import pandas as pd import numpy as np from zipfile import ZipFile import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow import keras from pathlib import Path import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import gradio as gr from huggingface_hub import from_pretrained_keras from collections import defaultdict import math import networkx as nx model = from_pretrained_keras("bpHigh/Node2Vec_MovieLens") # Download the actual data from" movielens_data_file_url = "" movielens_zipped_file = keras.utils.get_file("", movielens_data_file_url, extract=False) keras_datasets_path = Path(movielens_zipped_file).parents[0] movielens_dir = keras_datasets_path / "ml-latest-small" # Only extract the data the first time the script is run. if not movielens_dir.exists(): with ZipFile(movielens_zipped_file, "r") as zip: # Extract files print("Extracting all the files now...") zip.extractall(path=keras_datasets_path) print("Done!") # Read the Movies csv movies = pd.read_csv(f"{movielens_dir}/movies.csv") # Create a `movieId` string. movies["movieId"] = movies["movieId"].apply(lambda x: f"movie_{x}") # Load ratings to a DataFrame. ratings = pd.read_csv(f"{movielens_dir}/ratings.csv") # Convert the `ratings` to floating point ratings["rating"] = ratings["rating"].apply(lambda x: float(x)) # Create the `movie_id` string. ratings["movieId"] = ratings["movieId"].apply(lambda x: f"movie_{x}") # Implement two utility functions for the movies DataFrame. def get_movie_title_by_id(movieId): return list(movies[movies.movieId == movieId].title)[0] def get_movie_id_by_title(title): return list(movies[movies.title == title].movieId)[0] # Create Weighted Edges between movies min_rating = 5 pair_frequency = defaultdict(int) item_frequency = defaultdict(int) # Filter instances where rating is greater than or equal to min_rating. rated_movies = ratings[ratings.rating >= min_rating] # Group instances by user. movies_grouped_by_users = list(rated_movies.groupby("userId")) for group in movies_grouped_by_users: # Get a list of movies rated by the user. current_movies = list(group[1]["movieId"]) for i in range(len(current_movies)): item_frequency[current_movies[i]] += 1 for j in range(i + 1, len(current_movies)): x = min(current_movies[i], current_movies[j]) y = max(current_movies[i], current_movies[j]) pair_frequency[(x, y)] += 1 # Create the graph with the nodes and the edges min_weight = 10 D = math.log(sum(item_frequency.values())) # Create the movies undirected graph. movies_graph = nx.Graph() # Add weighted edges between movies. # This automatically adds the movie nodes to the graph. for pair in pair_frequency: x, y = pair xy_frequency = pair_frequency[pair] x_frequency = item_frequency[x] y_frequency = item_frequency[y] pmi = math.log(xy_frequency) - math.log(x_frequency) - math.log(y_frequency) + D weight = pmi * xy_frequency # Only include edges with weight >= min_weight. if weight >= min_weight: movies_graph.add_edge(x, y, weight=weight) # Create vocabulary and a mapping from tokens to integer indices vocabulary = ["NA"] + list(movies_graph.nodes) vocabulary_lookup = {token: idx for idx, token in enumerate(vocabulary)} # Analyze the learnt embeddings. movie_embeddings = model.get_layer("item_embeddings").get_weights()[0] # Find Related Movies movie_titles = list(movies['title']) def find_related_movies(movie_title, k): k = int(k) query_embeddings = [] movieId = get_movie_id_by_title(movie_title) token_id = vocabulary_lookup[movieId] query_embedding = movie_embeddings[token_id] query_embeddings.append(query_embedding) query_embeddings = np.array(query_embeddings) similarities = tf.linalg.matmul( tf.math.l2_normalize(query_embeddings), tf.math.l2_normalize(movie_embeddings), transpose_b=True, ) _, indices = tf.math.top_k(similarities, k) indices = indices.numpy().tolist() similar_tokens = indices[0] related_movies = [] for token in similar_tokens: similar_movieId = vocabulary[token] similar_title = get_movie_title_by_id(similar_movieId) related_movies.append(similar_title) related_movies_df = pd.DataFrame({'Related Movies':related_movies}) return related_movies_df demo = gr.Blocks() with demo: gr.Markdown("""

Find Related Movies

Choose the specific movie from the dropdown and see the top k related Movies

Note: The dropdown menu provides movie options from the Movielens dataset.
""") with gr.Box(): gr.Markdown( """ ### Input #### Select a movie to find other related movies. """) inp1 = gr.Dropdown(movie_titles) gr.Markdown( """
""") gr.Markdown( """ #### Number of related movies you wanna find? """) inp2 = gr.Number() btn = gr.Button("Run") with gr.Box(): gr.Markdown( """ ### Output #### Top K related movies. """) df1 = gr.DataFrame(headers=["title"], datatype=["str"], interactive=False), inputs=[inp1,inp2], outputs=df1) demo.launch(debug=True)