from huggingface_hub import from_pretrained_keras from keras_cv import models import gradio as gr import tensorflow as tf # load keras model resolution = 512 dreambooth_model = models.StableDiffusion( img_width=resolution, img_height=resolution, jit_compile=True, ) loaded_diffusion_model = from_pretrained_keras("keras-dreambooth/dreambooth_diffusion_akitainu") dreambooth_model._diffusion_model = loaded_diffusion_model # generate images def inference(prompt, negative_prompt, num_imgs_to_gen, num_steps, guidance_scale): generated_images = dreambooth_model.text_to_image( prompt, negative_prompt=negative_prompt, batch_size=num_imgs_to_gen, num_steps=num_steps, unconditional_guidance_scale=guidance_scale, ) return generated_images # pass function, input type for prompt, the output for multiple images gr.Interface( inference, [ gr.Textbox(label="Positive Prompt", value="a photo of hks## toy"), gr.Textbox(label="Negative Prompt", value="bad anatomy, soft blurry"), gr.Slider(label='Number of gen image', minimum=1, maximum=4, value=2, step=1), gr.Slider(label="Inference Steps",value=100), gr.Number(label='Guidance scale', value=12), ], [ gr.Gallery(show_label=False).style(grid=(1,2)), ], title="Keras Dreambooth - Aikta dog Demo 🐶", description = "This model has been fine tuned to learn the concept of Akita dog-a famous and very cute dog of Japan. To use this demo, you should have {akt## dog} in the input", examples = [["akt## dog as an anime character in overwatch", "((ugly)), blurry, ((bad anatomy)), duplicate", 4, 100, 12], ["cute and adorable cartoon fluffy akt## dog with cap, fantasy, dreamlike, city scenario, surrealism, super cute, trending on artstation", "((ugly)), blurry, ((bad anatomy)), duplicate", 4, 100, 12]], cache_examples=True ).queue().launch(debug=True)