import os import lexer as lex from sim import * import sys import re import platform def run_test_cases(dir_path): while True: sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ command = input("Enter command : ") match command: case "all": dir = giveFilesWithFolders(dir_path) # for file in os.listdir(dir_path): for file in dir: if file.endswith(".txt"): # print("Running test case: " + file) # with open(os.path.join(dir_path, file)) as f: with open(file) as f: text = text = "BEGIN "+text+" END" l = lex.Lexer(text) p = prs.Parser(l) i = Interpreter(p) eval(i) sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ # with open('tempt2.txt', 'r') as f: # print( # print('------------------------') # with open(os.path.join(dir_path, 'tempt.txt')) as f: # print( # if platform.platform().startswith('Windows'): # output = os.popen('fc eval.txt solution.txt').read() # else: # output = os.popen('diff eval.txt solution.txt').read() # print(output, len(output)) # print(output) # if output == "": # compare two text files if open('eval.txt').read() == open('solution.txt').read(): print("Test passed: " + file) else: print("Test failed: " + file) # output = os.popen('').read() # for line in lines[1:]: # print(line) # continue case "exit": break case default: try: dir = giveFilesWithFolders(dir_path) # with open(os.path.join(dir_path, default)) as f: flag = 1 # if".", default) != None: if default.find(".")>=0: # print("e111") for file in dir: if file.endswith(default): flag = 0 with open(file) as f: text = text = "BEGIN "+text+" END" l = lex.Lexer(text) p = prs.Parser(l) i = Interpreter(p) eval(i) sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ # if platform.platform().startswith('Windows'): # output = os.popen('fc eval.txt solution.txt').read() # else: # output = os.popen('diff eval.txt solution.txt').read() # print(output) # if output == "": if open('eval.txt').read() == open('solution.txt').read(): print("Test passed: " + file) else: print("Test failed: " + file) if flag == 1: print("File or Folder not found") else: # print("f222") # run all files in folder for file in dir: # print(default) if file.startswith(default) or (file.find(default+"\\")>=0): # print("entering") flag = 0 with open(file) as f: text = text = "BEGIN "+text+" END" l = lex.Lexer(text) p = prs.Parser(l) i = Interpreter(p) eval(i) sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ # if platform.platform().startswith('Windows'): # output = os.popen('fc eval.txt solution.txt').read() # else: # output = os.popen('diff eval.txt solution.txt').read() # print(output) # if output == "": if open('eval.txt').read() == open('solution.txt').read(): print("Test passed: " + file) else: print("Test failed: " + file) if flag == 1: print("File or Folder not found") except: print("File or Folder not found") # if f == None: # print("File not found") # continue def giveFilesWithFolders(dir_path): files = [] for file in os.listdir(dir_path): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dir_path, file)): # files.append(file) files.extend(giveFilesWithFolders(os.path.join(dir_path, file))) else: files.append(dir_path+"\\"+file) return files if __name__ == "__main__": # start = time.time() # run_test_cases("test_cases") dir = os.listdir("test_cases") dir.append("") print(dir) dir = giveFilesWithFolders("test_cases") print(dir) # default = input("Enter folder") # for i in dir: # x =".", i) # print(i.startswith(default) or (i.find(default+"\\")>=0)) run_test_cases("test_cases") # print("hi") # print(x) # if not x: # print("hi") # run_test_cases("test_cases/" + i) # print("Time taken", time.time()-start) # import platform # print(platform.platform()) # code to write in file