import os from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from functools import partial import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn.functional as F import torchaudio from torchaudio.transforms import FrequencyMasking, TimeMasking from torchvision.transforms import Compose from transformers import ASTFeatureExtractor class Transform(ABC): """Abstract base class for audio transformations.""" @abstractmethod def __call__(self): """ Abstract method to apply the transformation. :raises NotImplementedError: If the subclass does not implement this method. """ pass class Preprocess(ABC): """Abstract base class for preprocessing data. This class defines the interface for preprocessing data. Subclasses must implement the call method. """ @abstractmethod def __call__(self): """Process the data. This method must be implemented by subclasses. :raises NotImplementedError: Subclasses must implement this method. """ pass class OneHotEncode(Transform): """Transform labels to one-hot encoded tensor. This class is a transform that takes a list of labels and returns a one-hot encoded tensor. The labels are converted to a tensor with one-hot encoding using the specified classes. :param c: A list of classes to be used for one-hot encoding. :type c: list :return: A one-hot encoded tensor. :rtype: torch.Tensor """ def __init__(self, c: list): self.c = c def __call__(self, labels): """ Transform labels to one-hot encoded tensor. :param labels: A list of labels to be encoded. :type labels: list :return: A one-hot encoded tensor. :rtype: torch.Tensor """ target = torch.zeros(len(self.c), dtype=torch.float) for label in labels: idx = self.c.index(label) target[idx] = 1 return target class ParentMultilabel(Transform): """ A transform that extracts a list of labels from the parent directory name of a file path. :param sep: The separator used to split the parent directory name into labels. Defaults to " ". :type sep: str """ def __init__(self, sep=" "): self.sep = sep def __call__(self, path): """ Extract a list of labels from the parent directory name of a file path. :param path: The file path from which to extract labels. :type path: str :return: A list of labels extracted from the parent directory name of the input file path. :rtype: List[str] """ label = path.split(os.path.sep)[-2].split(self.sep) return label class LabelsFromTxt(Transform): """ Extract multilabel parent directory from file path. This class is a transform that extracts a multilabel parent directory from a file path. The directory names are split by a specified separator. :param sep: The separator used to split the directory names. Defaults to " ". :type sep: str """ def __init__(self, delimiter=None): self.delimiter = delimiter def __call__(self, path): """ Extract multilabel parent directory from file path. :param path: The path of the file to extract the multilabel directory from. :type path: str :return: A list of directory names representing the multilabel parent directory. :rtype: list """ path = path.replace("wav", "txt") label = np.loadtxt(path, dtype=str, ndmin=1, delimiter=self.delimiter) return label class PreprocessPipeline(Preprocess): """A preprocessing pipeline for audio data. This class is a preprocessing pipeline for audio data. The pipeline includes resampling to a target sampling rate, mixing down stereo to mono, and loading audio from a file. :param target_sr: The target sampling rate to resample to. :type target_sr: int """ def __init__(self, target_sr): self.target_sr = target_sr def __call__(self, path): """ Preprocess audio data using a pipeline. :param path: The path to the audio file to load. :type path: str :return: A NumPy array of preprocessed audio data. :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ signal, sr = torchaudio.load(path) signal = self._resample(signal, sr) signal = self._mix_down(signal) return signal.numpy() def _mix_down(self, signal): """ Mix down stereo to mono. :param signal: The audio signal to mix down. :type signal: torch.Tensor :return: The mixed down audio signal. :rtype: torch.Tensor """ if signal.shape[0] > 1: signal = torch.mean(signal, dim=0, keepdim=True) return signal def _resample(self, signal, input_sr): """ Resample audio signal to a target sampling rate. :param signal: The audio signal to resample. :type signal: torch.Tensor :param input_sr: The current sampling rate of the audio signal. :type input_sr: int :return: The resampled audio signal. :rtype: torch.Tensor """ if input_sr != self.target_sr: resampler = torchaudio.transforms.Resample(input_sr, self.target_sr) signal = resampler(signal) return signal class SpecToImage(Transform): def __init__(self, mean=None, std=None, eps=1e-6): self.mean = mean self.std = std self.eps = eps def __call__(self, spec): spec = torch.stack([spec, spec, spec], dim=-1) mean = torch.mean(spec) if self.mean is None else self.mean std = torch.std(spec) if self.std is None else self.std spec_norm = (spec - mean) / std spec_min, spec_max = torch.min(spec_norm), torch.max(spec_norm) spec_scaled = 255 * (spec_norm - spec_min) / (spec_max - spec_min) return spec_scaled.type(torch.uint8) class MinMaxScale(Transform): def __call__(self, spec): spec_min, spec_max = torch.min(spec), torch.max(spec) return (spec - spec_min) / (spec_max - spec_min) class Normalize(Transform): def __init__(self, mean, std): self.mean = mean self.std = std def __call__(self, spec): return (spec - self.mean) / self.std class FeatureExtractor(Transform): """Extract features from audio signal using an AST feature extractor. This class is a transform that extracts features from an audio signal using an AST feature extractor. The features are returned as a PyTorch tensor. :param sr: The sampling rate of the audio signal. :type sr: int """ def __init__(self, sr): self.transform = partial(ASTFeatureExtractor(), sampling_rate=sr, return_tensors="pt") def __call__(self, signal): """ Extract features from audio signal using an AST feature extractor. :param signal: The audio signal to extract features from. :type signal: numpy.ndarray :return: A tensor of extracted audio features. :rtype: torch.Tensor """ return self.transform(signal.squeeze()).input_values.mT class Preemphasis(Transform): """perform preemphasis on the input signal. :param signal: The signal to filter. :param coeff: The preemphasis coefficient. 0 is none, default 0.97. :returns: the filtered signal. """ def __init__(self, coeff: float = 0.97): self.coeff = coeff def __call__(self, signal): return[signal[:, :1], signal[:, 1:] - self.coeff * signal[:, :-1]], dim=1) class Spectrogram(Transform): def __init__(self, sample_rate, n_mels, hop_length, n_fft): self.transform = torchaudio.transforms.MelSpectrogram( sample_rate=sample_rate, n_mels=n_mels, hop_length=hop_length, n_fft=n_fft, f_min=20, center=False ) def __call__(self, signal): return self.transform(signal) class LogTransform(Transform): def __call__(self, signal): return torch.log(signal + 1e-8) class PadCutToLength(Transform): def __init__(self, max_length): self.max_length = max_length def __call__(self, spec): seq_len = spec.shape[-1] if seq_len > self.max_length: return spec[..., : self.max_length] if seq_len < self.max_length: diff = self.max_length - seq_len return F.pad(spec, (0, diff), mode="constant", value=0) class CustomFeatureExtractor(Transform): def __init__(self, sample_rate, n_mels, hop_length, n_fft, max_length, mean, std): self.extract = Compose( [ Preemphasis(), Spectrogram(sample_rate=sample_rate, n_mels=n_mels, hop_length=hop_length, n_fft=n_fft), LogTransform(), PadCutToLength(max_length=max_length), Normalize(mean=mean, std=std), ] ) def __call__(self, x): return self.extract(x) class RepeatAudio(Transform): """A transform to repeat audio data. This class is a transform that repeats audio data a random number of times up to a maximum specified value. :param max_repeats: The maximum number of times to repeat the audio data. :type max_repeats: int """ def __init__(self, max_repeats: int = 2): self.max_repeats = max_repeats def __call__(self, signal): """ Repeat audio data a random number of times up to a maximum specified value. :param signal: The audio data to repeat. :type signal: numpy.ndarray :return: The repeated audio data. :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ num_repeats = torch.randint(1, self.max_repeats, (1,)).item() return np.tile(signal, reps=num_repeats) class MaskFrequency(Transform): """A transform to mask frequency of a spectrogram. This class is a transform that masks out a random number of consecutive frequencies from a spectrogram. :param max_mask_length: The maximum number of consecutive frequencies to mask out from the spectrogram. :type max_mask_length: int """ def __init__(self, max_mask_length: int = 0): self.aug = FrequencyMasking(max_mask_length) def __call__(self, spec): """ Mask out a random number of consecutive frequencies from a spectrogram. :param spec: The input spectrogram. :type spec: numpy.ndarray :return: The spectrogram with masked frequencies. :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ return self.aug(spec) class MaskTime(Transform): """A transform to mask time of a spectrogram. This class is a transform that masks out a random number of consecutive time steps from a spectrogram. :param max_mask_length: The maximum number of consecutive time steps to mask out from the spectrogram. :type max_mask_length: int """ def __init__(self, max_mask_length: int = 0): self.aug = TimeMasking(max_mask_length) def __call__(self, spec): """ Mask out a random number of consecutive time steps from a spectrogram. :param spec: The input spectrogram. :type spec: numpy.ndarray :return: The spectrogram with masked time steps. :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ return self.aug(spec)