import cv2 import numpy as np from PIL import Image def write_video(file_path, frames, fps): """ Writes frames to an mp4 video file :param file_path: Path to output video, must end with .mp4 :param frames: List of PIL.Image objects :param fps: Desired frame rate """ w, h = frames[0].size fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc("m", "p", "4", "v") writer = cv2.VideoWriter(file_path, fourcc, fps, (w, h)) for frame in frames: np_frame = np.array(frame.convert("RGB")) cv_frame = cv2.cvtColor(np_frame, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) writer.write(cv_frame) writer.release() def dummy(images, **kwargs): return images, False def preprocess_image(current_image, steps, image_size): next_image = np.array(current_image.convert("RGBA")) * 0 prev_image = current_image.resize((image_size - 2 * steps, image_size - 2 * steps)) prev_image = prev_image.convert("RGBA") prev_image = np.array(prev_image) next_image[:, :, 3] = 1 next_image[steps : image_size - steps, steps : image_size - steps, :] = prev_image prev_image = Image.fromarray(next_image) return prev_image def preprocess_mask_image(current_image): mask_image = np.array(current_image)[:, :, 3] # assume image has alpha mask (use .mode to check for "RGBA") mask_image = Image.fromarray(255 - mask_image).convert("RGB") current_image = current_image.convert("RGB") return current_image, mask_image