num_frames = 1 fps = 1 image_size = (512, 512) # Define model model = dict( type="PixArt-XL/2", space_scale=1.0, time_scale=1.0, no_temporal_pos_emb=True, from_pretrained="PRETRAINED_MODEL", ) vae = dict( type="VideoAutoencoderKL", from_pretrained="stabilityai/sd-vae-ft-ema", ) text_encoder = dict( type="t5", from_pretrained="DeepFloyd/t5-v1_1-xxl", model_max_length=120, ) scheduler = dict( type="rflow", num_sampling_steps=20, cfg_scale=7.0, ) dtype = "bf16" # prompt_path = "./assets/texts/t2i_samples.txt" prompt = [ "Pirate ship trapped in a cosmic maelstrom nebula.", "A small cactus with a happy face in the Sahara desert.", "A small cactus with a sad face in the Sahara desert.", ] # Others batch_size = 2 seed = 42 save_dir = "./outputs/samples2/"