// Display message function function displayMessage(content, role = "user") { let messageHTML = createMessageHTML(content, role); $("#chat-messages").append(messageHTML); if (role === "ongoing") { $(".bg-green-100:last").parent().addClass("ai-processing"); } } function createMessageHTML(content, role) { if (role === "user") { return `
`; } else { return `
`; } } // Send message function function sendMessage() { const userMessage = $("#user-input").val().trim(); if (!userMessage) { alert("Message cannot be empty!"); return; } // Display the user's message displayMessage(userMessage, "user"); scrollToBottom(); // Display processing message displayMessage('...', 'ongoing'); scrollToBottom(); // Clear the input and disable the button $("#user-input").val(""); toggleSendButton(); // Send the message to the backend for processing $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: '/determine-response', data: JSON.stringify({ user_message: userMessage }), contentType: 'application/json', dataType: 'json', success: handleResponseSuccess, error: handleResponseError }); } function handleResponseSuccess(data) { $(".ai-processing").remove(); displayMessage(data.message, "assistant"); scrollToBottom(); if (data.objective) { displayTaskWithStatus(`Task: ${data.objective}`, "ongoing", data.skill_used, data.task_id); } if (data.path !== "ChatCompletion") { checkTaskCompletion(data.task_id); } else { } } function handleResponseError(error) { $(".ai-processing").remove(); const errorMessage = error.responseJSON && error.responseJSON.error ? error.responseJSON.error : "Unknown error"; displayMessage(`Error: ${errorMessage}`, "error"); scrollToBottom(); } // Other utility functions function toggleSendButton() { if ($("#user-input").val().trim()) { $("button").prop("disabled", false); } else { $("button").prop("disabled", true); } } function scrollToBottom() { setTimeout(() => { const chatBox = document.getElementById("chat-messages"); chatBox.scrollTop = chatBox.scrollHeight; }, 100); // small delay to ensure content is rendered } function checkTaskCompletion(taskId) { $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: `/check-task-status/${taskId}`, dataType: 'json', success(data) { if (data.status === "completed") { updateTaskStatus(taskId, "completed"); fetchTaskOutput(taskId); displayMessage("Hey, I just finished a task!", "assistant"); } else { fetchTaskOutput(taskId); setTimeout(() => { checkTaskCompletion(taskId); }, 5000); // Check every 5 seconds } }, error(error) { console.error(`Error checking task status for ${taskId}:`, error); } }); } function fetchTaskOutput(taskId) { $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: `/fetch-task-output/${taskId}`, dataType: 'json', success(data) { if (data.output) { const $taskItem = $(`.task-item[data-task-id="${taskId}"]`); // Find the task item with the given task ID console.log('taskItem:'+$taskItem) const $outputContainer = $taskItem.find('.task-output'); console.log('outputContainer:'+$outputContainer) console.log('data.output:'+data.output) // Update the task's output content $outputContainer.html(`


`); } }, error(error) { console.error(`Error fetching task output for ${taskId}:`, error); } }); } $(document).ready(function() { toggleSendButton(); loadPreviousMessages(); loadAllTasks(); $("#send-btn").on('click', function() { sendMessage(); }); $("#user-input").on('keyup', toggleSendButton); $("#user-input").on('keydown', function(e) { if (e.key === 'Enter' && !e.shiftKey && !e.ctrlKey) { e.preventDefault(); sendMessage(); } }); $("#task-search").on("keyup", function() { let value = $(this).val().toLowerCase(); $(".task-item").filter(function() { $(this).toggle($(this).find(".task-title").text().toLowerCase().indexOf(value) > -1); }); }); }); function loadPreviousMessages() { $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: '/get-all-messages', dataType: 'json', success(data) { data.forEach(message => displayMessage(message.content, message.role)); scrollToBottom(); }, error(error) { console.error("Error fetching previous messages:", error); } }); } function getStatusBadgeHTML(status) { switch (status) { case 'ongoing': return `Ongoing`; case 'completed': return `Completed`; case 'error': return `Error`; default: return `Unknown`; } } function displayTaskWithStatus(taskDescription, status, skillType = "Unknown Skill", taskId, output = null) { let statusBadgeHTML = getStatusBadgeHTML(status); let skillBadgeHTML = ''; if (skillType) { skillBadgeHTML = `${skillType}`; } let outputHTML = output ? `


` : '

No output yet...

'; const taskHTML = `
`; $("#task-list").prepend(taskHTML); } function updateTaskStatus(taskId, status, output) { const $taskToUpdate = $(`#task-list > .task-item[data-task-id="${taskId}"]`); // Remove the existing status badge $taskToUpdate.find(".status-badge").remove(); // Insert the new status badge right before the skill badge $taskToUpdate.find(".toggle-output-icon").after(getStatusBadgeHTML(status)); // Update output, if available const $outputContainer = $taskToUpdate.find(".task-output"); if (output) { $outputContainer.html(`


`); } else { $outputContainer.find("p").text("No output yet..."); } } function loadAllTasks() { $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: '/get-all-tasks', dataType: 'json', success(data) { console.log("Debug: Received tasks:", data); // Debug print data.forEach(task => { const description = task.description || ''; const status = task.status || ''; const skill_used = task.skill_used || ''; const task_id = task.task_id || ''; const output = task.output || null; // Get the output, if it exists, otherwise set to null displayTaskWithStatus(description, status, skill_used, task_id, output); }); }, error(error) { console.error("Error fetching all tasks:", error); } }); } $(document).on('click', '.toggle-output-icon', function() { const $task = $(this).closest(".task-item"); const $output = $task.find(".task-output"); $output.toggleClass('hidden'); // Change the icon when the output is toggled const icon = $(this); if ($output.hasClass('hidden')) { icon.text('▶'); // Icon indicating the output is hidden } else { icon.text('▼'); // Icon indicating the output is shown } });