import gradio as gr import torch from utils import * torch.hub.download_url_to_file( '', 'wikipedia.org_website.png') torch.hub.download_url_to_file( '', 'aalto.fi_website.png') def inference(img, template, angel): color_image = cv2.imread(, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) height, width, _ = color_image.shape # Resize if it is bigeer than 960 * 800 if width > height: if width > 960: # 3/4 * 1280 coef_div = width / 960.0 color_image = cv2.resize(color_image, dsize=(int(width / coef_div), int(height / coef_div)), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) else: if height > 800: # 800 coef_div = height / 800.0 color_image = cv2.resize(color_image, dsize=(int(width / coef_div), int(height / coef_div)), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) HSV_image = cv2.cvtColor(color_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) selected_harmomic_scheme = HarmonicScheme(str(template), int(angel)) new_HSV_image = best_harmomic_scheme.hue_shifted(HSV_image, num_superpixels=-1) # Compute shifted histogram histo_1 = count_hue_histogram(HSV_image) histo_2 = count_hue_histogram(new_HSV_image) # Create Hue Plots fig1 = plothis(histo_1, best_harmomic_scheme, "Source Hue") fig_1_cv = get_img_from_fig(fig1) fig2 = plothis(histo_2, best_harmomic_scheme, "Target Hue") fig_2_cv = get_img_from_fig(fig2) # Stack Hue Plots vis = np.concatenate((fig_1_cv, fig_2_cv), axis=0) # Convert HSV to BGR result_image = cv2.cvtColor(new_HSV_image, cv2.COLOR_HSV2BGR) # Final output canvas = np.full((800, 960, 3), (255, 255, 255), dtype=np.uint8) # compute center offset x_center = (960 - width) // 2 y_center = (800 - height) // 2 # copy img image into center of result image canvas[y_center:y_center + height, x_center:x_center + width] = result_image # Combine output = np.concatenate((vis, canvas), axis=1) cv2.imwrite('output.png', output) return ['output.png'] title = 'Color Harmonization' description = 'Compute Color Harmonization with Different Templates' article = "

" examples = [['wikipedia.org_website.png'], ['aalto.fi_website.png']] css = ".output_image, .input_image {height: 40rem !important; width: 100% !important;}" gr.Interface( inference, [gr.inputs.Image(type='file', label='Input'), gr.inputs.Dropdown(["X", "Y", "T", "I", "mirror_L", "L", "V", "i"], default="X", label="Template"), gr.inputs.Slider(0, 359, label="Angle")], [gr.outputs.Image(type='file', label='Color Harmonization of Output Image')], title=title, description=description, article=article, examples=examples, css=css, ).launch(debug=True, enable_queue=True)