import gradio as gr from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer import chromadb import pandas as pd import os import csv import json from pathlib import Path from llama_index.llms.anyscale import Anyscale # Load the sentence transformer model for embedding text model = SentenceTransformer('all-MiniLM-L6-v2') # Initialize the ChromaDB client for managing the vector database chroma_client = chromadb.Client() # Function to build the vector database from a CSV file def build_database(): # Read the CSV file containing document data df = pd.read_csv('vector_store.csv') print(df.head()) # Name of the collection to store the data collection_name = 'Dataset-10k-companies' # Uncomment the line below to delete the existing collection if needed # chroma_client.delete_collection(name=collection_name) # Create a new collection in ChromaDB collection = chroma_client.create_collection(name=collection_name) # Add data from the DataFrame to the collection collection.add( documents=df['documents'].tolist(), ids=df['ids'].tolist(), metadatas=df['metadatas'].apply(eval).tolist(), embeddings=df['embeddings'].apply(lambda x: eval(x.replace(',,', ','))).tolist() ) return collection # Build the database when the app starts collection = build_database() # Access the Anyscale API key from environment variables anyscale_api_key = os.environ.get('anyscale_api_key') # Instantiate the Anyscale client for using the Llama language model client = Anyscale(api_key=anyscale_api_key, model="meta-llama/Llama-2-70b-chat-hf") # Function to get relevant chunks from the database based on the query def get_relevant_chunks(query, collection, top_n=3): # Encode the query into an embedding query_embedding = model.encode(query).tolist() # Query the collection to get the top_n most relevant results results = collection.query(query_embeddings=[query_embedding], n_results=top_n) relevant_chunks = [] # Extract relevant chunks and their metadata for i in range(len(results['documents'][0])): chunk = results['documents'][0][i] source = results['metadatas'][0][i]['source'] page = results['metadatas'][0][i]['page'] relevant_chunks.append((chunk, source, page)) return relevant_chunks # System message template for the LLM to provide structured responses qna_system_message = """ You are an assistant to Finsights analysts. Your task is to provide relevant information about the financial performance of the companies followed by Finsights. User input will include the necessary context for you to answer their questions. This context will begin with the token: ###Context. The context contains references to specific portions of documents relevant to the user's query, along with source links. The source for a context will begin with the token: ###Source. When crafting your response: 1. Select only the context relevant to answer the question. 2. Include the source links in your response. 3. User questions will begin with the token: ###Question. 4. If the question is irrelevant to Finsights, respond with: "I am an assistant for Finsight Docs. I can only help you with questions related to Finsights." Adhere to the following guidelines: - Your response should only address the question asked and nothing else. - Answer only using the context provided. - Do not mention anything about the context in your final answer. - If the answer is not found in the context, respond with: "I don't know." - Always quote the source when you use the context. Cite the relevant source at the end of your response under the section - Source: - Do not make up sources. Use only the links provided in the sources section of the context. You are prohibited from providing other links/sources. Here is an example of how to structure your response: Answer: [Answer] Source: [Source] """ # User message template for passing context and question to the LLM qna_user_message_template = """ ###Context Here are some documents and their source links that are relevant to the question mentioned below. {context} ###Question {question} """ # Function to get a response from the LLM with retries def get_llm_response(prompt, max_attempts=3): full_response = "" for attempt in range(max_attempts): try: # Generate a response from the LLM response = client.complete(prompt, max_tokens=1000) # Increase max_tokens if possible chunk = response.text.strip() full_response += chunk if chunk.endswith((".", "!", "?")): # Check if the response seems complete break else: # Continue the prompt from where it left off prompt = "Please continue from where you left off:\n" + chunk[-100:] # Use the last 100 chars as context except Exception as e: print(f"Attempt {attempt + 1} failed with error: {e}") return full_response # Prediction function to handle user queries def predict(company, user_query): try: # Modify the query to include the company name modified_query = f"{user_query} for {company}" # Get relevant chunks from the database relevant_chunks = get_relevant_chunks(modified_query, collection) # Prepare the context string from the relevant chunks context = "" for chunk, source, page in relevant_chunks: context += chunk + "\n" context += f"###Source {source}, Page {page}\n" # Prepare the user message with context and question user_message = qna_user_message_template.format(context=context, question=user_query) # Craft the prompt for the Llama model prompt = f"{qna_system_message}\n\n{qna_user_message_template.format(context=context, question=user_query)}" # Generate the response using the Llama model through Anyscale answer = get_llm_response(prompt) # Log the interaction for future reference log_interaction(company, user_query, context, answer) return answer except Exception as e: return f"An error occurred: {str(e)}" # Function to log interactions in a JSON lines file def log_interaction(company, user_query, context, answer): log_file = Path("interaction_log.jsonl") with"a") as f: json.dump({ 'company': company, 'user_query': user_query, 'context': context, 'answer': answer }, f) f.write("\n") # Create Gradio interface for user interaction company_list = ["MSFT", "AWS", "Meta", "Google", "IBM"] iface = gr.Interface( fn=predict, inputs=[ gr.Radio(company_list, label="Select Company"), gr.Textbox(lines=2, placeholder="Enter your query here...", label="User Query") ], outputs=gr.Textbox(label="Generated Answer"), title="Company Reports Q&A", description="Query the vector database and get an LLM response based on the documents in the collection." ) # Launch the Gradio interface iface.launch(share=True)