NUMBER and isinstance(value, str): if '.' in value: value = float(value) else: value = int(value) if variable_config.type == VariableEntity.Type.SELECT: options = variable_config.options if variable_config.options is not None else [] if value not in options: raise ValueError(f"{variable} in input form must be one of the following: {options}") elif variable_config.type in [VariableEntity.Type.TEXT_INPUT, VariableEntity.Type.PARAGRAPH]: if variable_config.max_length is not None: max_length = variable_config.max_length if len(value) > max_length: raise ValueError(f'{variable} in input form must be less than {max_length} characters') if value and isinstance(value, str): filtered_inputs[variable] = value.replace('\x00', '') else: filtered_inputs[variable] = value if value is not None else None return filtered_inputs