# Switch A landing page template. * [Getting started](#getting-started) ## Getting started * First, ensure that node.js & npm are both installed. If not, choose your OS and installation method from [this page](https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager/) and follow the instructions. * This template requires Node 14 to work. You can handle multiple node versions with [NVM](https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm) * Next, use your command line to enter your project directory. * This template comes with a ready-to-use package file called `package-sample.json`. You just need to rename it to `package.json`, then run `npm install` to install all of the dependencies into your project. You're ready to go! Run any task by typing `npm run task` (where "task" is the name of the task in the `"scripts"` object). The most useful task for rapid development is `watch`. It will start a new server, open up a browser and watch for any SCSS or JS changes in the `src` directory; once it compiles those changes, the browser will automatically inject the changed file(s)!