import os import logging import random import asyncio from Script import script from pyrogram import Client, filters, enums from pyrogram.errors import ChatAdminRequired, FloodWait from pyrogram.types import * from database.ia_filterdb import Media, get_file_details, unpack_new_file_id, get_bad_files from database.users_chats_db import db from info import CHANNELS, ADMINS, AUTH_CHANNEL, LOG_CHANNEL, PICS, BATCH_FILE_CAPTION, CUSTOM_FILE_CAPTION, PROTECT_CONTENT, CHNL_LNK, GRP_LNK, REQST_CHANNEL, SUPPORT_CHAT_ID, SUPPORT_CHAT, MAX_B_TN, VERIFY, SHORTLINK_API, SHORTLINK_URL, TUTORIAL, IS_TUTORIAL, PREMIUM_USER from utils import get_settings, get_size, is_subscribed, save_group_settings, temp, verify_user, check_token, check_verification, get_token, get_shortlink, get_tutorial from database.connections_mdb import active_connection # from plugins.pm_filter import ENABLE_SHORTLINK import re, asyncio, os, sys import json import base64 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) BATCH_FILES = {} @Client.on_message(filters.command("start") & filters.incoming) async def start(client, message): if in [enums.ChatType.GROUP, enums.ChatType.SUPERGROUP]: buttons = [[ InlineKeyboardButton('⤬ Aᴅᴅ Mᴇ Tᴏ Yᴏᴜʀ Gʀᴏᴜᴘ ⤬', url=f'{temp.U_NAME}?startgroup=true') ],[ InlineKeyboardButton('✪ Sᴜᴘᴘᴏʀᴛ Gʀᴏᴜᴘ', url=""), InlineKeyboardButton('⌬ Mᴏᴠɪᴇ Gʀᴏᴜᴘ', url=GRP_LNK) ],[ InlineKeyboardButton('✇ Jᴏɪɴ Uᴘᴅᴀᴛᴇs Cʜᴀɴɴᴇʟ ✇', url=CHNL_LNK) ]] reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons) await message.reply(script.START_TXT.format(message.from_user.mention if message.from_user else, temp.U_NAME, temp.B_NAME), reply_markup=reply_markup, disable_web_page_preview=True) await asyncio.sleep(2) # 😢 😬 wait a bit, before checking. if not await db.get_chat( total=await client.get_chat_members_count( await client.send_message(LOG_CHANNEL, script.LOG_TEXT_G.format(,, total, "Unknown")) await db.add_chat(, return if not await db.is_user_exist( await db.add_user(, message.from_user.first_name) await client.send_message(LOG_CHANNEL, script.LOG_TEXT_P.format(, message.from_user.mention)) if len(message.command) != 2: buttons = [[ InlineKeyboardButton('⤬ Aᴅᴅ Mᴇ Tᴏ Yᴏᴜʀ Gʀᴏᴜᴘ ⤬', url=f'{temp.U_NAME}?startgroup=true') ],[ InlineKeyboardButton('Eᴀʀɴ Mᴏɴᴇʏ 💸', callback_data="shortlink_info"), InlineKeyboardButton('⌬ Mᴏᴠɪᴇ Gʀᴏᴜᴘ', url=GRP_LNK) ],[ InlineKeyboardButton('〄 Hᴇʟᴘ', callback_data='help'), InlineKeyboardButton('⍟ Aʙᴏᴜᴛ', callback_data='about') ],[ InlineKeyboardButton('✇ Jᴏɪɴ Uᴘᴅᴀᴛᴇs Cʜᴀɴɴᴇʟ ✇', url=CHNL_LNK) ]] reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons) m=await message.reply_sticker("CAACAgUAAxkBAAIBYmOkbpQ0brb4z4ggbPv4peTgcDb-AAIlBQACSr5ZVk64AdT0N9vYHgQ") await asyncio.sleep(1) await m.delete() await message.reply_photo( photo=random.choice(PICS), caption=script.START_TXT.format(message.from_user.mention, temp.U_NAME, temp.B_NAME), reply_markup=reply_markup, parse_mode=enums.ParseMode.HTML ) return if AUTH_CHANNEL and not await is_subscribed(client, message): try: invite_link = await client.create_chat_invite_link(int(AUTH_CHANNEL)) except ChatAdminRequired: logger.error("Make sure Bot is admin in Forcesub channel") return btn = [ [ InlineKeyboardButton( "❆ Jᴏɪɴ Oᴜʀ Cʜᴀɴɴᴇʟ ❆", url=invite_link.invite_link ) ] ] if message.command[1] != "subscribe": try: kk, file_id = message.command[1].split("_", 1) pre = 'checksubp' if kk == 'filep' else 'checksub' btn.append([InlineKeyboardButton("↻ Tʀʏ Aɢᴀɪɴ", callback_data=f"{pre}#{file_id}")]) except (IndexError, ValueError): btn.append([InlineKeyboardButton("↻ Tʀʏ Aɢᴀɪɴ", url=f"{temp.U_NAME}?start={message.command[1]}")]) await client.send_message(, text="**You are not in our channel given below so you don't get the movie file...\n\nIf you want the movie file, click on the '🍿ᴊᴏɪɴ ᴏᴜʀ ʙᴀᴄᴋ-ᴜᴘ ᴄʜᴀɴɴᴇʟ🍿' button below and join our back-up channel, then click on the '🔄 Try Again' button below...\n\nThen you will get the movie files...**", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(btn), parse_mode=enums.ParseMode.MARKDOWN ) return if len(message.command) == 2 and message.command[1] in ["subscribe", "error", "okay", "help"]: buttons = [[ InlineKeyboardButton('⤬ Aᴅᴅ Mᴇ Tᴏ Yᴏᴜʀ Gʀᴏᴜᴘ ⤬', url=f'{temp.U_NAME}?startgroup=true') ],[ InlineKeyboardButton('Eᴀʀɴ Mᴏɴᴇʏ 💸', callback_data="shortlink_info"), InlineKeyboardButton('⌬ Mᴏᴠɪᴇ Gʀᴏᴜᴘ', url=GRP_LNK) ],[ InlineKeyboardButton('〄 Hᴇʟᴘ', callback_data='help'), InlineKeyboardButton('⍟ Aʙᴏᴜᴛ', callback_data='about') ],[ InlineKeyboardButton('✇ Jᴏɪɴ Uᴘᴅᴀᴛᴇs Cʜᴀɴɴᴇʟ ✇', url=CHNL_LNK) ]] reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons) await message.reply_photo( photo=random.choice(PICS), caption=script.START_TXT.format(message.from_user.mention, temp.U_NAME, temp.B_NAME), reply_markup=reply_markup, parse_mode=enums.ParseMode.HTML ) return data = message.command[1] try: pre, file_id = data.split('_', 1) except: file_id = data pre = "" if data.split("-", 1)[0] == "BATCH": sts = await message.reply("Please wait...") file_id = data.split("-", 1)[1] msgs = BATCH_FILES.get(file_id) if not msgs: file = await client.download_media(file_id) try: with open(file) as file_data: msgs=json.loads( except: await sts.edit("FAILED") return await client.send_message(LOG_CHANNEL, "UNABLE TO OPEN FILE.") os.remove(file) BATCH_FILES[file_id] = msgs for msg in msgs: title = msg.get("title") size=get_size(int(msg.get("size", 0))) f_caption=msg.get("caption", "") if BATCH_FILE_CAPTION: try: f_caption=BATCH_FILE_CAPTION.format(file_name= '' if title is None else title, file_size='' if size is None else size, file_caption='' if f_caption is None else f_caption) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) f_caption=f_caption if f_caption is None: f_caption = f"{title}" try: await client.send_cached_media(, file_id=msg.get("file_id"), caption=f_caption, protect_content=msg.get('protect', False), reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup( [ [ InlineKeyboardButton('Sᴜᴘᴘᴏʀᴛ Gʀᴏᴜᴘ', url=f'{SUPPORT_CHAT}'), InlineKeyboardButton('Uᴘᴅᴀᴛᴇs Cʜᴀɴɴᴇʟ', url=CHNL_LNK) ],[ InlineKeyboardButton("Mᴏᴠɪᴇ Rᴇᴏ̨ᴜᴇsᴛ Gʀᴏᴜᴘ", url="") ] ] ) ) except FloodWait as e: await asyncio.sleep(e.x) logger.warning(f"Floodwait of {e.x} sec.") await client.send_cached_media(, file_id=msg.get("file_id"), caption=f_caption, protect_content=msg.get('protect', False), reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup( [ [ InlineKeyboardButton('Sᴜᴘᴘᴏʀᴛ Gʀᴏᴜᴘ', url=f'{SUPPORT_CHAT}'), InlineKeyboardButton('Uᴘᴅᴀᴛᴇs Cʜᴀɴɴᴇʟ', url=CHNL_LNK) ],[ InlineKeyboardButton("Mᴏᴠɪᴇ Rᴇᴏ̨ᴜᴇsᴛ Gʀᴏᴜᴘ", url="") ] ] ) ) except Exception as e: logger.warning(e, exc_info=True) continue await asyncio.sleep(1) await sts.delete() return elif data.split("-", 1)[0] == "DSTORE": sts = await message.reply("Please wait...") b_string = data.split("-", 1)[1] decoded = (base64.urlsafe_b64decode(b_string + "=" * (-len(b_string) % 4))).decode("ascii") try: f_msg_id, l_msg_id, f_chat_id, protect = decoded.split("_", 3) except: f_msg_id, l_msg_id, f_chat_id = decoded.split("_", 2) protect = "/pbatch" if PROTECT_CONTENT else "batch" diff = int(l_msg_id) - int(f_msg_id) async for msg in client.iter_messages(int(f_chat_id), int(l_msg_id), int(f_msg_id)): if media = getattr(msg, if BATCH_FILE_CAPTION: try: f_caption=BATCH_FILE_CAPTION.format(file_name=getattr(media, 'file_name', ''), file_size=getattr(media, 'file_size', ''), file_caption=getattr(msg, 'caption', '')) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) f_caption = getattr(msg, 'caption', '') else: media = getattr(msg, file_name = getattr(media, 'file_name', '') f_caption = getattr(msg, 'caption', file_name) try: await msg.copy(, caption=f_caption, protect_content=True if protect == "/pbatch" else False) except FloodWait as e: await asyncio.sleep(e.x) await msg.copy(, caption=f_caption, protect_content=True if protect == "/pbatch" else False) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) continue elif msg.empty: continue else: try: await msg.copy(, protect_content=True if protect == "/pbatch" else False) except FloodWait as e: await asyncio.sleep(e.x) await msg.copy(, protect_content=True if protect == "/pbatch" else False) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) continue await asyncio.sleep(1) return await sts.delete() elif data.split("-", 1)[0] == "verify": userid = data.split("-", 2)[1] token = data.split("-", 3)[2] if str( != str(userid): return await message.reply_text( text="Invalid link or Expired link !", protect_content=True ) is_valid = await check_token(client, userid, token) if is_valid == True: await message.reply_text( text=f"Hey {message.from_user.mention}, You are successfully verified !\nNow you have unlimited access for all movies till today midnight.", protect_content=True ) await verify_user(client, userid, token) else: return await message.reply_text( text="Invalid link or Expired link !", protect_content=True ) if data.startswith("sendfiles"): chat_id = int("-" + file_id.split("-")[1]) userid = if message.from_user else None st = await client.get_chat_member(chat_id, userid) if ( st.status != enums.ChatMemberStatus.ADMINISTRATOR and st.status != enums.ChatMemberStatus.OWNER ): g = await get_shortlink(chat_id, f"{temp.U_NAME}?start=allfiles_{file_id}", True) else: g = await get_shortlink(chat_id, f"{temp.U_NAME}?start=allfiles_{file_id}", False) k = await client.send_message(,text=f"Get All Files in a Single Click!!!\n\n📂 ʟɪɴᴋ ➠ : {g}\n\nNote: This message is deleted in 5 mins to avoid copyrights. Save the link to Somewhere else", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup( [ [ InlineKeyboardButton('📂 Dᴏᴡɴʟᴏᴀᴅ Nᴏᴡ 📂', url=g) ], [ InlineKeyboardButton('⁉️ Hᴏᴡ Tᴏ Dᴏᴡɴʟᴏᴀᴅ ⁉️', url=await get_tutorial(chat_id)) ] ] ) ) await asyncio.sleep(300) await k.edit("Your message is successfully deleted!!!") return elif data.startswith("short"): user = chat_id = temp.SHORT.get(user) files_ = await get_file_details(file_id) files = files_[0] g = await get_shortlink(chat_id, f"{temp.U_NAME}?start=file_{file_id}") k = await client.send_message(chat_id=user,text=f"📕Nᴀᴍᴇ ➠ : {files.file_name} \n\n🔗Sɪᴢᴇ ➠ : {get_size(files.file_size)}\n\n📂Fɪʟᴇ ʟɪɴᴋ ➠ : {g}\n\nNote: This message is deleted in 20 mins to avoid copyrights. Save the link to Somewhere else", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup( [ [ InlineKeyboardButton('📂 Dᴏᴡɴʟᴏᴀᴅ Nᴏᴡ 📂', url=g) ], [ InlineKeyboardButton('⁉️ Hᴏᴡ Tᴏ Dᴏᴡɴʟᴏᴀᴅ ⁉️', url=await get_tutorial(chat_id)) ] ] ) ) await asyncio.sleep(1200) await k.edit("Your message is successfully deleted!!!") return elif data.startswith("all"): files = temp.GETALL.get(file_id) if not files: return await message.reply('No such file exist.') filesarr = [] for file in files: file_id = file.file_id files_ = await get_file_details(file_id) files1 = files_[0] title = ' '.join(filter(lambda x: not x.startswith('[') and not x.startswith('@'), files1.file_name.split())) size=get_size(files1.file_size) f_caption=files1.caption if CUSTOM_FILE_CAPTION: try: f_caption=CUSTOM_FILE_CAPTION.format(file_name= '' if title is None else title, file_size='' if size is None else size, file_caption='' if f_caption is None else f_caption) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) f_caption=f_caption if f_caption is None: f_caption = f"{' '.join(filter(lambda x: not x.startswith('[') and not x.startswith('@'), files1.file_name.split()))}" if not await check_verification(client, and VERIFY == True: btn = [[ InlineKeyboardButton("Verify", url=await get_token(client,, f"{temp.U_NAME}?start=")) ]] await message.reply_text( text="You are not verified !\nKindly verify to continue !", protect_content=True, reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(btn) ) return msg = await client.send_cached_media(, file_id=file_id, caption=f_caption, protect_content=True if pre == 'filep' else False, reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup( [ [ InlineKeyboardButton('Sᴜᴘᴘᴏʀᴛ Gʀᴏᴜᴘ', url=f'{SUPPORT_CHAT}'), InlineKeyboardButton('Uᴘᴅᴀᴛᴇs Cʜᴀɴɴᴇʟ', url=CHNL_LNK) ],[ InlineKeyboardButton("Mᴏᴠɪᴇ Rᴇᴏ̨ᴜᴇsᴛ Gʀᴏᴜᴘ", url="") ] ] ) ) filesarr.append(msg) k = await client.send_message(chat_id =, text=f"❗️❗️❗️IMPORTANT❗️️❗️❗️\n\nThis Movie Files/Videos will be deleted in 10 mins 🫥 (Due to Copyright Issues).\n\nPlease forward this ALL Files/Videos to your Saved Messages and Start Download there") await asyncio.sleep(600) for x in filesarr: await x.delete() await k.edit_text("Your All Files/Videos is successfully deleted!!!") return elif data.startswith("files"): user = if temp.SHORT.get(user)==None: await message.reply_text(text="Please Search Again in Group") else: chat_id = temp.SHORT.get(user) settings = await get_settings(chat_id) if settings['is_shortlink'] and user not in PREMIUM_USER: files_ = await get_file_details(file_id) files = files_[0] g = await get_shortlink(chat_id, f"{temp.U_NAME}?start=file_{file_id}") k = await client.send_message(,text=f"📕Nᴀᴍᴇ ➠ : {files.file_name} \n\n🔗Sɪᴢᴇ ➠ : {get_size(files.file_size)}\n\n📂Fɪʟᴇ ʟɪɴᴋ ➠ : {g}\n\nNote: This message is deleted in 20 mins to avoid copyrights. Save the link to Somewhere else", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup( [ [ InlineKeyboardButton('📂 Dᴏᴡɴʟᴏᴀᴅ Nᴏᴡ 📂', url=g) ], [ InlineKeyboardButton('⁉️ Hᴏᴡ Tᴏ Dᴏᴡɴʟᴏᴀᴅ ⁉️', url=await get_tutorial(chat_id)) ] ] ) ) await asyncio.sleep(1200) await k.edit("Your message is successfully deleted!!!") return user = files_ = await get_file_details(file_id) if not files_: pre, file_id = ((base64.urlsafe_b64decode(data + "=" * (-len(data) % 4))).decode("ascii")).split("_", 1) try: if not await check_verification(client, and VERIFY == True: btn = [[ InlineKeyboardButton("Verify", url=await get_token(client,, f"{temp.U_NAME}?start=")) ]] await message.reply_text( text="You are not verified !\nKindly verify to continue !", protect_content=True, reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(btn) ) return msg = await client.send_cached_media(, file_id=file_id, protect_content=True if pre == 'filep' else False, reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup( [ [ InlineKeyboardButton('Sᴜᴘᴘᴏʀᴛ Gʀᴏᴜᴘ', url=f'{SUPPORT_CHAT}'), InlineKeyboardButton('Uᴘᴅᴀᴛᴇs Cʜᴀɴɴᴇʟ', url=CHNL_LNK) ],[ InlineKeyboardButton("Mᴏᴠɪᴇ Rᴇᴏ̨ᴜᴇsᴛ Gʀᴏᴜᴘ", url="") ] ] ) ) filetype = file = getattr(msg, filetype.value) title = '@TeamHMT ' + ' '.join(filter(lambda x: not x.startswith('[') and not x.startswith('@'), file.file_name.split())) size=get_size(file.file_size) f_caption = f"{title}" if CUSTOM_FILE_CAPTION: try: f_caption=CUSTOM_FILE_CAPTION.format(file_name= '' if title is None else title, file_size='' if size is None else size, file_caption='') except: return await msg.edit_caption(f_caption) btn = [[ InlineKeyboardButton("Get File Again", callback_data=f'delfile#{file_id}') ]] k = await msg.reply("❗️❗️❗️IMPORTANT❗️️❗️❗️\n\nThis Movie File/Video will be deleted in 10 mins 🫥 (Due to Copyright Issues).\n\nPlease forward this File/Video to your Saved Messages and Start Download there",quote=True) await asyncio.sleep(600) await msg.delete() await k.edit_text("Your File/Video is successfully deleted!!!\n\nClick below button to get your deleted file 👇",reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(btn)) return except: pass return await message.reply('No such file exist.') files = files_[0] title = '@TeamHMT ' + ' '.join(filter(lambda x: not x.startswith('[') and not x.startswith('@'), files.file_name.split())) size=get_size(files.file_size) f_caption=files.caption if CUSTOM_FILE_CAPTION: try: f_caption=CUSTOM_FILE_CAPTION.format(file_name= '' if title is None else title, file_size='' if size is None else size, file_caption='' if f_caption is None else f_caption) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) f_caption=f_caption if f_caption is None: f_caption = f"@TeamHMT {' '.join(filter(lambda x: not x.startswith('[') and not x.startswith('@'), files.file_name.split()))}" if not await check_verification(client, and VERIFY == True: btn = [[ InlineKeyboardButton("Verify", url=await get_token(client,, f"{temp.U_NAME}?start=")) ]] await message.reply_text( text="You are not verified !\nKindly verify to continue !", protect_content=True, reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(btn) ) return msg = await client.send_cached_media(, file_id=file_id, caption=f_caption, protect_content=True if pre == 'filep' else False, reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup( [ [ InlineKeyboardButton('Sᴜᴘᴘᴏʀᴛ Gʀᴏᴜᴘ', url=f'{SUPPORT_CHAT}'), InlineKeyboardButton('Uᴘᴅᴀᴛᴇs Cʜᴀɴɴᴇʟ', url=CHNL_LNK) ],[ InlineKeyboardButton("Mᴏᴠɪᴇ Rᴇᴏ̨ᴜᴇsᴛ Gʀᴏᴜᴘ", url="") ] ] ) ) btn = [[ InlineKeyboardButton("Get File Again", callback_data=f'delfile#{file_id}') ]] k = await msg.reply("❗️❗️❗️IMPORTANT❗️️❗️❗️\n\nThis Movie File/Video will be deleted in 10 mins 🫥 (Due to Copyright Issues).\n\nPlease forward this File/Video to your Saved Messages and Start Download there",quote=True) await asyncio.sleep(600) await msg.delete() await k.edit_text("Your File/Video is successfully deleted!!!\n\nClick below button to get your deleted file 👇",reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(btn)) return @Client.on_message(filters.command('channel') & filters.user(ADMINS)) async def channel_info(bot, message): """Send basic information of channel""" if isinstance(CHANNELS, (int, str)): channels = [CHANNELS] elif isinstance(CHANNELS, list): channels = CHANNELS else: raise ValueError("Unexpected type of CHANNELS") text = '📑 **Indexed channels/groups**\n' for channel in channels: chat = await bot.get_chat(channel) if chat.username: text += '\n@' + chat.username else: text += '\n' + chat.title or chat.first_name text += f'\n\n**Total:** {len(CHANNELS)}' if len(text) < 4096: await message.reply(text) else: file = 'Indexed channels.txt' with open(file, 'w') as f: f.write(text) await message.reply_document(file) os.remove(file) @Client.on_message(filters.command('logs') & filters.user(ADMINS)) async def log_file(bot, message): """Send log file""" try: await message.reply_document('TelegramBot.log') except Exception as e: await message.reply(str(e)) @Client.on_message(filters.command('delete') & filters.user(ADMINS)) async def delete(bot, message): """Delete file from database""" reply = message.reply_to_message if reply and msg = await message.reply("Processing...⏳", quote=True) else: await message.reply('Reply to file with /delete which you want to delete', quote=True) return for file_type in ("document", "video", "audio"): media = getattr(reply, file_type, None) if media is not None: break else: await msg.edit('This is not supported file format') return file_id, file_ref = unpack_new_file_id(media.file_id) result = await Media.collection.delete_one({ '_id': file_id, }) if result.deleted_count: await msg.edit('File is successfully deleted from database') else: file_name = re.sub(r"(_|\-|\.|\+)", " ", str(media.file_name)) result = await Media.collection.delete_many({ 'file_name': file_name, 'file_size': media.file_size, 'mime_type': media.mime_type }) if result.deleted_count: await msg.edit('File is successfully deleted from database') else: # files indexed before # have original file name. result = await Media.collection.delete_many({ 'file_name': media.file_name, 'file_size': media.file_size, 'mime_type': media.mime_type }) if result.deleted_count: await msg.edit('File is successfully deleted from database') else: await msg.edit('File not found in database') @Client.on_message(filters.command('deleteall') & filters.user(ADMINS)) async def delete_all_index(bot, message): await message.reply_text( 'This will delete all indexed files.\nDo you want to continue??', reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup( [ [ InlineKeyboardButton( text="YES", callback_data="autofilter_delete" ) ], [ InlineKeyboardButton( text="CANCEL", callback_data="close_data" ) ], ] ), quote=True, ) @Client.on_callback_query(filters.regex(r'^autofilter_delete')) async def delete_all_index_confirm(bot, message): await Media.collection.drop() await message.answer('Piracy Is Crime') await message.message.edit('Succesfully Deleted All The Indexed Files.') @Client.on_message(filters.command('settings')) async def settings(client, message): userid = if message.from_user else None if not userid: return await message.reply(f"You are anonymous admin. Use /connect {} in PM") chat_type = if chat_type == enums.ChatType.PRIVATE: grpid = await active_connection(str(userid)) if grpid is not None: grp_id = grpid try: chat = await client.get_chat(grpid) title = chat.title except: await message.reply_text("Make sure I'm present in your group!!", quote=True) return else: await message.reply_text("I'm not connected to any groups!", quote=True) return elif chat_type in [enums.ChatType.GROUP, enums.ChatType.SUPERGROUP]: grp_id = title = else: return st = await client.get_chat_member(grp_id, userid) if ( st.status != enums.ChatMemberStatus.ADMINISTRATOR and st.status != enums.ChatMemberStatus.OWNER and str(userid) not in ADMINS ): return settings = await get_settings(grp_id) try: if settings['max_btn']: settings = await get_settings(grp_id) except KeyError: await save_group_settings(grp_id, 'max_btn', False) settings = await get_settings(grp_id) if 'is_shortlink' not in settings.keys(): await save_group_settings(grp_id, 'is_shortlink', False) else: pass if settings is not None: buttons = [ [ InlineKeyboardButton( 'Rᴇsᴜʟᴛ Pᴀɢᴇ', callback_data=f'setgs#button#{settings["button"]}#{grp_id}', ), InlineKeyboardButton( 'Bᴜᴛᴛᴏɴ' if settings["button"] else 'Tᴇxᴛ', callback_data=f'setgs#button#{settings["button"]}#{grp_id}', ), ], [ InlineKeyboardButton( 'Fɪʟᴇ Sᴇɴᴅ Mᴏᴅᴇ', callback_data=f'setgs#botpm#{settings["botpm"]}#{grp_id}', ), InlineKeyboardButton( 'Mᴀɴᴜᴀʟ Sᴛᴀʀᴛ' if settings["botpm"] else 'Aᴜᴛᴏ Sᴇɴᴅ', callback_data=f'setgs#botpm#{settings["botpm"]}#{grp_id}', ), ], [ InlineKeyboardButton( 'Pʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛ Cᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ', callback_data=f'setgs#file_secure#{settings["file_secure"]}#{grp_id}', ), InlineKeyboardButton( '✔ Oɴ' if settings["file_secure"] else '✘ Oғғ', callback_data=f'setgs#file_secure#{settings["file_secure"]}#{grp_id}', ), ], [ InlineKeyboardButton( 'Iᴍᴅʙ', callback_data=f'setgs#imdb#{settings["imdb"]}#{grp_id}', ), InlineKeyboardButton( '✔ Oɴ' if settings["imdb"] else '✘ Oғғ', callback_data=f'setgs#imdb#{settings["imdb"]}#{grp_id}', ), ], [ InlineKeyboardButton( 'Sᴘᴇʟʟ Cʜᴇᴄᴋ', callback_data=f'setgs#spell_check#{settings["spell_check"]}#{grp_id}', ), InlineKeyboardButton( '✔ Oɴ' if settings["spell_check"] else '✘ Oғғ', callback_data=f'setgs#spell_check#{settings["spell_check"]}#{grp_id}', ), ], [ InlineKeyboardButton( 'Wᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ Msɢ', callback_data=f'setgs#welcome#{settings["welcome"]}#{grp_id}', ), InlineKeyboardButton( '✔ Oɴ' if settings["welcome"] else '✘ Oғғ', callback_data=f'setgs#welcome#{settings["welcome"]}#{grp_id}', ), ], [ InlineKeyboardButton( 'Aᴜᴛᴏ-Dᴇʟᴇᴛᴇ', callback_data=f'setgs#auto_delete#{settings["auto_delete"]}#{grp_id}', ), InlineKeyboardButton( '10 Mɪɴs' if settings["auto_delete"] else '✘ Oғғ', callback_data=f'setgs#auto_delete#{settings["auto_delete"]}#{grp_id}', ), ], [ InlineKeyboardButton( 'Aᴜᴛᴏ-Fɪʟᴛᴇʀ', callback_data=f'setgs#auto_ffilter#{settings["auto_ffilter"]}#{grp_id}', ), InlineKeyboardButton( '✔ Oɴ' if settings["auto_ffilter"] else '✘ Oғғ', callback_data=f'setgs#auto_ffilter#{settings["auto_ffilter"]}#{grp_id}', ), ], [ InlineKeyboardButton( 'Mᴀx Bᴜᴛᴛᴏɴs', callback_data=f'setgs#max_btn#{settings["max_btn"]}#{grp_id}', ), InlineKeyboardButton( '10' if settings["max_btn"] else f'{MAX_B_TN}', callback_data=f'setgs#max_btn#{settings["max_btn"]}#{grp_id}', ), ], [ InlineKeyboardButton( 'ShortLink', callback_data=f'setgs#is_shortlink#{settings["is_shortlink"]}#{grp_id}', ), InlineKeyboardButton( '✔ Oɴ' if settings["is_shortlink"] else '✘ Oғғ', callback_data=f'setgs#is_shortlink#{settings["is_shortlink"]}#{grp_id}', ), ], ] btn = [[ InlineKeyboardButton("Oᴘᴇɴ Hᴇʀᴇ ↓", callback_data=f"opnsetgrp#{grp_id}"), InlineKeyboardButton("Oᴘᴇɴ Iɴ PM ⇲", callback_data=f"opnsetpm#{grp_id}") ]] reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons) if chat_type in [enums.ChatType.GROUP, enums.ChatType.SUPERGROUP]: await message.reply_text( text="Dᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀɴᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴏᴘᴇɴ sᴇᴛᴛɪɴɢs ʜᴇʀᴇ ?", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(btn), disable_web_page_preview=True, parse_mode=enums.ParseMode.HTML, ) else: await message.reply_text( text=f"Cʜᴀɴɢᴇ Yᴏᴜʀ Sᴇᴛᴛɪɴɢs Fᴏʀ {title} As Yᴏᴜʀ Wɪsʜ ⚙", reply_markup=reply_markup, disable_web_page_preview=True, parse_mode=enums.ParseMode.HTML, ) @Client.on_message(filters.command('set_template')) async def save_template(client, message): sts = await message.reply("Checking template") userid = if message.from_user else None if not userid: return await message.reply(f"You are anonymous admin. Use /connect {} in PM") chat_type = if chat_type == enums.ChatType.PRIVATE: grpid = await active_connection(str(userid)) if grpid is not None: grp_id = grpid try: chat = await client.get_chat(grpid) title = chat.title except: await message.reply_text("Make sure I'm present in your group!!", quote=True) return else: await message.reply_text("I'm not connected to any groups!", quote=True) return elif chat_type in [enums.ChatType.GROUP, enums.ChatType.SUPERGROUP]: grp_id = title = else: return st = await client.get_chat_member(grp_id, userid) if ( st.status != enums.ChatMemberStatus.ADMINISTRATOR and st.status != enums.ChatMemberStatus.OWNER and str(userid) not in ADMINS ): return if len(message.command) < 2: return await sts.edit("No Input!!") template = message.text.split(" ", 1)[1] await save_group_settings(grp_id, 'template', template) await sts.edit(f"Successfully changed template for {title} to\n\n{template}") @Client.on_message((filters.command(["request", "Request"]) | filters.regex("#request") | filters.regex("#Request")) & async def requests(bot, message): if REQST_CHANNEL is None or SUPPORT_CHAT_ID is None: return # Must add REQST_CHANNEL and SUPPORT_CHAT_ID to use this feature if message.reply_to_message and SUPPORT_CHAT_ID == chat_id = reporter = str( mention = message.from_user.mention success = True content = message.reply_to_message.text try: if REQST_CHANNEL is not None: btn = [[ InlineKeyboardButton('View Request', url=f"{}"), InlineKeyboardButton('Show Options', callback_data=f'show_option#{reporter}') ]] reported_post = await bot.send_message(chat_id=REQST_CHANNEL, text=f"𝖱𝖾𝗉𝗈𝗋𝗍𝖾𝗋 : {mention} ({reporter})\n\n𝖬𝖾𝗌𝗌𝖺𝗀𝖾 : {content}", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(btn)) success = True elif len(content) >= 3: for admin in ADMINS: btn = [[ InlineKeyboardButton('View Request', url=f"{}"), InlineKeyboardButton('Show Options', callback_data=f'show_option#{reporter}') ]] reported_post = await bot.send_message(chat_id=admin, text=f"𝖱𝖾𝗉𝗈𝗋𝗍𝖾𝗋 : {mention} ({reporter})\n\n𝖬𝖾𝗌𝗌𝖺𝗀𝖾 : {content}", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(btn)) success = True else: if len(content) < 3: await message.reply_text("You must type about your request [Minimum 3 Characters]. Requests can't be empty.") if len(content) < 3: success = False except Exception as e: await message.reply_text(f"Error: {e}") pass elif SUPPORT_CHAT_ID == chat_id = reporter = str( mention = message.from_user.mention success = True content = message.text keywords = ["#request", "/request", "#Request", "/Request"] for keyword in keywords: if keyword in content: content = content.replace(keyword, "") try: if REQST_CHANNEL is not None and len(content) >= 3: btn = [[ InlineKeyboardButton('View Request', url=f"{}"), InlineKeyboardButton('Show Options', callback_data=f'show_option#{reporter}') ]] reported_post = await bot.send_message(chat_id=REQST_CHANNEL, text=f"𝖱𝖾𝗉𝗈𝗋𝗍𝖾𝗋 : {mention} ({reporter})\n\n𝖬𝖾𝗌𝗌𝖺𝗀𝖾 : {content}", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(btn)) success = True elif len(content) >= 3: for admin in ADMINS: btn = [[ InlineKeyboardButton('View Request', url=f"{}"), InlineKeyboardButton('Show Options', callback_data=f'show_option#{reporter}') ]] reported_post = await bot.send_message(chat_id=admin, text=f"𝖱𝖾𝗉𝗈𝗋𝗍𝖾𝗋 : {mention} ({reporter})\n\n𝖬𝖾𝗌𝗌𝖺𝗀𝖾 : {content}", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(btn)) success = True else: if len(content) < 3: await message.reply_text("You must type about your request [Minimum 3 Characters]. Requests can't be empty.") if len(content) < 3: success = False except Exception as e: await message.reply_text(f"Error: {e}") pass else: success = False if success: '''if isinstance(REQST_CHANNEL, (int, str)): channels = [REQST_CHANNEL] elif isinstance(REQST_CHANNEL, list): channels = REQST_CHANNEL for channel in channels: chat = await bot.get_chat(channel) #chat = int(chat)''' link = await bot.create_chat_invite_link(int(REQST_CHANNEL)) btn = [[ InlineKeyboardButton('Join Channel', url=link.invite_link), InlineKeyboardButton('View Request', url=f"{}") ]] await message.reply_text("Your request has been added! Please wait for some time.\n\nJoin Channel First & View Request", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(btn)) @Client.on_message(filters.command("send") & filters.user(ADMINS)) async def send_msg(bot, message): if message.reply_to_message: target_id = message.text.split(" ", 1)[1] out = "Users Saved In DB Are:\n\n" success = False try: user = await bot.get_users(target_id) users = await db.get_all_users() async for usr in users: out += f"{usr['id']}" out += '\n' if str( in str(out): await message.reply_to_message.copy(int( success = True else: success = False if success: await message.reply_text(f"Your message has been successfully send to {user.mention}.") else: await message.reply_text("This user didn't started this bot yet !") except Exception as e: await message.reply_text(f"Error: {e}") else: await message.reply_text("Use this command as a reply to any message using the target chat id. For eg: /send userid") @Client.on_message(filters.command("deletefiles") & filters.user(ADMINS)) async def deletemultiplefiles(bot, message): chat_type = if chat_type != enums.ChatType.PRIVATE: return await message.reply_text(f"Hey {message.from_user.mention}, This command won't work in groups. It only works on my PM !") else: pass try: keyword = message.text.split(" ", 1)[1] except: return await message.reply_text(f"Hey {message.from_user.mention}, Give me a keyword along with the command to delete files.") k = await bot.send_message(, text=f"Fetching Files for your query {keyword} on DB... Please wait...") files, total = await get_bad_files(keyword) await k.delete() #await k.edit_text(f"Found {total} files for your query {keyword} !\n\nFile deletion process will start in 5 seconds !") #await asyncio.sleep(5) btn = [[ InlineKeyboardButton("Yes, Continue !", callback_data=f"killfilesdq#{keyword}") ],[ InlineKeyboardButton("No, Abort operation !", callback_data="close_data") ]] await message.reply_text( text=f"Found {total} files for your query {keyword} !\n\nDo you want to delete?", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(btn), parse_mode=enums.ParseMode.HTML ) @Client.on_message(filters.command("shortlink")) async def shortlink(bot, message): userid = if message.from_user else None if not userid: return await message.reply(f"You are anonymous admin. Turn off anonymous admin and try again this command") chat_type = if chat_type == enums.ChatType.PRIVATE: return await message.reply_text(f"Hey {message.from_user.mention}, This command only works on groups !\n\nFollow These Steps to Connect Shortener:\n\n1. Add Me in Your Group with Full Admin Rights\n\n2. After Adding in Grp, Set your Shortener\n\nSend this command in your group\n\n—> /shortlink ""{your_shortener_website_name} {your_shortener_api}\n\n#Sample:-\n/shortlink 1f1da5c9df9a58058672ac8d8134e203b03426a1\n\nThat's it!!! Enjoy Earning Money 💲\n\n[[[ Trusted Earning Site - ]]]\n\nIf you have any Doubts, Feel Free to Ask me - @TeamHMT_Bot\n\n(Puriyala na intha bot la message pannunga - @TeamHMT_bot)") elif chat_type in [enums.ChatType.GROUP, enums.ChatType.SUPERGROUP]: grpid = title = else: return data = message.text userid = user = await bot.get_chat_member(grpid, userid) if user.status != enums.ChatMemberStatus.ADMINISTRATOR and user.status != enums.ChatMemberStatus.OWNER and str(userid) not in ADMINS: return await message.reply_text("You don't have access to use this command!\n\nAdd Me to Your Own Group as Admin and Try This Command\n\nFor More PM Me With This Command") else: pass try: command, shortlink_url, api = data.split(" ") except: return await message.reply_text("Command Incomplete :(\n\nGive me a shortener website link and api along with the command !\n\nFormat: /shortlink 1f1da5c9df9a58058672ac8d8134e203b03426a1") reply = await message.reply_text("Please Wait...") shortlink_url = re.sub(r"https?://?", "", shortlink_url) shortlink_url = re.sub(r"[:/]", "", shortlink_url) await save_group_settings(grpid, 'shortlink', shortlink_url) await save_group_settings(grpid, 'shortlink_api', api) await save_group_settings(grpid, 'is_shortlink', True) await reply.edit_text(f"Successfully added shortlink API for {title}.\n\nCurrent Shortlink Website: {shortlink_url}\nCurrent API: {api}") @Client.on_message(filters.command("setshortlinkoff") & filters.user(ADMINS)) async def offshortlink(bot, message): chat_type = if chat_type == enums.ChatType.PRIVATE: return await message.reply_text("I will Work Only in group") elif chat_type in [enums.ChatType.GROUP, enums.ChatType.SUPERGROUP]: grpid = title = else: return await save_group_settings(grpid, 'is_shortlink', False) # ENABLE_SHORTLINK = False return await message.reply_text("Successfully disabled shortlink") @Client.on_message(filters.command("setshortlinkon") & filters.user(ADMINS)) async def onshortlink(bot, message): chat_type = if chat_type == enums.ChatType.PRIVATE: return await message.reply_text("I will Work Only in group") elif chat_type in [enums.ChatType.GROUP, enums.ChatType.SUPERGROUP]: grpid = title = else: return await save_group_settings(grpid, 'is_shortlink', True) # ENABLE_SHORTLINK = True return await message.reply_text("Successfully enabled shortlink") @Client.on_message(filters.command("shortlink_info")) async def showshortlink(bot, message): userid = if message.from_user else None if not userid: return await message.reply(f"You are anonymous admin. Turn off anonymous admin and try again this command") chat_type = if chat_type == enums.ChatType.PRIVATE: return await message.reply_text(f"Hey {message.from_user.mention}, This Command Only Works in Group\n\nTry this command in your own group, if you are using me in your group") elif chat_type in [enums.ChatType.GROUP, enums.ChatType.SUPERGROUP]: grpid = title = else: return userid = user = await bot.get_chat_member(grpid, userid) # if 'shortlink' in settings.keys(): # su = settings['shortlink'] # sa = settings['shortlink_api'] # else: # return await message.reply_text("Shortener Url Not Connected\n\nYou can Connect Using /shortlink command") # if 'tutorial' in settings.keys(): # st = settings['tutorial'] # else: # return await message.reply_text("Tutorial Link Not Connected\n\nYou can Connect Using /set_tutorial command") if user.status != enums.ChatMemberStatus.ADMINISTRATOR and user.status != enums.ChatMemberStatus.OWNER and str(userid) not in ADMINS: return await message.reply_text("Tʜɪs ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴀɴᴅ Wᴏʀᴋs Oɴʟʏ Fᴏʀ ᴛʜɪs Gʀᴏᴜᴘ Oᴡɴᴇʀ/Aᴅᴍɪɴ\n\nTʀʏ ᴛʜɪs ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴀɴᴅ ɪɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ Oᴡɴ Gʀᴏᴜᴘ, Iғ Yᴏᴜ Aʀᴇ Usɪɴɢ Mᴇ Iɴ Yᴏᴜʀ Gʀᴏᴜᴘ") else: settings = await get_settings(chat_id) #fetching settings for group if 'shortlink' in settings.keys() and 'tutorial' in settings.keys(): su = settings['shortlink'] sa = settings['shortlink_api'] st = settings['tutorial'] return await message.reply_text(f"Shortlink Website: {su}\n\nApi: {sa}\n\nTutorial: {st}") elif 'shortlink' in settings.keys() and 'tutorial' not in settings.keys(): su = settings['shortlink'] sa = settings['shortlink_api'] return await message.reply_text(f"Shortener Website: {su}\n\nApi: {sa}\n\nTutorial Link Not Connected\n\nYou can Connect Using /set_tutorial command") elif 'shortlink' not in settings.keys() and 'tutorial' in settings.keys(): st = settings['tutorial'] return await message.reply_text(f"Tutorial: {st}\n\nShortener Url Not Connected\n\nYou can Connect Using /shortlink command") else: return await message.reply_text("Shortener url and Tutorial Link Not Connected. Check this commands, /shortlink and /set_tutorial") @Client.on_message(filters.command("set_tutorial")) async def settutorial(bot, message): userid = if message.from_user else None if not userid: return await message.reply(f"You are anonymous admin. Turn off anonymous admin and try again this command") chat_type = if chat_type == enums.ChatType.PRIVATE: return await message.reply_text("This Command Work Only in group\n\nTry it in your own group") elif chat_type in [enums.ChatType.GROUP, enums.ChatType.SUPERGROUP]: grpid = title = else: return userid = user = await bot.get_chat_member(grpid, userid) if user.status != enums.ChatMemberStatus.ADMINISTRATOR and user.status != enums.ChatMemberStatus.OWNER and str(userid) not in ADMINS: return else: pass if len(message.command) == 1: return await message.reply("Give me a tutorial link along with this command\n\nCommand Usage: /set_tutorial your tutorial link") elif len(message.command) == 2: reply = await message.reply_text("Please Wait...") tutorial = message.command[1] await save_group_settings(grpid, 'tutorial', tutorial) await save_group_settings(grpid, 'is_tutorial', True) await reply.edit_text(f"Successfully Added Tutorial\n\nHere is your tutorial link for your group {title} - {tutorial}") else: return await message.reply("You entered Incorrect Format\n\nFormat: /set_tutorial your tutorial link") @Client.on_message(filters.command("restart") & filters.user(ADMINS)) async def stop_button(bot, message): msg = await bot.send_message(text="**🔄 𝙿𝚁𝙾𝙲𝙴𝚂𝚂𝙴𝚂 𝚂𝚃𝙾𝙿𝙴𝙳. 𝙱𝙾𝚃 𝙸𝚂 𝚁𝙴𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚁𝚃𝙸𝙽𝙶...**", await asyncio.sleep(3) await msg.edit("**✅️ 𝙱𝙾𝚃 𝙸𝚂 𝚁𝙴𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚁𝚃𝙴𝙳. 𝙽𝙾𝚆 𝚈𝙾𝚄 𝙲𝙰𝙽 𝚄𝚂𝙴 𝙼𝙴**") os.execl(sys.executable, sys.executable, *sys.argv)