import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import numpy as np import re import math import gensim import pickle import pyLDAvis import pyLDAvis.gensim_models as gensimvis import as px import plotly.graph_objects as go import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.colors as mcolors from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, show from bokeh.models import Label from import output_notebook from plotly.subplots import make_subplots from pandasgui import show from sklearn.manifold import TSNE from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from gensim.parsing.preprocessing import STOPWORDS from wordcloud import WordCloud colors = ['peachpuff','lightskyblue','turquoise','darkorange','purple','olive','lightgreen','darkseagreen','maroon','teal', 'deepskyblue','red','mediumblue','indigo','goldenrod','mediumvioletred','pink','beige','rosybrown'] st.set_page_config(layout="wide") st.markdown("

Topic Model: Science and Technology News

", unsafe_allow_html=True) def load_mpmt(site): with open(f'./Models/{site}Models/{site.lower()}_lda_passes_train.pickle', 'rb') as file: model_passes = pickle.load(file) with open(f'./Models/{site}Models/{site.lower()}_lda_topics_train.pickle', 'rb') as file: model_topics = pickle.load(file) mp_df = pd.DataFrame(model_passes) mp_df = mp_df.transpose() mp_df = mp_df.iloc[0:50] mp_df['coherence'] = mp_df['coherence'].astype(float) mt_df = pd.DataFrame(model_topics) mt_df = mt_df.transpose() mt_df = mt_df.iloc[0:50] mt_df['coherence'] = mt_df['coherence'].astype(float) return mp_df, mt_df def load_ex(site): with open(f'./Models/{site}Models/{site.lower()}_extreme2.pickle', 'rb') as file: model_extreme = pickle.load(file) ex_df = pd.DataFrame(model_extreme) ex_df = ex_df.transpose() ex_df['coherence'] = ex_df['coherence'].astype(float) ex_df = ex_df.reset_index() best_model = ex_df.iloc[ex_df['coherence'].idxmax()]['model'] bow_corpus = ex_df.iloc[ex_df['coherence'].idxmax()]['corpus'] dictionary = ex_df.iloc[ex_df['coherence'].idxmax()]['dictionary'] return ex_df, best_model, bow_corpus, dictionary def load_model(site): with open(f'./{site}Data/preprocessed_scitech.pkl', 'rb') as file: processed_series = pickle.load(file) return processed_series def load_related(site, bow_corpus, highest_top): with open(f"./{site}Data/SciTechData.pkl", "rb") as file: news = pickle.load(file) dm_topic = [] for i, corp in enumerate(bow_corpus): topic_percs = best_model.get_document_topics(corp) dominant_topic = sorted(topic_percs, key = lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[0][0] dm_topic.append(dominant_topic) news['dominant_topic'] = dm_topic return news[news['dominant_topic'] == highest_top]['url'][:10] def load_evaluation_graph(data, xlabel, ylabel, title): if (len(data) > 25): fig = px.line(data, x=range(1, len(data)+1), y='coherence', title=title, labels={'x': xlabel, 'y': ylabel}) fig.add_hline(y=data['coherence'].max()) try: vert_value = int(data['coherence'].idxmax().split('a')[1]) except: vert_value = int(data['coherence'].idxmax().split('s')[1]) else: fig = px.line(data[::-1], x=range(30, 100, 10), y='coherence', title=title, labels={'x': xlabel, 'y': ylabel}) vert_value = int(data.reset_index()['coherence'].idxmax()) fig.update_xaxes(range=[30, 90]) fig.add_vline(x=vert_value) return fig, vert_value def load_cloud(processed_series): all_words = '' stopwords = set(STOPWORDS) for val in processed_series: all_words += ' '.join(val)+' ' wordcloud = WordCloud(width = 1800, height = 1600, background_color ='white', stopwords = stopwords, min_font_size = 10).generate(all_words) # fig = plt.figure(figsize = (8, 8), facecolor = None) # ax = fig.add_axes([2, 2, 10, 10]) # ax.imshow(wordcloud) # ax.axis("off") # fig.tight_layout(pad = 0) fig = px.imshow(wordcloud) return fig def load_cloud_each(model, site): if site == 'Popular Science' or site == 'Cosmos Magazine': words = ['u'] elif site == 'Discover Magazine': words = ['nt', 'u', 've', 'm', 'll', 'd', 'rofl'] stopwords = set(STOPWORDS) for i in words: stopwords.add(i) num_topics = len(model.get_topics()) topic_top3words = [(i, topic) for i, topics in model.show_topics(formatted=False, num_topics=num_topics) for j, (topic, wt) in enumerate(topics) if j < 3] k=0 new_list = [] new_new_list = [] j = 0 while (j < len(topic_top3words)): i = topic_top3words[j][1] if(j == len(topic_top3words)-1): new_new_list.append(new_list) if(k<3): j += 1 else: new_new_list.append(new_list) new_list = [] k = 0 continue new_list.append(i) k += 1 cloud = WordCloud(stopwords=stopwords, background_color='white', width=750, height=750, max_words=10, colormap='tab10', color_func=lambda *args, **kwargs: color_func(*args, **kwargs, n=n, topics=new_new_list[n]), prefer_horizontal=1.0) topics = model.show_topics(num_topics=num_topics, formatted=False) j = 0 n = 0 col1, col2, col3, col4, col5 = st.columns(5) while n < num_topics: if (j < 5): if (j == 0): col = col1 elif (j == 1): col = col2 elif (j == 2): col = col3 elif (j == 3): col = col4 elif (j == 4): col = col5 else: j = 0 col1, col2, col3, col4, col5 = st.columns(5) continue with col: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(1.5,1.5)) plt.title('Topic ' + str(n+1), fontdict=dict(size=6)) plt.axis('off') topic_words = dict(topics[n][1]) cloud.generate_from_frequencies(topic_words, max_font_size=400) plt.imshow(cloud) st.write(fig) j += 1 n += 1 def load_LDAvis(model, corpus, dictionary): vis = gensimvis.prepare(model, corpus, dictionary) html_string = pyLDAvis.prepared_data_to_html(vis) return html_string def load_topic_document_count(best_model, bow_corpus): dm_topic = [] for i, corp in enumerate(bow_corpus): topic_percs = best_model.get_document_topics(corp) dominant_topic = sorted(topic_percs, key = lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[0][0] dm_topic.append(dominant_topic) dm_df = pd.DataFrame(dm_topic, columns=['dominant_topic']) topic_top3words = [(i, topic) for i, topics in best_model.show_topics(formatted=False, num_topics=-1) for j, (topic, wt) in enumerate(topics) if j < 3] df_top3words_stacked = pd.DataFrame(topic_top3words, columns=['topic_id', 'words']) df_top3words = df_top3words_stacked.groupby('topic_id').agg(', '.join) df_top3words.reset_index(level=0,inplace=True) count_df = pd.DataFrame(dm_df.groupby('dominant_topic').dominant_topic.agg('count').to_frame('COUNT').reset_index()['COUNT']) count_df['top3'] = list(df_top3words['words']) fig = px.histogram(dm_df, x='dominant_topic', labels={'dominant_topic': 'Dominant topic', 'count': 'Number of Documents'}, height=500, width=1400, title='Documents Count by Dominant Topic') fig.update_layout(yaxis_title='Number of Documents', bargap=0.2) fig.update_layout( margin=dict(b=40), xaxis = dict( tickmode = 'array', tickvals = list(range(dm_df['dominant_topic'].max()+1)), ticktext = df_top3words['words'] ) ) return fig, count_df[count_df['COUNT'] == count_df['COUNT'].max()]['top3'].values[0], count_df['COUNT'].idxmax() def load_document_count(data): doc_len = [len(d) for d in data] fifth = round(np.quantile(doc_len, q=0.05)) ninefifth = round(np.quantile(doc_len, q=0.95)) text = "Mean : " + str(round(np.mean(doc_len))) \ + "
Median : " + str(round(np.median(doc_len))) \ + "
Std dev. : " + str(round(np.std(doc_len))) \ + "
5th percentile : " + str(round(np.quantile(doc_len, q=0.05))) \ + "
95th percentile : " + str(round(np.quantile(doc_len, q=0.95))) fig = px.histogram(doc_len, labels={"value": "Document Word Count"}, height=500, width=1400, title='Distribution of Documents Word Count') fig.add_annotation(x=0.95, xref='paper', y=0.95, yref='paper', text=text, showarrow=False, bgcolor="#F4F4F4", opacity=0.8, borderpad=8, borderwidth=2, bordercolor="#DDDDDD", align='left') fig.update_layout(yaxis_title='Number of Documents', showlegend=False) return fig, fifth, ninefifth def color_func(word, font_size, position, orientation, font_path, random_state, n, topics): if word in topics: return colors[n] else: return 'lightgrey' def load_topic_word_prob(best_model): topic_prob_list = [i[1].split(',') for i in best_model.show_topics(num_topics=-1)] prob_list = [] words_list = [] for i in topic_prob_list: num_list = re.findall(r'[\d]*[.][\d]+', *i) conv = [float(j) for j in num_list] prob_list.append(conv) words = re.findall(r'"(.*?)"', *i) words_list.append(words) def flatten(l): return [item for sublist in l for item in sublist] words_list = flatten(words_list) topnum_list = sorted(list(range(best_model.num_topics)) * 10) prob_list = flatten(prob_list) data = { "topic": topnum_list, "words": words_list, "probability": prob_list } topic_prob = pd.DataFrame(data) new_df = topic_prob.set_index(['topic']) rows = math.ceil(best_model.num_topics / 5) fig = make_subplots( rows=rows, cols=5, shared_yaxes=True, subplot_titles=[f'Topic {n}' for n in range(1, best_model.num_topics+1)] ) j = 1 n = 0 for i in range(1, rows+1): for j in range(1, 6): if (n < best_model.num_topics): fig.add_trace( go.Bar(x=new_df.loc[n]['words'], y=new_df.loc[n]['probability']), row=i, col=j ) n += 1 fig.update_layout(height=1000, width=1400, title_text="Topic Word Probabilities", showlegend=False, margin=dict(b=5)) return fig def load_tSNE(best_model, bow_corpus): # Get topic weights topic_weights = [] for i, row_list in enumerate(best_model[bow_corpus]): topic_weights.append([w for i, w in row_list]) # Array of topic weights arr = pd.DataFrame(topic_weights).fillna(0).values # Keep the well separated points (optional) arr = arr[np.amax(arr, axis=1) > 0.35] # Dominant topic number in each doc topic_num = np.argmax(arr, axis=1) # tSNE Dimension Reduction tsne_model = TSNE(n_components=2, verbose=1, random_state=0, angle=.99, init='pca') tsne_lda = tsne_model.fit_transform(arr) # Plot the Topic Clusters using Bokeh colors = ['peachpuff','lightskyblue','turquoise','darkorange','purple','olive','lightgreen','darkseagreen','maroon','teal', 'deepskyblue','red','mediumblue','indigo','goldenrod','mediumvioletred','pink','beige','rosybrown'] n_topics = 4 mycolors = np.array([color for color in colors]) plot = figure(title="t-SNE Clustering of {} LDA Topics".format(n_topics), plot_width=900, plot_height=700) plot.scatter(x=tsne_lda[:,0], y=tsne_lda[:,1], color=mycolors[topic_num]) return plot site = st.selectbox( 'Select which site to analyze topics', ('Popular Science', 'Discover Magazine', 'Cosmos Magazine'), ) vert_space = '
' st.markdown(vert_space, unsafe_allow_html=True) if site: if site == 'Popular Science': site = 'PopSci' elif site == 'Discover Magazine': site = 'Discover' elif site == 'Cosmos Magazine': site = 'Cosmos' mp_df, mt_df = load_mpmt(site) st.subheader("How good is the model?") passes_graph, passes_vert = load_evaluation_graph(mp_df, 'Number of Passes', 'Topic Coherence', 'Topic Coherence vs Number of Passes' ) passes_graph.update_layout(width=650) topics_graph, topics_vert = load_evaluation_graph(mt_df, 'Number of Topics', 'Topic Coherence', 'Topic Coherence vs Number of Topics' ) topics_graph.update_layout(width=650) mdt_best = round(mt_df['coherence'].max(),4) st.markdown(f"The **:blue[best performing model]** obtained a coherence score of **:blue[{mdt_best}]** ! \n \ The model performed best with {passes_vert} iterations over the whole corpus and {topics_vert} number of topics.") col1, col2 = st.columns(2) with col1: st.write(passes_graph) with col2: st.write(topics_graph) ex_df, best_model, bow_corpus, dictionary = load_ex(site) st.subheader("The model were also found to be performing better when extreme word occurrences are filtered!") ex_best = round(ex_df['coherence'].max(), 4) imp = round(ex_best / mdt_best, 4) st.markdown(f"This time, the **:blue[best performing model]** obtained a coherence score of **:blue[{ex_best}]**. \n \ An increase of another **:blue[{imp}]**% !") best_graph, best_vert = load_evaluation_graph(ex_df, 'Percentage of Documents Used to Filter', 'Topic Coherence', 'Topic Coherence vs Percentage of Documents' ) best_graph.update_layout(width=1400) st.write(best_graph) #col1, col2 = st.columns(2) processed_series = load_model(site) if site == 'PopSci': site = 'Popular Science' elif site == 'Discover': site = 'Discover Magazine' elif site == 'Cosmos': site = 'Cosmos Magazine' document_count, fifth, ninefifth = load_document_count(processed_series) topic_document_count, top_3, top_i = load_topic_document_count(best_model, bow_corpus) top_3 = top_3.split(',') st.subheader("How long are the documents?") st.markdown(f"Most documents in {site} are between **:blue[{fifth}]** and **:blue[{ninefifth}]** words long!") st.write(document_count) st.subheader(f"What are the most discussed topics in {site}?") st.markdown(f"The most discussed topics are related to the keywords **:blue[{top_3[0].upper()}]**, **:blue[{top_3[1].upper()}]** and **:blue[{top_3[2].upper()}]**") st.write(topic_document_count) if site == 'Popular Science': site = 'PopSci' elif site == 'Discover Magazine': site = 'Discover' elif site == 'Cosmos Magazine': site = 'Cosmos' related_url = load_related(site, bow_corpus, top_i) st.subheader("These articles have the highest probability of having above topic!") st.markdown('
', unsafe_allow_html=True) st.write(related_url, width=1000) st.markdown('
', unsafe_allow_html=True) st.subheader("Explore the topics below!") st.markdown(vert_space, unsafe_allow_html=True) if site == 'PopSci': site = 'Popular Science' elif site == 'Discover': site = 'Discover Magazine' elif site == 'Cosmos': site = 'Cosmos Magazine' load_cloud_each(best_model, site) st.markdown('
', unsafe_allow_html=True) lda_vis = load_LDAvis(best_model, bow_corpus, dictionary) #st.write(lda_vis) st.subheader("LDAVis Visualization") st.markdown('
', unsafe_allow_html=True) st.components.v1.html(lda_vis, height=1100, width=1400)