import json import streamlit as st from ui_backend import ( check_for_api, cut_audio_file, display_predictions, load_audio, predict_multiple, predict_single, ) def main(): # Page settings st.set_page_config( page_title="Music Instrument Recognition", page_icon="🎸", layout="wide", initial_sidebar_state="collapsed" ) # Sidebar with st.sidebar: st.title("⚙️ Settings") selected_model = st.selectbox( "Select Model", ("Accuracy", "Speed"), index=0, help="Select a slower but more accurate model or a faster but less accurate model", ) # Main title st.markdown( "

Instrument Recognition 🎶

", unsafe_allow_html=True, ) # Upload widget audio_file = load_audio() # Send a health check request to the API in a loop until it is running api_running = check_for_api(10) # Enable or disable a button based on API status predict_valid = False cut_valid = False if api_running:"API is running", icon="🤖") if audio_file: num_files = len(audio_file) st.write(f"Number of uploaded files: {num_files}") predict_valid = True if len(audio_file) > 1: cut_valid = False else: audio_file = audio_file[0] cut_valid = True name = if cut_valid: cut_audio = st.checkbox( "✂️ Cut duration", disabled=not predict_valid, help="Cut a long audio file. Model works best if audio is around 15 seconds", ) if cut_audio: audio_file = cut_audio_file(audio_file, name) result = st.button("Predict", disabled=not predict_valid, help="Send the audio to API to get a prediction") if result: predictions = {} if isinstance(audio_file, list): predictions = predict_multiple(audio_file, selected_model) else: predictions = predict_single(audio_file, name, selected_model) # Sort the dictionary alphabetically by key sorted_predictions = dict(sorted(predictions.items())) # Convert the sorted dictionary to a JSON string json_string = json.dumps(sorted_predictions) st.download_button( label="Download JSON", file_name="predictions.json", mime="application/json", data=json_string, help="Download the predictions in JSON format", ) display_predictions(sorted_predictions) if __name__ == "__main__": main()