import glob import logging import re import time from collections import defaultdict import os import sys import shutil import types import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn.functional as F import torch.distributed as dist from torch import nn def tensors_to_scalars(metrics): new_metrics = {} for k, v in metrics.items(): if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor): v = v.item() if type(v) is dict: v = tensors_to_scalars(v) new_metrics[k] = v return new_metrics class AvgrageMeter(object): def __init__(self): self.reset() def reset(self): self.avg = 0 self.sum = 0 self.cnt = 0 def update(self, val, n=1): self.sum += val * n self.cnt += n self.avg = self.sum / self.cnt def collate_1d(values, pad_idx=0, left_pad=False, shift_right=False, max_len=None, shift_id=1): """Convert a list of 1d tensors into a padded 2d tensor.""" size = max(v.size(0) for v in values) if max_len is None else max_len res = values[0].new(len(values), size).fill_(pad_idx) def copy_tensor(src, dst): assert dst.numel() == src.numel() if shift_right: dst[1:] = src[:-1] dst[0] = shift_id else: dst.copy_(src) for i, v in enumerate(values): copy_tensor(v, res[i][size - len(v):] if left_pad else res[i][:len(v)]) return res def collate_2d(values, pad_idx=0, left_pad=False, shift_right=False, max_len=None): """Convert a list of 2d tensors into a padded 3d tensor.""" size = max(v.size(0) for v in values) if max_len is None else max_len res = values[0].new(len(values), size, values[0].shape[1]).fill_(pad_idx) def copy_tensor(src, dst): assert dst.numel() == src.numel() if shift_right: dst[1:] = src[:-1] else: dst.copy_(src) for i, v in enumerate(values): copy_tensor(v, res[i][size - len(v):] if left_pad else res[i][:len(v)]) return res def _is_batch_full(batch, num_tokens, max_tokens, max_sentences): if len(batch) == 0: return 0 if len(batch) == max_sentences: return 1 if num_tokens > max_tokens: return 1 return 0 def batch_by_size( indices, num_tokens_fn, max_tokens=None, max_sentences=None, required_batch_size_multiple=1, distributed=False ): """ Yield mini-batches of indices bucketed by size. Batches may contain sequences of different lengths. Args: indices (List[int]): ordered list of dataset indices num_tokens_fn (callable): function that returns the number of tokens at a given index max_tokens (int, optional): max number of tokens in each batch (default: None). max_sentences (int, optional): max number of sentences in each batch (default: None). required_batch_size_multiple (int, optional): require batch size to be a multiple of N (default: 1). """ max_tokens = max_tokens if max_tokens is not None else sys.maxsize max_sentences = max_sentences if max_sentences is not None else sys.maxsize bsz_mult = required_batch_size_multiple if isinstance(indices, types.GeneratorType): indices = np.fromiter(indices, dtype=np.int64, count=-1) sample_len = 0 sample_lens = [] batch = [] batches = [] for i in range(len(indices)): idx = indices[i] num_tokens = num_tokens_fn(idx) sample_lens.append(num_tokens) sample_len = max(sample_len, num_tokens) assert sample_len <= max_tokens, ( "sentence at index {} of size {} exceeds max_tokens " "limit of {}!".format(idx, sample_len, max_tokens) ) num_tokens = (len(batch) + 1) * sample_len if _is_batch_full(batch, num_tokens, max_tokens, max_sentences): mod_len = max( bsz_mult * (len(batch) // bsz_mult), len(batch) % bsz_mult, ) batches.append(batch[:mod_len]) batch = batch[mod_len:] sample_lens = sample_lens[mod_len:] sample_len = max(sample_lens) if len(sample_lens) > 0 else 0 batch.append(idx) if len(batch) > 0: batches.append(batch) return batches def make_positions(tensor, padding_idx): """Replace non-padding symbols with their position numbers. Position numbers begin at padding_idx+1. Padding symbols are ignored. """ # The series of casts and type-conversions here are carefully # balanced to both work with ONNX export and XLA. In particular XLA # prefers ints, cumsum defaults to output longs, and ONNX doesn't know # how to handle the dtype kwarg in cumsum. mask = return ( torch.cumsum(mask, dim=1).type_as(mask) * mask ).long() + padding_idx def softmax(x, dim): return F.softmax(x, dim=dim, dtype=torch.float32) def unpack_dict_to_list(samples): samples_ = [] bsz = samples.get('outputs').size(0) for i in range(bsz): res = {} for k, v in samples.items(): try: res[k] = v[i] except: pass samples_.append(res) return samples_ def load_ckpt(cur_model, ckpt_base_dir, prefix_in_ckpt='model', force=True, strict=True): if os.path.isfile(ckpt_base_dir): base_dir = os.path.dirname(ckpt_base_dir) checkpoint_path = [ckpt_base_dir] else: base_dir = ckpt_base_dir checkpoint_path = sorted(glob.glob(f'{base_dir}/model_ckpt_steps_*.ckpt'), key= lambda x: int(re.findall(f'{base_dir}/model_ckpt_steps_(\d+).ckpt', x)[0])) if len(checkpoint_path) > 0: checkpoint_path = checkpoint_path[-1] state_dict = torch.load(checkpoint_path, map_location="cpu")["state_dict"] state_dict = {k[len(prefix_in_ckpt) + 1:]: v for k, v in state_dict.items() if k.startswith(f'{prefix_in_ckpt}.')} if not strict: cur_model_state_dict = cur_model.state_dict() unmatched_keys = [] for key, param in state_dict.items(): if key in cur_model_state_dict: new_param = cur_model_state_dict[key] if new_param.shape != param.shape: unmatched_keys.append(key) print("| Unmatched keys: ", key, new_param.shape, param.shape) for key in unmatched_keys: del state_dict[key] cur_model.load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=strict) print(f"| load '{prefix_in_ckpt}' from '{checkpoint_path}'.") else: e_msg = f"| ckpt not found in {base_dir}." if force: assert False, e_msg else: print(e_msg) def remove_padding(x, padding_idx=0): if x is None: return None assert len(x.shape) in [1, 2] if len(x.shape) == 2: # [T, H] return x[np.abs(x).sum(-1) != padding_idx] elif len(x.shape) == 1: # [T] return x[x != padding_idx] class Timer: timer_map = {} def __init__(self, name, print_time=False): if name not in Timer.timer_map: Timer.timer_map[name] = 0 = name self.print_time = print_time def __enter__(self): self.t = time.time() def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): Timer.timer_map[] += time.time() - self.t if self.print_time: print(, Timer.timer_map[]) def print_arch(model, model_name='model'): print(f"| {model_name} Arch: ", model) num_params(model, model_name=model_name) def num_params(model, print_out=True, model_name="model"): parameters = filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, model.parameters()) parameters = sum([ for p in parameters]) / 1_000_000 if print_out: print(f'| {model_name} Trainable Parameters: %.3fM' % parameters) return parameters