import logging import asyncio from pyrogram import Client, filters, enums from pyrogram.errors import FloodWait from pyrogram.errors.exceptions.bad_request_400 import ChannelInvalid, ChatAdminRequired, UsernameInvalid, UsernameNotModified from info import ADMINS from info import INDEX_REQ_CHANNEL as LOG_CHANNEL from database.ia_filterdb import save_file from pyrogram.types import InlineKeyboardMarkup, InlineKeyboardButton from utils import temp import re logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) lock = asyncio.Lock() @Client.on_callback_query(filters.regex(r'^index')) async def index_files(bot, query): if'index_cancel'): temp.CANCEL = True return await query.answer("Cancelling Indexing") _, raju, chat, lst_msg_id, from_user ="#") if raju == 'reject': await query.message.delete() await bot.send_message(int(from_user), f'Your Submission for indexing {chat} has been decliened by our moderators.', reply_to_message_id=int(lst_msg_id)) return if lock.locked(): return await query.answer('Wait until previous process complete.', show_alert=True) msg = query.message await query.answer('Processing...⏳', show_alert=True) if int(from_user) not in ADMINS: await bot.send_message(int(from_user), f'Your Submission for indexing {chat} has been accepted by our moderators and will be added soon.', reply_to_message_id=int(lst_msg_id)) await msg.edit( "Starting Indexing", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup( [[InlineKeyboardButton('Cancel', callback_data='index_cancel')]] ) ) try: chat = int(chat) except: chat = chat await index_files_to_db(int(lst_msg_id), chat, msg, bot) @Client.on_message((filters.forwarded | (filters.regex("(https://)?(t\.me/|telegram\.me/|telegram\.dog/)(c/)?(\d+|[a-zA-Z_0-9]+)/(\d+)$")) & filters.text ) & filters.private & filters.incoming) async def send_for_index(bot, message): if message.text: regex = re.compile("(https://)?(t\.me/|telegram\.me/|telegram\.dog/)(c/)?(\d+|[a-zA-Z_0-9]+)/(\d+)$") match = regex.match(message.text) if not match: return await message.reply('Invalid link') chat_id = last_msg_id = int( if chat_id.isnumeric(): chat_id = int(("-100" + chat_id)) elif message.forward_from_chat.type == enums.ChatType.CHANNEL: last_msg_id = message.forward_from_message_id chat_id = message.forward_from_chat.username or else: return try: await bot.get_chat(chat_id) except ChannelInvalid: return await message.reply('This may be a private channel / group. Make me an admin over there to index the files.') except (UsernameInvalid, UsernameNotModified): return await message.reply('Invalid Link specified.') except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) return await message.reply(f'Errors - {e}') try: k = await bot.get_messages(chat_id, last_msg_id) except: return await message.reply('Make Sure That Iam An Admin In The Channel, if channel is private') if k.empty: return await message.reply('This may be group and iam not a admin of the group.') if in ADMINS: buttons = [ [ InlineKeyboardButton('Yes', callback_data=f'index#accept#{chat_id}#{last_msg_id}#{}') ], [ InlineKeyboardButton('close', callback_data='close_data'), ] ] reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons) return await message.reply( f'Do you Want To Index This Channel/ Group ?\n\nChat ID/ Username: {chat_id}\nLast Message ID: {last_msg_id}', reply_markup=reply_markup) if type(chat_id) is int: try: link = (await bot.create_chat_invite_link(chat_id)).invite_link except ChatAdminRequired: return await message.reply('Make sure iam an admin in the chat and have permission to invite users.') else: link = f"@{message.forward_from_chat.username}" buttons = [ [ InlineKeyboardButton('Accept Index', callback_data=f'index#accept#{chat_id}#{last_msg_id}#{}') ], [ InlineKeyboardButton('Reject Index', callback_data=f'index#reject#{chat_id}#{}#{}'), ] ] reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons) await bot.send_message(LOG_CHANNEL, f'#IndexRequest\n\nBy : {message.from_user.mention} ({})\nChat ID/ Username - {chat_id}\nLast Message ID - {last_msg_id}\nInviteLink - {link}', reply_markup=reply_markup) await message.reply('ThankYou For the Contribution, Wait For My Moderators to verify the files.') @Client.on_message(filters.command('setskip') & filters.user(ADMINS)) async def set_skip_number(bot, message): if ' ' in message.text: _, skip = message.text.split(" ") try: skip = int(skip) except: return await message.reply("Skip number should be an integer.") await message.reply(f"Successfully set SKIP number as {skip}") temp.CURRENT = int(skip) else: await message.reply("Give me a skip number") async def index_files_to_db(lst_msg_id, chat, msg, bot): total_files = 0 duplicate = 0 errors = 0 deleted = 0 no_media = 0 unsupported = 0 async with lock: try: current = temp.CURRENT temp.CANCEL = False async for message in bot.iter_messages(chat, lst_msg_id, temp.CURRENT): if temp.CANCEL: await msg.edit(f"Successfully Cancelled!!\n\nSaved {total_files} files to dataBase!\nDuplicate Files Skipped: {duplicate}\nDeleted Messages Skipped: {deleted}\nNon-Media messages skipped: {no_media + unsupported}(Unsupported Media - `{unsupported}` )\nErrors Occurred: {errors}") break current += 1 if current % 20 == 0: can = [[InlineKeyboardButton('Cancel', callback_data='index_cancel')]] reply = InlineKeyboardMarkup(can) await msg.edit_text( text=f"Total messages fetched: {current}\nTotal messages saved: {total_files}\nDuplicate Files Skipped: {duplicate}\nDeleted Messages Skipped: {deleted}\nNon-Media messages skipped: {no_media + unsupported}(Unsupported Media - `{unsupported}` )\nErrors Occurred: {errors}", reply_markup=reply) if message.empty: deleted += 1 continue elif not no_media += 1 continue elif not in [enums.MessageMediaType.VIDEO, enums.MessageMediaType.AUDIO, enums.MessageMediaType.DOCUMENT]: unsupported += 1 continue media = getattr(message,, None) if not media: unsupported += 1 continue media.file_type = media.caption = message.caption aynav, vnay = await save_file(media) if aynav: total_files += 1 elif vnay == 0: duplicate += 1 elif vnay == 2: errors += 1 except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) await msg.edit(f'Error: {e}') else: await msg.edit(f'Succesfully saved {total_files} to dataBase!\nDuplicate Files Skipped: {duplicate}\nDeleted Messages Skipped: {deleted}\nNon-Media messages skipped: {no_media + unsupported}(Unsupported Media - `{unsupported}` )\nErrors Occurred: {errors}')