from dataclasses import dataclass import sys from lexer import * # import sim from dataclasses_sim import * @dataclass class Parser(object): def __init__(self, lexer): self.lexer = lexer self.curr_token = self.lexer.get_token() self.lexer.lineNum = 0 def check_type(self, Type): if self.curr_token.type == Type: self.curr_token = self.lexer.get_token() else: print("Expected Token Type: ", Type) print("Got Token: ", self.curr_token) print("At line number:", self.lexer.lineNum) print(self.lexer.curLine) print(" "*(self.lexer.curLinePos-1),"^") sys.exit('Invalid character') def parse_if(self): self.check_type(IF) condition = self.logical() self.check_type(THEN) if self.curr_token.type != BEGIN and self.curr_token.type != IF and self.curr_token.type != WHILE and self.curr_token.type != FOR and self.curr_token.type != FUNCTION: true = self.parse() self.check_type(SEMI) else: true = self.parse() self.check_type(ELSE) while self.curr_token.type == IF: self.check_type(IF) condition = self.logical() self.check_type(THEN) if self.curr_token.type != BEGIN and self.curr_token.type != IF and self.curr_token.type != WHILE and self.curr_token.type != FOR and self.curr_token.type != FUNCTION: true = self.parse() self.check_type(SEMI) else: true = self.parse() self.check_type(ELSE) if self.curr_token.type != END: if self.curr_token.type != BEGIN and self.curr_token.type != IF and self.curr_token.type != WHILE and self.curr_token.type != FOR and self.curr_token.type != FUNCTION: false = self.parse() self.check_type(SEMI) else: false = self.parse() else: false = None self.check_type(END) node = IfElse(condition, true, false) return node def parse_begin(self): """parse_begin : """ self.check_type(BEGIN) if self.curr_token.type == END: self.check_type(END) return Seq([]) # s = self.parse_list() ignoreSEMI = False if self.curr_token.type == IF or self.curr_token.type == WHILE or self.curr_token.type == FOR or self.curr_token.type == FUNCTION or self.curr_token.type == BEGIN: ignoreSEMI = True e = self.parse() token = self.curr_token Type = token.type seq = [e] while Type != END: if not ignoreSEMI: self.check_type(SEMI) ignoreSEMI = False if self.curr_token.type == END: break if self.curr_token.type == IF or self.curr_token.type == WHILE or self.curr_token.type == FOR or self.curr_token.type == FUNCTION or self.curr_token.type == BEGIN: ignoreSEMI = True e = self.parse() seq.append(e) token = self.curr_token Type = token.type # if Type == SEMI: # self.check_type(SEMI) self.check_type(END) return Seq(seq) # return s def parse_for(self): self.check_type(FOR) start = self.parse() # print("Hi", start) self.check_type(SEMI) condition = self.logical() # print("Hi2", end) self.check_type(SEMI) increment = self.parse() # print("Hi3",jump) self.check_type(DO) if self.curr_token.type != BEGIN and self.curr_token.type != IF and self.curr_token.type != WHILE and self.curr_token.type != FOR and self.curr_token.type != FUNCTION: body = self.parse() self.check_type(SEMI) self.check_type(END) return ForLoop(start, condition, increment, body) body = self.parse() self.check_type(END) return ForLoop(start, condition, increment, body) def parse_while(self): self.check_type(WHILE) c = self.logical() self.check_type(DO) if self.curr_token.type != BEGIN and self.curr_token.type != IF and self.curr_token.type != WHILE and self.curr_token.type != FOR and self.curr_token.type != FUNCTION: b = self.parse() self.check_type(SEMI) self.check_type(END) return While(c, b) b = self.parse() self.check_type(END) return While(c, b) def parse_list_append(self): self.check_type(APPEND) self.check_type(LPAREN) var = self.variable() self.check_type(COMMA) item = self.parse() self.check_type(RPAREN) return list_append(var, item) def parse_list_slice(self, c): self.check_type(LSPAREN) if self.curr_token.type==COMMA: start = NumLiteral(0) else: start = self.parse() if self.curr_token.type==RSPAREN: index_type = True self.check_type(RSPAREN) elif self.curr_token.type==COMMA: index_type = False self.check_type(COMMA) end = self.parse() else: index_type = False end = self.parse() if index_type==False: if self.curr_token.type==COMMA: self.check_type(COMMA) if self.curr_token.type!=RSPAREN: jump = self.parse() else: jump = NumLiteral(1) else: jump = NumLiteral(1) self.check_type(RSPAREN) else: end = None jump = None return list_Slicing(c, start, end, jump) def parse_inc(self): self.check_type(INC) self.check_type(LPAREN) c = self.parse() self.check_type(RPAREN) return Increment(c) def parse_dec(self): self.check_type(DEC) self.check_type(LPAREN) c = self.parse() self.check_type(RPAREN) return Decrement(c) def parse_len(self): self.check_type(LPAREN) c = self.parse() self.check_type(RPAREN) return length(c) def parse_head(self): self.check_type(LPAREN) c = self.parse() self.check_type(RPAREN) return list_head(c) def parse_tail(self): self.check_type(LPAREN) c = self.parse() self.check_type(RPAREN) return list_tail(c) def parse_isempty(self): self.check_type(LPAREN) c = self.parse() self.check_type(RPAREN) return list_isempty(c) def parse_slice(self, c): self.check_type(LSPAREN) if self.curr_token.type==COMMA: # self.check_type(COMMA) start = NumLiteral(0) else: start = self.parse() if self.curr_token.type==RSPAREN: index_type = True self.check_type(RSPAREN) elif self.curr_token.type==COMMA: index_type = False self.check_type(COMMA) if self.curr_token.type!=COMMA: end = self.parse() else: end = None else: index_type = False end = self.parse() if index_type==False: if self.curr_token.type==COMMA: self.check_type(COMMA) if self.curr_token.type!=RSPAREN: jump = self.parse() else: jump = NumLiteral(1) else: jump = NumLiteral(1) self.check_type(RSPAREN) else: end = None jump = None return Slicing(c, start, end, jump) def parse_print(self): self.check_type(PRINT) self.check_type(LPAREN) if self.curr_token.type != RPAREN: e = self.logical() else: e = None # print(e) self.check_type(RPAREN) # if self.curr_token.type != END: # e = self.logical() # else: # e = None # # print(e) # self.check_type(END) return Statement("print", e) def parse_return(self): self.check_type(RETURN) e = self.logical() return Statement("return", e) def parse_list(self, Type): if Type != LSPAREN: # print("ENTER") self.check_type(COLON) token = self.curr_token self.check_type(INTEGER) Type = token.type datatype = Type # print(datatype) else: datatype = NONE self.check_type(LSPAREN) ele = self.parse() value =[ele] token = self.curr_token Type = token.type while Type!= RSPAREN: self.check_type(COMMA) ele = self.parse() value.append(ele) token = self.curr_token # print(token) Type = token.type self.check_type(RSPAREN) # print(type(datatype)) # print("done and dusted") return Listing(value, datatype) def parse_func(self): self.check_type(FUNCTION) # name = self.variable("Variable") name = self.variable() self.check_type(LPAREN) # var = self.variable("Variable") var = self.variable() token = self.curr_token Type = token.type params = [var] if var != None else [] while Type != RPAREN: self.check_type(COMMA) if self.curr_token.type == RPAREN: break # var = self.variable("Variable") var = self.variable() params.append(var) token = self.curr_token Type = token.type self.check_type(RPAREN) if self.curr_token.type == BEGIN: body = self.parse() else: self.check_type(BEGIN) return Function(name, params, body) def parse_func_call(self, n): node = n self.check_type(LPAREN) if self.curr_token.type == RPAREN: self.check_type(RPAREN) if self.curr_token.type == LPAREN: return self.parse_func_call(FunCall(node, [])) return FunCall(node, []) var = self.logical() token = self.curr_token Type = token.type params = [var] if var != None else [] while Type != RPAREN: self.check_type(COMMA) if self.curr_token.type == RPAREN: break var = self.logical() params.append(var) token = self.curr_token Type = token.type self.check_type(RPAREN) if self.curr_token.type == LPAREN: return self.parse_func_call(FunCall(node, params)) return FunCall(node, params) def variable(self, ASTtype=None): token = self.curr_token Type = token.type if Type == ID: self.check_type(ID) if ASTtype=="Variable": token = self.curr_token Type = token.type #self.parse_slice(Variable(token.value), Type) return Variable(token.value) else: return MutVar(token.value) def precedence3(self): '''precedence3 : INTEGER | LPAREN precedence1 RPAREN | BoolLiteral | Indentifier| (+/-)precedence3 | StringLiteral''' token = self.curr_token Type = token.type if Type == PLUS: self.check_type(PLUS) node = UnOp(operator=token.value, mid=self.precedence3()) return node elif Type == MINUS: self.check_type(MINUS) node = UnOp(operator=token.value, mid=self.precedence3()) return node elif Type == LPAREN: self.check_type(LPAREN) # node = self.precedence1() node = self.logical() self.check_type(RPAREN) return node elif Type == FRACTION_CONST: self.check_type(FRACTION_CONST) return NumLiteral(token.value) elif Type == REAL_CONST: self.check_type(REAL_CONST) return FloatLiteral(token.value) elif Type == INTEGER_CONST: self.check_type(INTEGER_CONST) return IntLiteral(token.value) elif Type == TRUE or Type == FALSE: self.check_type(Type) return BoolLiteral(token.value) elif Type == LEN: self.check_type(LEN) return self.parse_len() elif Type == HEAD: self.check_type(HEAD) return self.parse_head elif Type == TAIL: self.check_type(TAIL) return self.parse_tail elif Type == ISEMPTY: self.check_type(ISEMPTY) return self.parse_isempty elif Type == LIST: self.check_type(LIST) if self.curr_token.type == COLON: return self.parse_list(self.curr_token.type) return self.parse_list(self.curr_token.type) elif Type == ID: self.check_type(ID) if self.curr_token.type == LPAREN: return self.parse_func_call(MutVar(token.value)) elif self.curr_token.type == LSPAREN: return self.parse_slice(MutVar(token.value)) return (MutVar(token.value)) elif Type == STRING: # Nothing new here, just eat the STRING token and return the String() AST. self.check_type(STRING) return StringLiteral(token.value) else: # if Type == END: # self.check_type(END) # return print("None of the suggested tokens found:", INTEGER_CONST, ID, LPAREN, STRING, TRUE, FALSE, "...") self.check_type(INTEGER_CONST) def exponential(self): """exponential : precedence3 | precedence3 POWER precedence3""" node = self.precedence3() token = self.curr_token Type = token.type l = [node] if Type == POWER: while (Type == POWER): token = self.curr_token if token.type == POWER: self.check_type(POWER) e = self.precedence3() # print(e) l.append(e) Type = self.curr_token.type # e = self.precedence3() # print(l) i = 1 while len(l) > 0 : e = l.pop() if i==1: node = BinOp(left=l.pop(), operator=token.value, right=e) else: node = BinOp(left=e, operator=token.value, right=node) i+=1 return node def precedence2(self): """precedence2 : precedence3 | precedence3 MUL/DIV precedence3""" node = self.exponential() token = self.curr_token Type = token.type while (Type == MUL or Type ==FLOAT_DIV or Type == MODULO or Type == INT_DIV): token = self.curr_token if token.type == MUL: self.check_type(MUL) elif token.type == FLOAT_DIV: self.check_type(FLOAT_DIV) elif token.type == INT_DIV: self.check_type(INT_DIV) elif token.type == MODULO: self.check_type(MODULO) elif token.type == INT_DIV: self.check_type(INT_DIV) node = BinOp(left=node, operator=token.value, right=self.exponential()) Type = self.curr_token.type return node def precedence1(self): """precedence1 : precedence2 | precedence2 PLUS/MINUS precedence2""" node = self.precedence2() Type = self.curr_token.type while (Type == PLUS or Type ==MINUS): token = self.curr_token if token.type == PLUS: self.check_type(PLUS) elif token.type == MINUS: self.check_type(MINUS) node = BinOp(left=node, operator=token.value, right=self.precedence2()) Type = self.curr_token.type return node # def parse(self): # return self.precedence1() def relational(self, n=None): """relational : precedence1 | precedence1 relationalOperator precedence1""" if n == None: node = self.precedence1() else: node = n Type = self.curr_token.type # print(Type) # while(Type == GT or Type == GTEQ or Type == LT or Type == LTEQ): if(Type == GT or Type == GTEQ or Type == LT or Type == LTEQ or Type == EQEQ or Type == NOTEQ): token = self.curr_token if token.type == GT: self.check_type(GT) elif token.type == GTEQ: self.check_type(GTEQ) elif token.type == LT: self.check_type(LT) elif token.type == LTEQ: self.check_type(LTEQ) elif token.type == EQEQ: self.check_type(EQEQ) elif token.type == NOTEQ: self.check_type(NOTEQ) node = BinOp(left=node, operator=token.value, right=self.precedence1()) # Type = self.curr_token.type return node def logical(self, n=None): """logical : relational | relational logicalOperator relational""" if n == None: node = self.relational() else: node = n # node = self.relational() Type = self.curr_token.type if(Type == OR or Type == AND): token = self.curr_token if token.type == AND: self.check_type(AND) elif token.type == OR: self.check_type(OR) node = BinOp(left=node, operator= token.value, right=self.relational()) return node def assignment(self, n=None): """assignment : variable ASSIGN relational""" if n == None: node = self.variable() else: node = n Type = self.curr_token.type # token = self.curr_token # print(Type) # if Type == ASSIGN: # self.check_type(ASSIGN) # token = self.curr_token # node = BinOp(left=node, operator=token.value, right=self.logical()) # else: # if isinstance(node,MutVar): # node = self.logical(Get(node)) # else: # node = self.logical() if(Type == ASSIGN or Type == PLUSEQ or Type == MINUSEQ or Type == FLOAT_DIVEQ or Type == MULEQ or Type == POWEREQ): token = self.curr_token if Type == ASSIGN: self.check_type(ASSIGN) node = BinOp(left=node, operator= token.value, right=self.logical()) elif Type == MULEQ: self.check_type(MULEQ) # print(self.curr_token) node = BinOp(left=node, operator= token.value, right=self.logical()) elif Type == MINUSEQ: self.check_type(MINUSEQ) # print(self.curr_token) node = BinOp(left=node, operator= token.value, right=self.logical()) elif Type == FLOAT_DIVEQ: self.check_type(FLOAT_DIVEQ) # print(self.curr_token) node = BinOp(left=node, operator= token.value, right=self.logical()) elif Type == PLUSEQ: self.check_type(PLUSEQ) # print(self.curr_token) node = BinOp(left=node, operator= token.value, right=self.logical()) elif Type == POWEREQ: self.check_type(POWEREQ) # print(self.curr_token) node = BinOp(left=node, operator= token.value, right=self.logical()) else: if isinstance(node,MutVar): node = self.logical(node) else: node = self.logical() return node def parse(self): """parse : parse_if | parse_print | parse_begin | assignment""" match self.curr_token.type: case 'IF': return self.parse_if() case 'WHILE': return self.parse_while() case 'FOR': return self.parse_for() case 'PRINT': return self.parse_print() case 'RETURN': return self.parse_return() case 'BEGIN': return self.parse_begin() case 'FUNCTION': return self.parse_func() case 'BREAK': self.check_type(BREAK) return Statement("break",NumLiteral(0)) case 'INC': return self.parse_inc() case 'DEC': return self.parse_dec() case 'APPEND': return self.parse_list_append() # case 'SEMI': # return # return self.parse() case _: node = self.variable() if self.curr_token.type == LPAREN: return self.parse_func_call(node) # node = MutVar( return self.assignment(node)